Why did you steal the HRP name?
I think people will not appreciate people using other people's maps names.
Well anarki, i dont think people appreciate you spamming forums, or crashing games, just to prove your paranoid point that every map expect Cotm is stolen.
dis-regard Lord-Anarki, or any of his paranoid croonies.
I dont know why you think im flaming, but i stand by my comment. I like the new trigger features, but the terrain needs work.
Ill justify so you dont accuse me again.
The edges of that forest thing, you used plateau, smoothen the sides after using plateau, always.
The forts, nice, but much too small, you need to leave room for people to build.
The map as a whole looks a bit cramped and over used, you cant do much about that i suppose, unless your willing to re-do a terrain.