How to set card position of Building Upgrades?

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Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
How to set x,y card position of Building Upgrades to...?

Is there a way to remove Building Upgrades to for a specific building and not all buildings by that player? Or... Do I have to create buildings just to replace that building in order to prevent the upgrade? There are 4 upgrading options (A, B, C and D) so if a building already previously have upgraded to into A I would have to replace with a unit that can only upgrade to B, C and D etc. for every possible outcome...

One simple solution would be to order the building to cancel when it starts to upgrade, but I don't know how to do that.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
I think there's a thread about it by waterknight that use the chaos ability.

Thats a good idea actually. How to limit mercenary sold to 0 though?

Neutral - remove unit sold (or something like that)

it only work on unit types added through trigger though, so first you'd add the unit types sold and then you'd remove them after they're bought.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
You forgot to mention that the hotkey to recruit the unit is removed?

I made a stab at it. It isnt working properly and is a really horrible way of doing this for sure, but this is the idea:
- When a blacksmith dies, finish construction or starts upgrading every blacksmith in the that town is picked and updated.

private function UpdateBlacksmith takes integer city returns nothing
    local group g1 = CreateGroup()
    local group g2 = CreateGroup()
    local unit u
    local integer array count 
    local integer load
    local integer i = 1
    call GroupAddGroup(CityGroup[city], g1)
        set u = FirstOfGroup(g1)
        exitwhen u == null
        if (GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0) then
            set load = LoadInteger(hash, GetUnitTypeId(u), 'hbla')
            if (load > 0 or GetUnitTypeId(u) == 'hbla') then
                set count[load] = count[load] + 1
                call GroupAddUnit(g2,u)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g1,u) 
    call BJDebugMsg("----------")
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(count[0]))
        exitwhen blacksmith[i] == null
        call BJDebugMsg(I2S(count[i]))
        set i = i + 1
    call BJDebugMsg("----------")
        set u = FirstOfGroup(g2)
        exitwhen u == null
        if (GetUnitTypeId(u) == 'hbla') then // Basic Blacksmith
            if (count[1] > 0 or count[2] > 0 or count[3] > 0) then // Check for Any Upgraded Blacksmiths: Meele Weapons Upg 
                call RemoveUnitFromStock(u,'blm0')
                call AddUnitToStock(u,'blm0',1,1)
            if (count[4] > 0 or count[5] > 0 or count[6] > 0) then // Check for Any Upgraded Blacksmiths: Meele Armor Upg
                call RemoveUnitFromStock(u,'blm1')
                call AddUnitToStock(u,'blm1',1,1)
            if (count[7] > 0 or count[8] > 0 or count[9] > 0) then // Check for Any Upgraded Blacksmiths: Ranged Weapons Upg
                call RemoveUnitFromStock(u,'blm2')
                call AddUnitToStock(u,'blm2',1,1)
            if (count[10] > 0 or count[11] > 0 or count[12] > 0) then // Check for Any Upgraded Blacksmiths: Ranged Armor Upg
                call RemoveUnitFromStock(u,'blm3')
                call AddUnitToStock(u,'blm3',1,1)
        // Then it continues for all types of blacksmith (Only 1 if-else here)
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[1]) then // LVL 1 Meele Weapons Upgrade (Blacksmith) 
            if (count[2] > 0 or count[3] > 0) then
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[2]) then // LVL 2 Meele Weapons Upgrade (Blacksmith) 
            if (count[3] > 0) then
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[4]) then // LVL 1 Meele Armor Upgrade (Blacksmith) 

        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[5]) then // LVL 2 Meele Armor Upgrade (Blacksmith) 
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[7]) then // LVL 1 Ranged Weapons Upgrade (Blacksmith)
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[8]) then // LVL 2 Ranged Weapons Upgrade (Blacksmith)
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[10]) then // LVL 1 Ranged Armor Upgrade (Blacksmith)
        elseif (GetUnitTypeId(u) == blacksmith[11]) then // LVL 2 Ranged Armor Upgrade (Blacksmith)
    set u = null

 // Blacksmith 
    set BuildingType[3] = 'hbla'
    call SaveInteger(hash, 0, String2OrderIdBJ("blacksmith"), 3)
    call SaveInteger(hash, 1, 'hbla', 3)
    set blacksmith[1] = 'h00B'      // Blacksmith MeleeDmgUpg  
    set upgradeType[1] = "mw"
    set upgradeLvl[1] = 1
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[1], 'hbla', 1)
    set blacksmith[2] = 'h00A'
    set upgradeType[2] = "mw"
    set upgradeLvl[2] = 2
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[2], 'hbla', 2)
    set blacksmith[3] = 'h00C' 
    set upgradeType[3] = "mw"
    set upgradeLvl[3] = 3
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[3], 'hbla', 3)
    set blacksmith[4] = 'h00E'      // Blacksmith MeleeArmUpg
    set upgradeType[4] = "ma"
    set upgradeLvl[4] = 1
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[4], 'hbla', 4)
    set blacksmith[5] = 'h00D'
    set upgradeType[5] = "ma"
    set upgradeLvl[5] = 2
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[5], 'hbla', 5)
    set blacksmith[6] = 'h00F'
    set upgradeType[6] = "ma"
    set upgradeLvl[6] = 3
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[6], 'hbla', 6)
    set blacksmith[7] = 'h00G'      // Blacksmith RangedDmgUpg
    set upgradeType[7] = "rw"
    set upgradeLvl[7] = 1
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[7], 'hbla', 7)
    set blacksmith[8] = 'h00H'
    set upgradeType[8] = "rw"
    set upgradeLvl[8] = 2
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[8], 'hbla', 8)
    set blacksmith[9] = 'h00I'
    set upgradeType[9] = "rw"
    set upgradeLvl[9] = 3
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[9], 'hbla', 9)
    set blacksmith[10] = 'h00K'      // Blacksmith RangedArmUpg
    set upgradeType[10] = "ra"
    set upgradeLvl[10] = 1
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[10], 'hbla', 10)
    set blacksmith[11] = 'h00L'
    set upgradeType[11] = "ra"
    set upgradeLvl[11] = 2
    call SaveInteger(hash, blacksmith[11], 'hbla', 11)
    set blacksmith[12] = 'h00M'
    set upgradeType[12] = "ra"
    set upgradeLvl[12] = 3

Any suggestions as how to optimize this garbage?

It wasn't as easy as I thought! ^^

Think im doing it like this:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 are counted units of a specific type count[1], count[2] etc... 0 is the count and '0000' or '1000' etc. are unit types returned. Can you compress the following into a loop? or something more mechanical then a bunch of ifs?

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 0000

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 1000

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 0100

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 0010

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 0001

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 1100

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 0110

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 0011

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 > = and 10,11,12 = 0 return 1010

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 0101

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 = 0 return 1110

IF: 1,2,3 = 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 0111

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 = 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 1011

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 = 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 1101

IF: 1,2,3 > 0 and 4,5,6 > 0 and 7,8,9 > 0 and 10,11,12 > 0 return 1111

Perhaps something like this...
if ((1 or 2 or 3) > 0) then
	set s = "1"
	set s = "0"
if ((4 or 5 or 6) > 0) then
	set s = s + "1"
	set s = s + "0"
if ((7 or 8 or 9) > 0) then
	set s = s + "1"
	set s = s + "0"
if ((10 or 11 or 12) > 0) then
	set s = s + "1"
	set s = s + "0"
set utype = LoadInteger(hash, 0, s)
set u = CreateUnit(SomePlayer, utype,x,y,f)
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