• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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How to Optimize Maps Nowadays?

Well, I don't have tools right now but there's several ways to optimize your map. Each of these alone are insignificant but every polish adds up pretty good.
☼ Hunt down memory leaks
☼ Switch from GUI to JASS (or even LUA)
☼ When creating a new unit type, copy from a unit with close enough stats. The map saves new unit types as alternates with a list of modifications
☼ Avoid using abilities with tons and tons of levels
☼ Avoid using Chaos morph upgrade as it doubles the memory usage of a unit when morphed
☼ Create units as few as possible, especially defense/MOBA maps, and use unit recycler when possible. If a unit casts a spell a lot of times & creating dummies everytime you might use a omni-dummy to cast everything in the map. You can reduce the number of units but increase their HP/power.
☼ If you cycle through a lot of units periodically, use global group variables and add/remove units along the way instead of selecting again and again every units then filter
☼ Optimize your algorithms
☼ Use separate XY coordinates instead of locations when possible
☼ For unit group prefer using the FirstOfGroup trick for large ones
☼ Don't butter the whole map with tons of doodads
☼ Create custom path blockers with bigger surface to limit their amount. You can at least half their number (or even divide by 10)
☼ If there's a lot of harvestable trees, reduce their number and increase their HP, or even make them bigger on top of that
☼ When possible replace very fast periodic triggers with longer ones & higher effect
☼ If the map has AI make sure they have sufficient space to build and move, sometimes they infinite loop because they fail to do an order they repeat again and again, making lag spikes every seconds
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