How to make units attack building

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Level 2
Sep 7, 2014
The problem is that when I create 10 units and set them patrol to some points, they face some building and start to attack it, but then my units came to attack them and the units stop attack building and start to attack my units, even if the building is tower.

So the problem is how to make enemy units to attack building (tower) and keep attacking it until they destroys it, even if my units start to attack them.

In addition, the other problem is how to make enemy units attack building that partially surround towers instead of trying to reach the tower that attack them.
Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
The problem is that when I create 10 units and set them patrol to some points, they face some building and start to attack it, but then my units came to attack them and the units stop attack building and start to attack my units, even if the building is tower.

So the problem is how to make enemy units to attack building (tower) and keep attacking it until they destroys it, even if my units start to attack them.

Yep, this system is like in Dota, they ignore the tower and attack units who approach to them, actually it all depends on the priority of the tower to attack it, you should set the priority to attack the tower higher than that one which units got.

In addition, the other problem is how to make enemy units attack building that partially surround towers instead of trying to reach the tower that attack them.

Well the trigger 'Unit - Issue Order to Attack/Move-to should work' it will attack every unit that comes in their ways until they reach the main building, according to priority of course
Level 2
Sep 7, 2014
I have another question, how to make two or more separated bases just like in the first TF scourge mission.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Player - Make player 1 treat player 2 as an ally with sharable control.
Player - Make player 2 treat player 1 as an ally with sharable control.

Voilá, you now have control of two players and "two bases".
Level 2
Sep 7, 2014
Well in that mission there were there bases with separete resorses, units and so on, and the all was controll by the player.
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