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How to make an Advanced Quest (Noob friendly)

Level 3
May 3, 2009
How to make an Advanced Quest
(Noob Friendly)

Welcome to my Tutorial about how to make an cool Advanced Quest. To start, make sure you have Warcraft World Editor installed (of course).

With this Tutorial, it should be easy to edit your Quest. So, let's start shall we?

Let's start with making an normal Trigger, you can name it whatever you like (this trigger will be used as when your unit enters an region, the quest will start).

--------- Easy solution (not advanced)

  1. Make your trigger
  2. Add this to your event:
    • Quest Start
      • Events
        • Unit - A unit enters (Your Region here)
      • Conditions
      • Actions
  3. Oh right, we need to make an Region. To do this, open your Tool palette (press T). Now select the Region Palette, make an new region where you want your Quest to be, and set that region as the Event Region (in 2.)
  4. Ok, with that done, we can continue!
    We will now make an Condition based on the Unit-Type of (Entering Unit). It should look like this:
    • Quest Start
      • Events
        • Unit - A unit enters No region
      • Conditions
        • ((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
      • Actions
    Now, when an normal unit enters your region, nothing will happen!
    However, when an hero enters, this will happen...
  5. Making an Action
    Now, this is where the harder part begins.
    I will try to make this as clear as can be :thumbs_up:

    Ok, so let's start with the basics, when you think you understand this, you can move on to the more advanced triggers i have posted in this Tutorial.

    So, let's make the Quest. This is kinda easy... First of all, we want to make an Player Group that stores all the players that are doing this quest. It will make it all alot easier. First of all, we will make an Variable of type Player Group. So, make your Variable, name it whatever you like (mine is named Quest_PlayerGroup). Now add the Owner of the Entering Unit to that Player Group, like this:
    • Quest Start
      • Events
        • Unit - A unit enters No region
      • Conditions
        • ((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
      • Actions
        • Player Group - Add (Owner of (Entering unit)) to Quest_PlayerGroup
    Now, move on to the next step if you understand this :cute:
  6. Add More Actions!!
    Ok, time to make the Quest. Create actions that looks like this:
    • Quest Start
      • Events
        • Unit - A unit enters No region
      • Conditions
        • ((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
      • Actions
        • Player Group - Add (Owner of (Entering unit)) to Quest_PlayerGroup
        • Quest - Create a Required quest titled Title with the description Description, using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAmbush.blp
    Basicly, what we have made here, is an Quest. To make this Action, you click New Action > Quest > Create Quest. You must add an Quest Title and an Quest Discription. Make this whatever you like, as long as it fits to the name of your Quest.

    An example for this would be like:
    - Title: The 20 Dragons
    - Description: Your mission is to kill 20 Dragons.
    (We will make those texts more advanced later on)
I must go to sleap now, I will soon update!
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 3
May 3, 2009
1) Remove colored text, use bold or something else instead
2) Remove your signature
3) Use


, and

tags for headers and stuff
4) This doesn't look like an advanced quest at all. This looks extremely simple.

1) Why?
2) Why...?
3) Ok :)
4) Doest it not say "will edit"?

The beginning is EASY! read god dammit, advanced comes when the people first have learned the basics!
