Lel it likz sew mush
- Events
- Unit - A Unit starts the effect of an ability
- Conditions
- (Ability Being Cast) Equal To Up ( Channel W)
- Actions
- Set Caster = (Triggering Unit)
- Set CPNumber = (Owner of (Triggering Unit))
- Player Group - Add (Triggering Player) to (Up-Movers)
- Unit Group - Add Caster to Up-movers_Units
- Events
- Time - Every 0.05 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Player Group - Pick Every Player in Up_Movers
- Loop
- Unit Group - Pick Every Unnit in Up_Movers_Units
- Loop
- Set Up_Mover = (Picked Unit)
- Set Up_Mover_Point = (Position of Up_Mover)
- Set Up_Mover_Next = (Up_Mover_Point offset by 30 towards 90 angle)
- Unit - Move Up_Mover to Up_Mover_Next
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Up_Mover, 5)
Well my map is going to be a side scroller.But another question,how do i make the camera focus on the side of the player's unit?I thought there are systems out there. If you talk about arrows, then it'd be normal events with arrows responding, if you ever talk about letters W.S.D.... Then you talk about abilities.
Some pre-links :
3rd Person Camera movement
Complexe TopDown WASD Movement
Arrow Key Tutorial
First, you create 4 abilities ( Up - Down - Right - Left ), based on channel ( Change the string order and everything between each. Make them instant and visible. Remove all allowed targets. Then let's go to triggers :
NOTE : You should disable unit's movement speed to not go out of control. Set it to 0
Here is an example for moving around. (Remove Leaks yourself )
Lel it likz sew mush
- Events
- Unit - A Unit starts the effect of an ability
- Conditions
- (Ability Being Cast) Equal To Up ( Channel W)
- Actions
- Set Caster = (Triggering Unit)
- Set CPNumber = (Owner of (Triggering Unit))
- Player Group - Add (Triggering Player) to (Up-Movers)
- Unit Group - Add Caster to Up-movers_Units
- Events
- Time - Every 0.05 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Player Group - Pick Every Player in Up_Movers
- Loop
- Unit Group - Pick Every Unnit in Up_Movers_Units
- Loop
- Set Up_Mover = (Picked Unit)
- Set Up_Mover_Point = (Position of Up_Mover)
- Set Up_Mover_Next = (Up_Mover_Point offset by 30 towards 90 angle)
- Unit - Move Up_Mover to Up_Mover_Next
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Up_Mover, 5)
Let's go to the jump :
Pre link : Jump Tutorial MPI/MUI
Out-link Jump System
Okay, any jump needs a parabola maths formula, which I really, suck in it.
I won't give any example for it but of course just change the event of any of previous systems. It'll be smooth trust me
I made a 2D Parabola Jump System , if your map is 2-Dimensional I can send you my Sample Platformer map.
so you want third person camera, huh? Right now I'm thinking about an invisible dummy that walks with your unit with some offset, with camera locked ;d
edit: look what i found ;d
- Camera - Lock camera target for Player 1 (Red) to (Triggering unit), offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation