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How to do it

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Level 2
Jun 7, 2009
:fp:i am currently making a ring wars map. but there are some things i need to know

:fp:make way gates/tunnels
:fp:how to revive a different hero in a specific place when a specific hero dies.
:fp:how to summon a hero when an item is brought to his altar
:fp:how to destroy 2 players when an item is brought to a location (I Think i need 2 use region 4 dis)

if anyone can help plz tell me:spell_breaker:
Level 4
Jun 4, 2009
Here's my revival trigger.
Very basic, very simple.
This only works for non-enemy units.

Unit - A unit Dies
((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
Wait 15.00 seconds
Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of Hero Spawn And Respawn <gen>), Show revival graphics

"Center of hero Spawn And Respawn" - Region where the heroes will respawn.

More advanced one with gold loss. (Currently you lose all gold, not 5% -_-)

Hero Revival
Unit - A unit Dies
(Owner of (Dying unit)) Not equal to Player 12 (Brown)
((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
Set goldlost = (1 / 20)
Player - Set (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Current gold to (((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Current gold) x goldlost)
Wait 30.00 seconds
Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of Fountains and Shop <gen>), Hide revival graphics
Level 3
Feb 18, 2005
:fp:how to revive a different hero in a specific place when a specific hero dies.

If you want a different hero to respawn when you lose your hero, the trigger would have to be a little more complex. When you say different hero, do you mean, for example, if an archer dies a mage respawns? Or just a new archer?

If you want the other way I believe there are conditions to check what unit-type died, and then you can use that to cause different sets of actions to happen depending on the dead unit-type. I.E. If unit-type of dying unit is Archmage then spawn archer else spawn Archmage. (Or Do Nothing, and then have a second trigger check for a second unit type)

Hope this helps, not sure what you are looking to make otherwise I'd type out an indepth trigger for ya
Level 2
Jun 7, 2009
yea EG a archer dies, mage respawns, in a specific area.

can you plz list the triggers i need 2 use.

sorry if this bothers all of you, i know im being a pain in the ass. ill include u guyz in da credits
Level 12
Jul 27, 2008
For the revive (random) set all the heros to a unit array when they die, and modify:

  • Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of Hero Spawn And Respawn <gen>), Show revival graphics

  • Set Integer = Random Number Between 1 and 15
  • Hero - Instantly revive HeroArray[Integer] at (Center of Hero Spawn And Respawn <gen>), Show revival graphics
Level 3
Feb 18, 2005
For the revive (random) set all the heros to a unit array when they die, and modify:

  • Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of Hero Spawn And Respawn <gen>), Show revival graphics

  • Set Integer = Random Number Between 1 and 15
  • Hero - Instantly revive HeroArray[Integer] at (Center of Hero Spawn And Respawn <gen>), Show revival graphics

There you go! I couldn't think of how to do it

Basically, you'd then have to set the HeroArray values 1-15 to different heroes and the Trigger will randomly assign a new hero... except there would already have to be a hero there, so I don't think "revive" is the one you're looking for...

Perhaps you should set the trigger to save the level of the hero that died, then create a hero of the same level using teh random 1-15.


Arrays start from 0, not 1... so the trigger should actually say "revive HeroArray[Integer-1]" because there is no HeroArray[15] (I imagine this might cause an error), and HeroArray[0] would never be used (which would cause Leaking I believe)
Level 2
Jun 7, 2009
1 item that a specific hero needs (palyer 12) and has to bring it to a specific building (altar) owned by player 12 who needs the item
Level 3
Feb 18, 2005
first you're gonna want to set a region around the altar just big enough that the altar and another unit can fit in it. You'd also have to set the hero in a unit variable, and then do this:
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
  • Conditions
    • And - All (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
        • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Entering unit) of type Required Item)) Equal to Required Item
  • Actions
    • Hero - Instantly revive HeroVar at (Center of (Playable map area)), Hide revival graphics
That will only work for the one hero though, I can make it work for 12 but it's more work so you have to let me know.

If it doesn't work let me know and I'll fiddle with it.

Reminders: The hero variable must be defined!

EDIT: sorry for the delay, had a big game night, looked at the thread, and forgot to come back to it cause it wasn't in my UserCP xD
Level 2
Jun 7, 2009
ok cool, but i forgot to ask one thing, how do i auto-spawn untis, lke in footman frenzy. and over time u get better units

soz can someone explain no.4. i knew how to but i 4rget
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