set udg_timer_variable = GetExpiredTimer()
You need jass. Use a timer variable and do
JASS:set udg_timer_variable = GetExpiredTimer()
and then check if timer_variable is equal to timer [x]
yes but loop a should be ForIndexA or something. I cant check atm since im on my phone but you can search in the function list and im sure you will find it.
Or create a new trigger and do something random with integer A and convert to jass.
You are certainly close
Yes. That is working.
My bad on the loopa did not see xd
Dont forget, you need the endif after your gui actions.
call DestroyTimer(which timer)
u should get rid of integer A or use the thing it calls which isJASS:bj_forLoopAIndex
If by forindexa you mean using a variable rather and integer a, it is a variable, i just named it loopa haha.
change this
to this
Custom script: if udg_tmpTimer == udg_f_Timer1[loopA]
Custom script: if udg_tmpTimer == udg_f_Timer1[bj_forLoopAIndex]
The bj is loop integer A. When ur using it like this it's ok but the reason it's bad to use is whenever u use it in GUI actions it calls a function which returns the bj that's y it is slower to use than ur own integer
Here's another option.
RevInit Copy 2
Map initialization
Hashtable - Create a hashtable
Set Hash = (Last created hashtable)
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Custom script: if udg_RTIM[bj_forLoopAIndex] == null then
Custom script: set udg_RTIM[bj_forLoopAIndex] = CreateTimer()
Custom script: endif
Trigger - Add to RevRevive <gen> the event (Time - RTIM[(Integer A)] expires)
Custom script: call SaveInteger(udg_Hash, GetHandleId(udg_RTIM[bj_forLoopAIndex]), 0, bj_forLoopAIndex)
Custom script: set udg_i1 = LoadInteger(udg_Hash, GetHandleId(GetExpiredTimer()), 0)
maker u missed an integer A in the custom script.
anyways y not make ur own integer lol its less typing and looks neater lol.
what are you talking about?Bcuz bbq wtf y u k jk lolotrol.
what are you talking about?
u u ik u u y ur lol lol
U shouldn't use integer A it is slower and less efficient and u already know this. Y show other ppl the wrong way to do it ?
Using integer A is just fine. You can not even measure the speed difference between that an a custom integer. It is not a wrong way to do things.