The disadvantage: Such "disarmed" unit will burn when hit by Breath of Fire.
Have you seen the untouched values of a single target drunken haze? The area of effect is 10.
There is no such Drunken Haze ability. There is only the one used by Pandaren Brewmaster and also Chen's version which has 4 levels and slightly different values in some fields. However both have 200.00 AoE range by default.Yes I know. Have you seen the untouched values of a single target drunken haze? The area of effect is 10.
//Helper function to add the mana
function SpellAddTonsOfMana takes integer spell, unit u returns nothing
local integer i
set i = BlzGetAbilityIntegerField(BlzGetUnitAbility(u, spell), ABILITY_IF_LEVELS)
exitwhen i == - 1
call BlzSetUnitAbilityManaCost(u, spell, i, BlzGetUnitAbilityManaCost(u, spell, i) + 20000)
set i = i - 1
//Helper function to remove the added mana
function SpellRemoveTonsOfMana takes integer spell, unit u returns nothing
local integer i
set i = BlzGetAbilityIntegerField(BlzGetUnitAbility(u, spell), ABILITY_IF_LEVELS)
exitwhen i == - 1
call BlzSetUnitAbilityManaCost(u, spell, i, BlzGetUnitAbilityManaCost(u, spell, i) - 20000)
set i = i - 1
//Silence requires explicitly adding all the abilities that may need to be silence per unit
// but since this function only applies to one unit you can make a comprehensive list of all abilities here for all the units you want
// to silence as adding mana to abilities they don't have will have no effect on them
function SilenceUnit takes unit u returns nothing
local integer abl
abl = 'A001' //Death Coil
call SpellAddTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'A0F4' //Carrion Swarm
call SpellAddTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'A03M' //DeathPact
call SpellAddTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'AUan' //Animate Dead
call SpellAddTonsOfMana(abl, u)
//Un-Silence requires explicitly adding all the abilities that may need to be silence
function RemoveSilenceUnit takes unit u returns nothing
local integer abl
abl = 'A001' //Death Coil
call SpellRemoveTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'A0F4' //Carrion Swarm
call SpellRemoveTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'A03M' //DeathPact
call SpellRemoveTonsOfMana(abl, u)
abl = 'AUan' //Animate Dead
call SpellRemoveTonsOfMana(abl, u)
SilenceUnit(GetTriggerUnit()) // GetEnteringUnit(), GetLeavingUnit() ect...
//put a wait here or another coded delay
This thread is 8 years old... You are using trigger functions that did not even exist back when it was created!and voila you have another version of silence!
True it's a necro, but when I did a google search for this exact problem this was the first thread to come up. Figured it was better to just drop the answer here than try and create a competing thread for future searches.This thread is 8 years old... You are using trigger functions that did not even exist back when it was created!
Probably should start a new thread for this kind of thing. Possibly a JASS resource.
We can Disable/Enable specific abilities now, I don't think there's a need to mess with Mana Costs.True it's a necro, but when I did a google search for this exact problem this was the first thread to come up. Figured it was better to just drop the answer here than try and create a competing thread for future searches.
For clarification: The "Cargo Hold (Orc Burrow)" (Abun) ability is meant here, which is different from other Cargo Hold abilities.For Disarm, you can add the Cargo Hold ability to a unit.
.BlzUnitDisableAbility(unit, 'Aatk', true, false)
BlzUnitDisableAbility(unit, 'Aatk', true, true)