How to change attack speed of unit.

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Level 9
Jun 26, 2005
i wanna do something that makes a unit that has a item sword1 and sword2 attacks two times and then stop attacking for one second, let say his normal attack speed is 0.25 and two times makes 0.50 and then he will not attack for one second, and repeat, i cannot find a way to do this, but if you know is it possible for you to explain in GUI?
Level 7
Aug 5, 2005
Well you could try replacing the item with another item that increases attack speed by a lot, then after 1 second replace it back to the original item.

Maybe another way is making a dummy unit on top of it, with the same damage and same model and make it attack once. That might be a bit sketchy though.
Level 9
Jun 26, 2005
i was thinking of setting the units attack speed to one second and when the unit attacks, wait 0.25 and then do attack animation and deal damage = to main stats as damage, but then it feels kinda buggy so i wonder if you guys have any better idea.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Using triggers this would lag no matter what you do... I think.

You could give him a fast attack speed, and every two attacks make him stop every 0.1 seconds for 1 second. If you see what I mean. It would make him attack twice fast, then stop for 1 second. Then attack fast again.

It probably won't work. The unit will probably just glitch around, and you wouldn't be able to move for that time.

Maybe you could take his attack away for a second somehow?
Level 9
Jun 26, 2005
you could pause him, that would surely stop him from attacking, but thats kinda mess up to have the player that is selecting him to see the buttoms blink back and forth every second, i guess there are no better way to do this, i even tried to wait 1.00 + agi of hero x 0.02 (every agi gives 0.02 attack speed) and when i did this the hero still glitch around, i guess i should make agi not give attack speed.
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