It's getting time that I should publish a new update to this, as there are some features I've added in my sourcecode that I typically use to run the program that aren't in the live updates yet. I added better controls for hiding/showing normals since the last update, if that wasn't in the other one, as well as something that automatically deletes a geoset out of the model (so it doesn't break the model) if you delete the geoset's entire contents.
I also added opening of MDX files, but it launches the MdlxConverter software available here on the hive to convert them and open them, and so you can see the mdlxconvert GUI flash by if you look really closely as the MatrixEater opens/closes it. That said, it does automate opening MDXs, even if its a bit hacky. Any other features you guys would really like to see if I post an update within the week? I recall that a Recent list ought to be added, which really shouldn't be hard. Maybe I'll get to that this week.
Edit: I made a video or two, and also compiled some videos that I made last summer, and uploaded them. My goal is to make better tutorials for the Matrix Eater software -- these videos are pretty basic, but I may make even more after them:
Part 0: Opening the Matrix Eater
(This one is partially meant to be a bit of a comedy against myself, because it took me 8 minutes to make the Matrix Eater work.)
Part 1: Opening files in the Matrix Eater
Part 2: Basic Controls/Editing in the Matrix Eater
Part 3: Simple Combining of Models with the Import Feature
I may edit this as I make more videos in the series! Hopefully these can help more than the "How to Use the Matrix Eater" series. Those things were pretty terrible -- they showed me doing stuff, but not much about how it actually all worked.
Edit: Publishing the version of the matrix eater used in these videos. It's kind of experimental; I didn't really plan this update, but it's been too long since i updated so I wanted to practice compiling it and reminding myself to release what I have.
Edit: Published with a bug in 16B. If you just got 16B in the 10 or 20 minutes that I left it up for download, change to 16C.