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how to add a buff to an unit?

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Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
It is impossible to add only a buff to a unit. However there a few ways that you can simulate doing so.

You can have a dummy unit spawn and cast a spell with the buff you want on the unit. This way it looks like nothing happened except for the unit gaining the buff.

You can create an ability based on the slow tornado aura to create a debuff (red text), set its targets allowed to only self, then just add it to the unit you'd like to have the debuff.

Inversely, if you want to create a buff (green text), just do the same as above, create an ability based on slow tornado aura, just name it's corresponding buff with the following color code:

|cff00ff00your buff name here|r

This will make the text green, so it looks like a buff instead of a debuff.
Level 3
Mar 28, 2010
Why do you want a buff on the unit?
like silence,stun...and i have a question...in dota...bloodseeker and Orchid Malevolence silence is make by which skill???

It is impossible to add only a buff to a unit. However there a few ways that you can simulate doing so.

You can have a dummy unit spawn and cast a spell with the buff you want on the unit. This way it looks like nothing happened except for the unit gaining the buff.

You can create an ability based on the slow tornado aura to create a debuff (red text), set its targets allowed to only self, then just add it to the unit you'd like to have the debuff.

Inversely, if you want to create a buff (green text), just do the same as above, create an ability based on slow tornado aura, just name it's corresponding buff with the following color code:

|cff00ff00your buff name here|r

This will make the text green, so it looks like a buff instead of a debuff.

but like dota sange Lesser Maim effect removed orb effect...
it change to be...
if random integer is lower than 15
add a tornado buff to attacked unit
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
Like the methods I already posted, those are ways which buffs can be applied through the use of triggers.

If you want to apply the buff and aren't worried about orb effect restrictions, then simply modify the lightning orb ability to have a chance to proc whatever ability you want casted.

The silences that you mentioned from DotA are based off of the Firelord hero's Soulburn ability.
Level 3
Mar 28, 2010
Like the methods I already posted, those are ways which buffs can be applied through the use of triggers.

If you want to apply the buff and aren't worried about orb effect restrictions, then simply modify the lightning orb ability to have a chance to proc whatever ability you want casted.

The silences that you mentioned from DotA are based off of the Firelord hero's Soulburn ability.
oo...thanks man....finally i can make target silence without using doom==
About sange - there was already a topic - and to be honest you can remove all orb effects from dota's items by your own, eating pie is harder.
Oppsss! So simple...><i still think it sure be complex....
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