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How to add a bouncing attack

Level 10
Mar 16, 2009

How To Create a Bouncing Attack

Creating a bouncing attack on a unit is fairly simple so do not frett about a long amount to read actually most of this is stuff you probablly will not need to know ^^ but there is more then 1 step so here are the steps:

1.) Create the unit you wish to add the attack to (if you cant do this explorer the editor more before trying to map).

>>Open the unit in object editor and preform these steps<<

2.) set the weapon type to missile(bounce).

3.) set the area of effect for full damage = to the lenght of the radius of the circle in which bouncing can occor (the area where bouncing occors).

4.) set the area of effect targets = to targets you want to be hit by the bouncing attack

5.) set damage loss factor = to the percent of damage lost with every bounce (.20 = 20% less damage on next bounce)

6.) set maximum number of targets = to maximum number of bounces

Make sure the weapon type is set to missile(bounce)

The Trigger way

Here is a much more complicated way to do this with using abilities.

Make a dummy spell with Channel as an abillity base. This is the ability you give to your unit/hero, and its only purpose is to start the trigger.

A custom version of whatever spell you want to be cast on the targets. This custom spell should cost 0 mana.

A dummy unit that has your custom ability and no model file; giving it a model path of _ (an underscore) works well. You probably also want to give it no shadow image and the Invulnerable ability so that it can't be accidentally killed.

You then need this for a trigger:

  • Events - A unit starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions - Ability being cast equal to YourDummySpell
  • Actions - Pick every unit within 400 of (target point of ability being cast) matching (owner of matching unit is an enemy of owner of casting unit) and do Create 1 DummyCaster for owner of casting unit at position of picked unit
  • Add a 1 second expiration timer to last created unit Order last created unit to cast Chainlighting on picked unit.

If the DummySpell is casted the unit that casted will fire a spell chainlighting is shown here at a nearby enemy as shown which bounces thus giveing the unit a bouncing attack. To upgrade this attack if a hero has this abillity you would have to make a system of variable triggers that determine the power of chain lighning due to stats. Which is more complex then it needs to be metioned in a basic mapping tutorial.

>>The only reason using the trigger meathod is good is if you have a ton of units that require bouncing attacks(even only 5 its quick). Using object editor is very time consuming when you have a magnitude of units.<<


- Dummy Spell - A dummy spell is a custom abillity that has everything removed, except mana cost and cooldown unless specified otherwise. All in all its just a place holder that is used so the trigger "A unit starts the effect of an abillity can work with the realisticness of the player actually selecting the abillity but in this case it is auto used because of the base abillities normal phasing.

- Abillity Base - When creating a custom abillity, unit, doodad, or item a screen will pop up asking you to pick one of the stardard abillity, unit, doodad, or item, the one selected is you base; obviously for base abillity you need to select an abillity and that abillity is your base abillity

- dummy unit - A unit used for testing and for repeted effects without the main(caster) unit having to implicate anything, also adds effect/appearence.

Hope this helps. :thumbs_up:
Last edited:
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
You should use the


etc. tags for headers etc.
Otherwise, the tutorial explains something rather simple that most people could find out themselves with some basic WE knowledge, which you seem to assume people who uses this tutorial has.

Level 10
Mar 16, 2009
ok ill use the headers next time I create a tutorial. And I realize this is a rather simple topic but I have seen a lot of people post threads in the world editor help asking about this kind of stuff, and they had semi-decent knowledge of the editor, well I guess enough to navigate and understand how to express values in object editor which is really basic but, the point being I find this information useful, easy, and not completely known to most of the population of world editors. Thanks for the tips and advisorys :)
Lol, have to say this. The much more complicated method you mentioned is useless once you think about it. You've displayed a basic way of how to make an attack bounce, which is really useful for ppl who don't know about it, so why use the Chain Lightning trigger?

Great tutorial, would really help ppl who are new to modding, but as Linaze said and you agreed with, use headers. Either that, or just present it a little better so it's not just one huge blob of writing. Looks messy ATM and a little boring to read through :p