i did a skill like dota chain frost (lich ulti), that it looks like a projectile is bouncing between units. everything works well.... JUST its not GUI, if more units cast it, it doesnt work, here are the triggers (and i didnt remove leaks, thats not important now):
i did a skill like dota chain frost (lich ulti), that it looks like a projectile is bouncing between units. everything works well.... JUST its not GUI, if more units cast it, it doesnt work, here are the triggers (and i didnt remove leaks, thats not important now):
Nature Core 1
- Einheit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) equal to BOUNCE SKILL (Hero)
- Set Integer_IndexNatureCore = (Integer_IndexNatureCore + 1)
- Set Unit_NatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] = (Triggering unit)
- Set Point_NatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
- Unit - Create 1 Core for (Owner of Unit_NatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore]) at Point_NatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] facing 0 degrees
- Set Unit_DummyNatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] = (Last created unit)
- Set Group_NatureCore = (Units within 550.00 of Point_NatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] matching ((((Matching unit) is alive) equal to True) and ((Matching unit) unequal (Target unit of ability being cast))))
- Unit - Order Unit_DummyNatureCore[Integer_IndexNatureCore] to BOUNCE SKILL (unit) (Random unit from Group_NatureCore)
Nature Core 2
- Einheit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) equal to BOUNCE SKILL (unit)
For each (Integer A) from 1 to Integer_IndexNatureCore, do (Actions)
Grind - Action
- Set Point_NatureCore[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
- Unit - Create 1 Core for (Owner of Unit_NatureCore[(Integer A)]) at Point_NatureCore[(Integer A)] facing 0 degrees
- Set Unit_DummyNatureCore[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
- Set Group_NatureCore = (Units within 550.00 of Point_NatureCore[(Integer A)] matching ((((Matching unit) is alive) equal to True) and ((Matching unit) unequal (Target unit of ability being cast))))
- Unit - Order Unit_DummyNatureCore[(Integer A)] to BOUNCE SKILL (unit) (Random unit from Group_NatureCore)
Grind - Action
For each (Integer A) from 1 to Integer_IndexNatureCore, do (Actions)