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how cold is cold for u?

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Level 3
Nov 4, 2004
wats the lowest temperature that u can go out in a t-shirt and jeans with no shoes. i've been out in -70 below weather with those clothes on. did u know, that if u throw a cup of cofee out in -70, it evaporates b4 it hits the ground.
Level 2
Dec 25, 2004
just keep your head warm, you'll damage your brain if you're too cold in that area.
btw what's -70 farenheit in celsius?
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
Tylor said:
just keep your head warm, you'll damage your brain if you're too cold in that area.
btw what's -70 farenheit in celsius?

If my calculation is correct its celsius equivalent should be:

C=(-70-32)/1.8 = -57

DeathBringer500 said:
wats the lowest temperature that u can go out in a t-shirt and jeans with no shoes. i've been out in -70 below weather with those clothes on. did u know, that if u throw a cup of cofee out in -70, it evaporates b4 it hits the ground.

We dont have temperature such as that so a about 10c is really already cold for me.

By the way, is it not that evaporation will only proceed in the presence of heat where if such energy is present just for instance in liquid water, the H2O(aq) will decompose into gases of H & O. Therefore in the case of the coffee, there is no actually evaporation that occured due to the prevailing temperature of the environment only that there is lost of heat in the coffee & when something loses heat, it cools down or in extreme situation, it freezes.
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
DeathBringer500 said:
lol, lengthy response to a simple question
and, i did throw coffee out in -70 and it all DID dissapear

hmm...very interesting! It must be some kind of unexplicable event that will need an immediate explanation.

First coffee is a solid fact, you make coffe drink w/ hot water thus resulting in a solution where water is the solvent & the coffe powder is the solute. In an environment that is -70F you cannot simply make things to disappear especially w/ a cup where there is coffee in it by simply throwing the thing. The solvent in the solution will freeze due to the extreme temperature thus will remain a solid fact. When something that is solid it is tangible. So the question now becomes, how did everything disappeared?



Level 7
Dec 10, 2003
speaking of cold endurance:
me and my boss did something really funny last year:
we held a grand competition, how can hold his hand inside a bucket filled with icey water (water with lots of ice cubes)for the longest amout of time.

i won after holding my hand for 2 minutes in the water.

i won a glass of Fanta Shockata and the benefit of not feeling my hand for some time :p
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Bleh, I once hiked up Mt. Rainier in Washington. And I'm sure you know how it feels when you live in Hawaii for your life.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
The coldest time for me was when I visited my sister in Chicago around Thanksgiving.(of last year) That's pretty cold for me since I live in SC. And it snowed while we were there. :(

Level 7
Dec 6, 2004
OE MUY GAWD! I've stayed outside when it was 40 Degrees waiting for the bus so I could ride to the Pub and get some pizza, I was so cold. I had to huttle and share a jacket with my sister. Funny how girls can take more cold than I!
Doesn't make me any less of a man does it?
BRRR... :shock:
Level 3
Nov 4, 2004
lol. its good to know eusira once lived so close i could have driven to his house and personnally insulted him wenever he said my skins sucked. im an alaskan and every year we have the polar bear plunge which is where a couple of guys jump in a small pool of ice cold water in the winter in their undies.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
I would have lieved at least 1000 kilometers away from you, and am way farther since I live in CA. I used to live in Alberta, but because I was a sickly little child, I couldn't really try that without dying in the process. But I'm used to low temperatures here in CA, but usually I dress with 3 layers (not 3 thick ones) simply because it's how I am
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
When you live in a very cold place then being used to it then one day you live in a different place say in a two seasons country, the experience of the natives in a hot environment is not totally the same from your experience --- Indeed, paradox is there.

I say i am delimited to 10c & below that, the possibilty for me to live will dramatically decrease.
Level 5
Aug 10, 2004
until you go out in the middle of winter, with a mini-skirt and short leatherjacker, dont talk about cold ^^
I'm always freezing, but i can manage cold weather pretty good. just my fingers that gets deepfrozen all the time.
Level 7
Dec 6, 2004
Here in Colorado it basically sticks to its season. Winter is cold, fall is humid, spring is warm, summer is hot... I get depressed in winter... Too dark and cold... Although I get burned in Summer... I'll never find happiness will I!
But often times, (When the pools aren't closed) in the winter, some little kids from across the street pull out their Slip and Slide while I stay inside drinking Hot Chocolate thinking of how cold they must be. I invite friends over to watch and laugh at them, Good times, good times...
My life is so sad... I'm SO AsHaMeD!
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
DeathBringer500 said:
lol. its good to know eusira once lived so close i could have driven to his house and personnally insulted him wenever he said my skins sucked. im an alaskan and every year we have the polar bear plunge which is where a couple of guys jump in a small pool of ice cold water in the winter in their undies.

Answer harper's question, you attention craving monkey.
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
DeathBringer500 said:
wats the lowest temperature that u can go out in a t-shirt and jeans with no shoes. i've been out in -70 below weather with those clothes on. did u know, that if u throw a cup of cofee out in -70, it evaporates b4 it hits the ground.

whoa, -70??! thats waaayyyy to cold for me. i prefer temperatures around 0c, but i can survive like around -30 i think. the only thing i dont like is my nose, fingers and ears freezing. then hiding my face in my coat to warm my nose n eears and my glasses start to fog up. arg, how i hate glass fog.

-Vindic@tor- said:
For me -273.15°C! I CANNOT be colder than that, and this is damn cold. Compared with that, 0°C is hot as hell

omfg :shock: , r u seriosu!?!?! if u are, u must be some kind of ultimate snowman! how teh hell do u survive at that temp, espeacialy -70!?!?!?
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
how long?
you should get the world record for cold resistance.

any longer than a minute and you my friend would be frozen at -42f skin freezes in 1 minute.

so -70f... that a little hard to beleive, unless you were just ran through it for 5 seconds.

anyhow -20f for me. thats recent aswell.
Level 3
Nov 4, 2004
Sansui said:
how long?
you should get the world record for cold resistance.

any longer than a minute and you my friend would be frozen at -42f skin freezes in 1 minute.

so -70f... that a little hard to beleive, unless you were just ran through it for 5 seconds.

anyhow -20f for me. thats recent aswell.
thats without the body alive. or else there is internal heat warming u up. and, i can be out for at least a minute in -70F with no shoes or socks and a t-shirt and jeans
Level 2
Oct 17, 2004
Meh try snowshoing for an hour in -25C with windchill.
P.S. Yes i live in Canada but im not Inuit and it was for a school sport, not for getting around
Level 8
Jul 29, 2004
illadon said:
omfg :shock: , r u seriosu!?!?! if u are, u must be some kind of ultimate snowman! how teh hell do u survive at that temp, espeacialy -70!?!?!?

I'm more like a Lich than a snowman (I look like one somehow).
And you can survive -120°C or so if you're not just standing inside a cloud of liquid oxygen or Freon or something, but... well, you cannot survive this man-killing cold very long :roll:
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
illadon said:
um, can u make it abit more clear plz. i dont get it.

Simply F is converted to C by this formula: C=(F-32)/1.8

-Vindic@tor- said:
I'm more like a Lich than a snowman (I look like one somehow).
And you can survive -120°C or so if you're not just standing inside a cloud of liquid oxygen or Freon or something, but... well, you cannot survive this man-killing cold very long :roll:

I think, for a -120c the time is immaterial whether a person will survive or not. It will instantly freeze the person that is exposed in this extreme coldness. Remember about 70% of human body is water & this percentage shares the responsibility in keeping our body temperature balance.
Level 8
Jul 29, 2004
Ok, you're right, -120°C is a bit cold, but there is a special therapy against rheumatism: 3 minutes at -110°C! Ok, the patients have to move arround if they don't want to freeze, but they just wear underwear. Staying longer inside this extreme coldness WILL kill you.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
you cant surrvive -70f -52c without gear, or moveing really fast o keep bodyheat up but even at those temps you will get frost bite, very risky to do, since it does not even drop to -70 much in alaska.

put it this way High-flying airplanes fly through very cold air (temperature, it's -80 F!)
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