how can i make a range increasing abillity?

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Level 2
May 16, 2007
how can i make a passive abillity that increases the hero's range? ex:Kardel Sharpeye skill: Take Aim from DotA.
if there's a trigger needed, I prefer in gui....
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Lets say your normal heroes range is 600,

Set range of the hero to 5000, set its aquistic range to 600 (Do this in WE btw not triggers)

Then have this trigger:

  • Take Aim
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Take aim
    • Actions
      • Unit - Set (Learning Hero) acquisition range to [COLOR="Red"](600.00 + ((Real((Level of Take Aim for (Learning Hero)))) x 200.00))[/COLOR]
This woud set it so with no Take Aim ability your hero would have a range of 600 then with level 1 of Take aim the hero would have 800 range, then at lvl 2 1000 range, so on so forth, the part highlighted can be changed to your own formula or w/e you want to add.
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Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Or, something that doesn't allow people to totally cheat with that 5000 range (it will show up as 5000, and still go 5000; acquisition range is just where the hero actively attacks hostile units) try triggering it so that you have an upgrade based on "Long Rifles" that affects the hero be upgraded depending on the buff the hero has. Make it an aura with 0 bonuses, have different (yet identical) buffs per level, then make it so that when a hero learns the ability, that player gets the upgrade set to the appropriate level.
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Hmm cool , i thought acquisition range has sth to do with shops and buying items
Ok and to increase the ability you need this simple trigger
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
    • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Take DummyAbility
    • Actions
    • Player - Set the current research level of MyTech to (Level of DummyAbility for (Triggering unit)) for (Owner of (Triggering unit))
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Actualy i just tested it, the range that shows up when mousing over attack is aquistic range.

EDIT: Nope i was right, my trigger will work. They use the aquistic range and thats what shows up.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Actualy i just tested it, the range that shows up when mousing over attack is aquistic range.

EDIT: Nope i was right, my trigger will work. They use the aquistic range and thats what shows up.

Whoa, really? I retract my previous statement in its entirety. Hmm, I remember a while back somebody asking for help with his ballista unit, had a range of 160000 (16 followed by some amount of zeroes), and showed like 4000 (among other things that were wrong with it). He couldn't figure out what was wrong with its range, and it's obvious now that this was the problem. Ironically enough, one of the suggestions was setting the acquisition range to 0.

Well, I guess that while "attack range" (100~128 melee, avg 600 ranged heroes), is how far the unit has the potential to attack, but acquisition range overrides attack range if acquisition range is smaller than attack range. I do believe that acquisition range is still how close hostiles need to be for the unit to actively attack without orders, though (melee units have like acquisition range of ~500). That's really interesting.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Yes aquistic range is the range they aquire targets because its there max range.

But yea its all good ;).
Level 3
Apr 28, 2007
Another way to do this is to base your ability off something like cold arrows;; just remove the slow effect; and you can change 'casting range' and it'll be like your new attacking range.
[But then again it might seem wierd having to activate it]
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Nope that wouldn't work, even if cold arrows had 1000000 range it would only be able to fire as far as the heroes range.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I've actually managed to send a searing arrow a little farther than PotM's base range, but I had to do it manually, as opposed to setting it to autocast and telling PotM to attack. Manually as in press E for searing arrows hotkey, click enemy unit. Very tedious, very not fun, very likely to never happen again.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Yea i know teh ephy i was just assuming that most people, like you, would get annoyied by clicking each time. I hate searing arrows frozen arrows and all those auto-casting arrors. There one of the most annoying uncustomizable abilities in the game.
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