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House of the Dead Shooter - Need testing and feedback!

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Level 3
Dec 8, 2008
Official Wc3 House of the Dead - Phenomenal Reviews, need more testing/feedback!

-=House of the Dead=-

Here it is: Welcome to the Wc3 Official House of the Dead

Your character moves on his own in true first person mode. As you traverse the house and its grounds, you must use your gun to shoot enemy units as well as barrels that may contain items.

Pressing A will "Aim" (bring up a targeting cursor), and clicking on an enemy or object will shoot it. Some enemies will take multiple shots to kill (2-10). Right click anywhere on the screen (except on an enemy) to reload. Your ammo is the selected units Mana.

**NOTE: In this tester version, you cannot die, but there is a life counter that tracks how many times you are hit

Powerups can be found either partially hidden or inside barrels. They will restore 1 health if you have less than 5.

The game will eventually consist of different pathways, adding replay value. One alternate path will be attained if you can hit all three of the zombies that run by the Library.

This will eventually come with a nice creepy soundtrack and a lot more sounds, and the smoothness of the movement will be optimized as well. Feedback! Let me know what you think!

Progress: ~35% Done

Download the latest House of the Dead:


  • House of the Dead.w3x
    1.3 MB · Views: 123
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Level 3
Dec 8, 2008

--Redscreen Hit Flashes added: Only 2 right now, 1 for Zombie/Anethema and 1 for Sky Terror, Demon Child, and the Boss. Will eventually be 1 for every enemy!
--Massively updated the life system to mirror HotD! Lives are visible as hero icons and are removed or added based on hits/powerups
--Powerups will now add 1 life (if you are not at full life)
--Sweet reload system implemented! Based on char mana, to reload simply right click ANYWHERE on screen! (Except enemies of course)
--Added loading screen image and preview minimap image
--Boss now correctly damages you, except for a bug on the last scene where if you kill him after he casts but before the spell hits you, you do not get damaged

HOW do I stop the stupid ambient background music???
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Level 3
May 15, 2008
Hey, this map has potential! The terrain could be improved and try to use the fog to make a more scary atmosphere. Will this remain as single player or will it become multiplayer?
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Why do you protect your maps.
I could watch the triggers etc., but not if its protected.
I never protect my maps because other people can learn from your triggers, terrain, units etc. ...
And in the Hive Workshop nobody would be so nooby and "steal " your map.
However I like this map very much, this camera system is brilliant!
If you improve the terrain, maybe a scary music, sounds, more doodads and scary fog (maybe green?) it would be awesome!!
Very Good Work! +rep
Keep on improving it!
Level 3
Dec 8, 2008
Thanks for the comments and reviews guys. Uploaded a better version for testing. Any ideas for "events" that could happen? I also want to add more after the abomination chase and before the boss fight, maybe some sort of armory area. Let me know!
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Awesome :D
You did really great work :thumbs_up:
Things you may change:
-Add please some horror moments :D Like explosions, rats etc.

-Cool Idea
-Good Terrain
-Cool Boss ;-) I didn´t know first i have to shoot the ghosts :hohum:

-A little monster error while boss fight: Zombies behind me, hit me :/ But not bad, its just a little problem :)


Keep on the cool work, the people will love it! :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Dec 8, 2008
Nurga, thanks a ton for all that. The horror moments are a great idea! I'll make a few shocks and surprises, I definately am going to put in a lot of sounds. As for those Zombies, that was the one shock moment I had (It spawns 5 zombies right behind you and it's supposed to turn really fast towards them but it glitched and didn't turn. Will fix)

Sept, I used a specific camera angle to only allow the feet portion of that abomination to be shot at. It's possible to get off 5 shots each time you turn to look at the monster (and right now it takes 8 to kill one) so you can in fact have the monster dead before you even get to the end of the hallway. As for some going off the screen view and hitting you, it just means you aren't shooting the zombies fast enough so that they have to walk around eachother to get to you.
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
another little effect-idea: If you got hit, show a red glow in the interface, like in a shooter :) So you can notice, you got hit.
And, btw no problem :)

-Harder Boss
-Bugs fixed :)

Things you should change:
-Add some green at the outside levels. Then hide some Devil-Children there^^

It´s better now! But it was great before :D
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Level 6
Dec 9, 2007
Just had tried it one fast time, and I am impressed :D It was pretty awesome and something I wonder why I never have seen before.

Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
its really great, but, i must say, a bit too easy ^^ maybe you should add avadiable difficultes :)
Level 3
Dec 8, 2008
Hahaha! That's exactly what I'm working on now. I think the current difficulty will be normal, maybe I'll make it a little tougher, but I am adding an Easy mode where the timers are longer in certain parts, certain enemies are slower, and it just gives you more time to react. The Hard setting will make certain events happen fast, there will be more enemies etc.

I am also thinking about adding an extreme mode, where you have to know exactly where enemies are going to be to shoot them before they hit you, it will be very fast paced, and maybe you will even lose a life if you miss a monster in an area.

Also working on the classic "Save the Civilian" situations where you have to kill a monster before it mauls some poor, unarmed person.

I have a few powerups placed in-game, but they don't do anything yet. Any ideas?
Level 6
Dec 9, 2007
A few ideas for the Powerups:
-Bomb, which clean out nearby zombies.
-Divine Shield, prevent taking damage for a few seconds or maybe just the next incoming hit. :)

Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
What about to add ammo? So you can have more weapons, which cost 1/5/0 Mana (just example^^ 1=Gun 5=Pumpgun 0=Knife Oo)
So its a bit cooler :D
Idea for a Shock Moment: A zombie jump down from the housetop at you playin a ghoul sound "Graaaw!" ^^
Also add a bit blood and change the icon of "Fire"-Ability :D
Just ideas. Do what you want! :thumbs_up:
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Thanks :D I will test it instantly

Its now better than before. It´s the best :) Please make real Game Over^^
Level 6
Dec 9, 2007
It's a lot better than the ~25% version, not because it was a bad version ;). It's a really cool game. Keep on going :D

Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
daaaamnit, that was creepy. and really arcade-machine-like. keep up the good work!
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