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Hive's Simple Edit Resources Thread




Level 27
Jun 20, 2013




Description: This model is one of those practice dummies, trying to make segmented armor, and understand extrude tool in mdlvis.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 216.5
Credits: Bloodraven to give me permission to use the Moonblessed blade.


Buildable Generator


Buildable Generator Red and Blue

Description: A simple buildable generator. Based now in the TFT Building version, Particles work as intented, Base is based on a modded Tower base with a ramp, like every human building, the building is "taller" to keep it in proportion with Farms and Towers. Now with Attack animation.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 89.8
Credits: Blizzard/Me



  • HeroHighElfAssasin.mdx
    216.5 KB · Views: 437
  • BuildableGenerator.rar
    47.3 KB · Views: 363
Last edited:
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012

One-headed Ogres with Teamcolored tatoos

Highelven UI

Bloodelf Battleship

Bloodelven Craftsman

Bloodelf worker

One-headed Ogres with Teamcolor tatoos

Description: I got those two on request a couple of years ago. See picture, should be self-explainatory.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 490.2Kb
Credits: Heinvers

Highelven UI (recolor)

Description: Contains UI + Cursor.
Resource Type: UI
Filesize: 1.52Mb
Credits: Dentothor, Sin'Dorei 3000, Me

Bloodelven Battleship skin

Description: Skin for the Nightelven Battleship so it looks Bloodelven, zip contains fitting icon too.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 78.2Kb
Credits: Chen, Me

Bloodelf Craftsman

Description: Edit of Paulh's Artisan model so it looks bloodelven.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 76Kb
Credits: Paulh, Ardenian

Bloodelf worker

Description: wow look alike bloodelven worker unit. Props to Edge45 for adding teamcolor part.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 76Kb
Credits: Edge45

Burrow Tower

HD Militia

Elven units icons

Green Orc General

Black Golem with teamcolor gems

Burrow Tower

Description: Combined Orc watchtower and burrow buildings.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 107.5Kb
Credits: Kaizer

HD Militia

Description: HD version of Militia unit to be used alongside HD Peasant model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 82.1Kb
Credits: Kaizer

Elven units icons

Description: Simple unit icons for Elenai's Elven units, Mc!'s Arcane Ranger over at wc3c, Edge45's Belf Ballista and an Highelven ballista shared earlier in this thread.
Resource Type: Icon-pack
Filesize: 102.1Kb
Credits: Heinvers, Me

Green Orc General

Description: Edit of General Frank's Fel Orc General to become greenskin orc. Comes with 2 simple icons.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 74.6Kb
Credits: General Frank

Black Golem with teamcolor gems

Description: Edit of Cryonic's Cast Iron Golem to have teamcolored gems.

Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 124.4Kb
Credits: Cryonic,Hayate(?)

Aura Target Art

Elven Assassin Icon

skrab's Barracks with Lordaeron flags

Undead Airbase

Shieldsman with Pony Tail

Aura Target Splats

Description: By default all auras in wc3 use the same white circle below the unit to indicate if an unit is being affected by an aura. This pack contains seperate target art graphics for Devotion,Trueshot,Endurance,Vampire,Unholy,Thorny auras. Sadly they are not animated.
Resource Type: Models
Filesize: 33.4Kb
Credits: Darkfang

Bloodelf Assassin Icon

Description: An simple icon for Himperion's Assassin shared in above post.
Resource Type: Icon
Filesize: 10.5Kb
Credits: Me

Exigo Lordaeron Barracks

Description: An edit of skrab's Human Barracks model so it has the regular human barrack's teamcolored flags in place of the cinematic flags.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 218.5Kb
Credits: skrab, Edge45

Flying Black Citadel

Description: Edit of tier-3 undead main building to become an flying super-unit, has simple attack, spell and blink anims included.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 41.2Kb
Credits: Himperion

Elenai's Shieldsman with Pony Tail

Description: The model itself but with an tiny extra: simple teamcolor ponytail added.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 51.6Kb
Credits: Elenai, Edge45

Captain Shieldsman

Captain Archer

Bandit Pikeman

Highelven Spellbreaker

Workshop with team-color roof

Captain Shieldsman

Description: Captain version of Elenai's Gondor Soldier model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 130.2Kb
Credits: Elenai, Frozenknigt

Captain Archer

Description: Captain version of Wandering Soul's Footman Archer model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 69.3Kb
Credits: Wandering Soul, Frozenknigt

Bandit Pikeman

Description: Bandit version of Wandering Soul's Pikeman model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 44Kb
Credits: Wandering Soul, Frozenknigt

Highelven Spellbreaker

Description: Re-texture and edit of Spellbreaker unit to be Highelven.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 189.6Kb
Credits: Frozenknigt

Workshop with team-color roof

Description: Exactly what it says. See screenshot.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 159.6Kb
Credits: Frozenknigt

High-quality Orc Forge

Dwarven Explorer

Goblin Archer

Pile of Explosives

Hawk Grunt

High-quality Orc Forge

Description: Earlier in development Orcs had seperate Forge and Lumbermill buildings. Once these two got merged into Warmill the Forge model remaint untouched as it is, with an crudely carved entrance.
This edit gets rid of that part and adds an extra slate of rock with some teamcolored armament next to the fire.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 83.9Kb
Credits: Frozenknigt

Dwarven Explorer

Description: The small guy of Mortar Team alone.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 144Kb
Credits: Blizzard, Kitabatake

Goblin Archer

Description: An simple, small Goblin with a bow and stitched leather cape.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 35.4Kb
Credits: Em!

Pile of Explosives

Description: An collection of explosive barrels.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 74.6Kb
Credits: Blizzard, Kitabatake

Hawk Grunt

Description: Grunt with Wyvern rider's head, farseer's shield and grom's axe.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 102.2Kb
Credits: Em!

Orc Cavalry

Human Alchemist

Orc Bearserker

Vampire Bat

Warlord Grom

Orc Cavalry

Description: An grunt riding Warlord's horse, using his weapon and shield, also has an skull as helmet.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 190.4Kb
Credits: Em!

Human Alchemist

Description: An human mage using necromancer's robe, bandit mage's head, stormreaver necrolyte's backpack, an custom pair of glass and an flask in hand. Has custom missle too
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 107.2Kb+6.6Kb
Credits: Em!

this entry also has an custom missile:

Orc Bearserker

Description: An grunt wearing bear's pelt, using farseer's shield and a mace as weapon. Does not have teamcolor sadly.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 87.1Kb
Credits: Em!

Vampire Bat

Description: An small bat using Dreadlord's wings.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 63.7Kb
Credits: Em!

Warlord Grom

Description: Chaoslord edit using Grom's head and Grunt's texture for torso.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 197.3Kb
Credits: Em!

Web Aura

Sunfall caster art

Forest Troll Batrider

Pirate Man

Alternate Bandit skin

Web Aura

Description: edit of Unholy Aura to become Webs shaped.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 61.6Kb
Credits: Unknown

Sunfall caster art

Description: Variation of Starfall caster art to be used with sun-related spell.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 15.8Kb
Credits: Unknown

Forest Troll Batrider

Description: Forest Troll version of horde Batrider unit.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 194.7Kb
Credits: Unknown

Pirate Man

Description: Edit of Villager man to have bandana, eye patch, cutlass and hauls booty during alternate.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 43.1Kb
Credits: Unknown

Alternate Bandit skin

Description: An different bandit skin.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 80Kb
Credits: Unknown

Beta Thundercrash

Scarlet Captain and Knight skins

Dwarf Handcannoneer

Paladin skin for Knight

Forsaken Arcane Hunter

Beta Thundercrash

Description: An spell fx.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 5.4Kb
Credits: Unknown

Scarlet Captain and Knight

Description: Scarlet crusade skins for Captain and Knight units.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 93.2 and 177.8
Credits: 67chrome and ?


Dwarf Handcannoneer

Description: An dwarf carrying an sized down mortar.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 84.6Kb
Credits: Em!

Paladin skin for Knight

Description: An yellow eyes version of the default Knight.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 81.7Kb
Credits: facelessuniverse

Forsaken Arcane Hunter

Description: Forsaken version of Deolrin's Mage Huntress model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 107.6Kb
Credits: Deolrin, Em!

Forsaken Elite

Fel Orc Spearthrower

Demolisher Missile Undead

Poison Cloud impact FX


Forsaken Elite

Description: An footman edit using Arthas' Sword and face, revenant's shield and helmet, and an dark grey armor texture.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 43.1Kb
Credits: Em!

Fel Orc Spearthrower

Description: Fel Orc version of General Frank's Spearthrower model.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 99.5Kb
Credits: General Frank

Demolisher Missile Undead

Description: An retextured Demolisher missile with green particle fx.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 8.4Kb
Credits: Unknown

Poison Cloud impact FX

Description: Impact FX for Demolisher Missile Undead.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 2.0Kb
Credits: Unknown



  • BloodelfBattleship.zip
    78.2 KB · Views: 287
  • HQ Militia.mdx
    82.1 KB · Views: 378
  • BurrowedTower.mdx
    107.5 KB · Views: 429
  • BloodElfWorker.rar
    158.5 KB · Views: 329
  • BloodelfCraftsman.zip
    75.6 KB · Views: 357
  • ElfUnitIcons.zip
    102.1 KB · Views: 405
  • GreenOrcGeneral.zip
    74.6 KB · Views: 397
  • BattleGolemBlack.zip
    124.4 KB · Views: 402
  • AuraTargets.zip
    33.4 KB · Views: 251
  • BTNBloodElvenAssassin.blp
    10.5 KB · Views: 460
  • DISBTNBloodElvenAssassin.blp
    2.9 KB · Views: 162
  • UndeadAirbaseV3.mdx
    41.2 KB · Views: 456
  • HumanBarracks.mdx
    218.5 KB · Views: 450
  • ShieldsmanwithTCPonytail.zip
    51.6 KB · Views: 356
  • CaptainSwordmaster.mdx
    130.2 KB · Views: 614
  • CaptainArcher.mdx
    69.3 KB · Views: 529
  • PikemanBandit.zip
    44 KB · Views: 401
  • HighelvenSpellbreaker.zip
    189.6 KB · Views: 561
  • HQForge.mdx
    83.9 KB · Views: 430
  • TCWorkshop.mdx
    159.6 KB · Views: 440
  • DwarfExplorer.mdx
    144 KB · Views: 416
  • GoblinRanger.mdx
    35.4 KB · Views: 552
  • ExplosivePile.mdx
    74.6 KB · Views: 321
  • HawkGrunt.mdx
    102.2 KB · Views: 547
  • OrcCavalier.mdx
    190.4 KB · Views: 568
  • OrcBearserker.mdx
    87.1 KB · Views: 542
  • HumanAlchemistMissile.mdx
    6.6 KB · Views: 375
  • HumanAlchemist.mdx
    107.2 KB · Views: 551
  • VampireBat.MDX
    63.7 KB · Views: 530
  • WarlordGrom.mdx
    197.3 KB · Views: 492
  • WebAura.zip
    61.6 KB · Views: 346
  • Sunfall.mdx
    15.8 KB · Views: 433
  • ForestTrollBatrider.zip
    194.7 KB · Views: 330
  • PiratewithBooty.zip
    43.1 KB · Views: 320
  • HandCannoneer.mdx
    84.6 KB · Views: 428
  • ScarletKnight.blp
    177.8 KB · Views: 584
  • ScarletCaptain.blp
    93.2 KB · Views: 511
  • BetaThundercrash.mdx
    5.4 KB · Views: 458
  • BanditShade.blp
    80 KB · Views: 472
  • ForsakenMageHunter.zip
    107.6 KB · Views: 360
  • HumanpaladinKnight.zip
    81.7 KB · Views: 366
  • FelOrcSpearthrower.mdx
    99.5 KB · Views: 433
  • ForsakenElite.zip
    43.1 KB · Views: 350
  • DemolisherMissileUndead.mdx
    8.4 KB · Views: 307
  • PoisonCloudSmall.mdx
    2 KB · Views: 406
  • TeamcolorOgres.zip
    450.4 KB · Views: 337
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Wow, guys, cool stuff!! Thanks a lot for sharing!

EagleXI, right click on the attachment, select Properties and copy the URL there





Description: Simple cut-into-two of the dalaran doodad, useful for people not knowing how to use a model tool and made for request
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 14KB and 13KB
Credits: Blizzard

EDIT: centered them
Last edited by a moderator:


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Great initiative! I'm gonna sticky this thread.

Woah. Massive help Hayate. Thanks!

I'm liking that Black Bear model, with the Furbolg Head. Much better than the standard bear head. I wonder, does it have a portrait? And also, has anyone ever done a reskin of the Furbolg Tracker texture it uses? Would be nice to remove the armor part and just have a plain Black Bear :) Would be quite useful. Perhaps even do a Grizzly one with a reskinned version of the normal Furbolg texture.
Great initiative! I'm gonna sticky this thread.

I'm liking that Black Bear model, with the Furbolg Head. Much better than the standard bear head. I wonder, does it have a portrait? And also, has anyone ever done a reskin of the Furbolg Tracker texture it uses? Would be nice to remove the armor part and just have a plain Black Bear :) Would be quite useful. Perhaps even do a Grizzly one with a reskinned version of the normal Furbolg texture.

Im not sure, I will check it out maybe tmr and add one if there is none


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Excellent! :) Also, perhaps copy the black bear model and rename it Grizzly Bear and rewrap the texture using the normal Furbolg texture, so it can be used together with the black bear model.

Also, you should really think about submitting these resources to the database.
I know for a fact, that we don't have any good bear models out there. So these would definitely get approved.
Excellent! :) Also, perhaps copy the black bear model and rename it Grizzly Bear and rewrap the texture using the normal Furbolg texture, so it can be used together with the black bear model.

Also, you should really think about submitting these resources to the database.
I know for a fact, that we don't have any good bear models out there. So these would definitely get approved.

I already uploaded, but it got rejected (because is too simple), thats why its here

Btw, there is no rewrap actually need, the wrap for all furbolg are same, u can just directly change the texture and it will work, nicely, so yeah, i could make a rar file later for all the variation (all furbolg texture works)
So, I have my Pack with Improved Wrapping (A little) and a Better Portrait with Portrait talk added, optimized and reduced the filesize and Having 7 different Varation using different Furbolg's Texture

btw, the old thread of the rejected resource link is here
rEJECTED Resource Thread
Just In case you want to ressurect it XD

This just Update of the old bear, sorry for not following the format, making screenshot and doing the bbcode is a little... too much work :p

BTW, The Bear are attached here in Teddy Pack


  • Teddy Pack.zip
    217.1 KB · Views: 202


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
So, I have my Pack with Improved Wrapping (A little) and a Better Portrait with Portrait talk added, optimized and reduced the filesize and Having 7 different Varation using different Furbolg's Texture

btw, the old thread of the rejected resource link is here
rEJECTED Resource Thread
Just In case you want to ressurect it XD

This just Update of the old bear, sorry for not following the format, making screenshot and doing the bbcode is a little... too much work :p

BTW, The Bear are attached here in Teddy Pack

Excellent :) Yeah, I noticed the thread in the rejected section. I will give these resources a re-evaluation. I can't test these right now, but I will later today. Stay tuned! Also, have you considered using ingame textures to remove the armor parts? I'm sure people looking for these (including myself) will be looking for a plain ol' bear. Anyway, just a thought ;)
Excellent :) Yeah, I noticed the thread in the rejected section. I will give these resources a re-evaluation. I can't test these right now, but I will later today. Stay tuned! Also, have you considered using ingame textures to remove the armor parts? I'm sure people looking for these (including myself) will be looking for a plain ol' bear. Anyway, just a thought ;)

Oh we are same type of people i guess, I am the type of people that like to create generic model, and naked beast, since armor parts can be added with attachment, which, is not fancy for most moderator around hive anyway :p

Yes, I've considered to remove the armor parts, (those are my good ol attempt)
Not sure if Im able to do it with my current skill (As I am definitely better than that time, i just started modeling when i make that bear)
But I think It's not very possible for the ingame texture to make the bear naked, at least for me. I would Love to try it again, but is little too time consuming for that, and I do not have enough time for that now comparing to that time where I am Super Free :p

But still, I think editing the texture is the Best way to get rid of the armor

BTW, don't you think that you pour a little too much rep at me? Is not that I don't want, but it feels like a little unfair for getting so many for just a little effort




BTW, don't you think that you pour a little too much rep at me? Is not that I don't want, but it feels like a little unfair for getting so many for just a little effort
Haha, once in your Hive life you do not bury a promised request because you are too lazy and then you get a golden fountain xD ;D
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012

Wooden skin for Gilneas buildings


Wooden skin for Gilneas buildings

Description: Intended for Ujimasa Hojo's Gilneas set. The skin mainly uses wood texture of unused beta building Thieves' Guild, also included are muddy base texture and Alterac replacement for the flag.
Resource Type: several Skins
Filesize: 305.3Kb
Credits: Ujimasa Hojo,Blizzard,lost_in_concept,Me
Path: included as paths.txt



  • AlteracTexture.zip
    305.3 KB · Views: 291
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
May I contribute with something simple? I haven't read the thread, so I'm not sure how this all works, but I've been asked by Archian to make a simple, wall-less, ground-less Town Hall, so I made one (alongside the Keep and Castle) and added a simple foundation underneath. This might be useful for someone? I might not be the first one to do this.


  • TownHall_Groundless.mdx
    256.2 KB · Views: 193
  • GroundlessTownHall.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 690
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
May I contribute with something simple? I haven't read the thread, so I'm not sure how this all works, but I've been asked by Archian to make a simple, wall-less, ground-less Town Hall, so I made one (alongside the Keep and Castle) and added a simple foundation underneath. This might be useful for someone? I might not be the first one to do this.

I could use one where the townhall and keep base do actually match the structure's foundation.