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Hive's Guide [SC2 Strategies]

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Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
[A Noob's Guide to Protoss]

A while ago, I thought it would be a good idea if people posted their strategies in the SC2 forum, for other people to observe, learn from, and use to better themselves at SC2 melee. We're going to need some Terran and Zerg aficionados to post their own guides in this thread, or if the mods prefer they could be separated into Zerg/Protoss/Terran, I think it's a good idea. I will add a DT rush strategy, and an HT micro guide. So here's my 2 cents. I can't get my GOTO tags working, how do you do it again? :>

Protoss General Strategies - Versus Zerg - Versus Protoss - Versus Terran

Protoss General Strategies

Proxy Rush

The Proxy Rush is a very effective strategy to use against Zerg, Protoss, and Terran players alike, that stops them from fast expanding, and if executed properly, can force them to cripple their own eco, or lose the game completely in the first 7 game time or so minutes. The build order is as follows and the strategy will be fully detailed in this sentence.

On a 4 player map, build the standard number of probes which is 3-4 to start (I usually stop at 8-9\10 on a Proxy Rush), use the first one you make to scout your enemy, use your other probe(s) to construct 1 pylon near your ramp, then use your scout, (once you've found your enemy), to place a pylon in a hidden location near your enemy's base (the far back or near his first expo), a fast expander will force you to put the pylon away from the expo, so as not to arouse suspicion while he constructs his HQ, or defensive structures. Make 1 Forge back at your main near that Pylon by the ramp and make 2 Gateway at your proxy Pylon near the enemy's base, (it doesn't matter what order, but you can decide if you want zealots first or Photon Cannons to defend the proxy, and kite enemies back to them where they will be shredded, (I recommend 1 photon after both gates are done, or during their construction). Start pumping out Zealots, and use boost as much as you can on these Gateways, (I recommend keeping your HQ on a control group so you can keep boosting while microing the Zealots). You should have about 5 Zealots when you hit them, and several building (keep boosting them). During the attack, If your enemy is walled in heavily (likely a Terran), and you are losing, pull back get a Cyber Core at your base, and start pumping at Stalkers, once you have enough to overwhelm his defenses push again, (don't go too Stalker heavy, unless he's making Roaches, Zealots are the best t1 unit, and your enemy's force will likely consist of t1 units (they are highly effective against Marauders and Zerglings)). Once your enemy's wall has been broken, or his defenses have been destroyed, you are safe to rush his builders, or stop production of units. (I stop production first, this is imperative for a good rush.)

On a 2 player map, this one is easier to perform, but relatively similar, make your probes, this time, use your first probe to go to a safe place near your enemy's base, make a Pylon, then 2 Gateways, then start pumping out Zealots using boost, and get a Forge at your base, make 1 Cannon when feasible at your proxy Gateways.

Basic Start

On any map, keep making probes until you're at 9\10, then make a Pylon near your ramp, if you have a single entrance ramp at your expo, then take advantage of that and keep someone from proxying and put the Pylon there, (if you are concerned about a Zerg rush, or you are just a stickler for time, block your main base's ramp), send your probe back to work like usual, keep making probes until you're at 14-15 pop, boost these probes to improve economy early, make your first Gateway, then when feasible make a forge, next make a Cannon near the ramp, get your Cyber Core, (If you're worried about a rush, get a Zealot and/or another Cannon), get 2 Assimilators, keep making Probes 2 at a time, using boost on them, don't overdo it, this is within your grounds to decide, depending on how fast you want to tech and expand, and how strong you want your economy to be. Once your Assims are done, put 3 Probes into each one, hopefully you will have enough to get a Robotics Facility, and the Warp Gate tech at the Cybernetics Core, get both, make another Pylon at your ramp, start getting more Gateways while Warp Gate techs up (boost Warp Gate tech if you like), I usually do 4 Gateways (total) this early on. Once your Robotics Facility is done make an Observer, find your enemy, get a feel for what he's planning, and continue playing according to his weakness. From here the reins are yours, good luck my friend.

4 Gate Assault

On any map,. This strategy is undeniably one of the most common in all of Starcraft II's lower leagues, almost as popular as MMM, (Marines Medivacs and Marauders), it works to quickly kick out as many Stalkers or Zealots (depending on your enemy's units) as possible in a short period, right next to his base.
This build order is semi-all-in and for me, has 2 variations, one that will take an extra couple of seconds, but will protect you versus a rush, and one that sacrifices defense for an extra couple of seconds rush speed. At 9\10 population create a Pylon near your ramp, if you are playing the defensive version, and very near your Nexus if you are playing the speedier rush strategy. At 12\18 population, make a Gateway by your Pylon and send your Probe out to scout your enemy, DO NOT LOSE YOUR PROBE. At 14\18, make an Assimilator, at 16\18 make another Pylon, and at 17\18 make a Cybernetics Core. By 18\18 kick out a Zealot (I would save my boosts for Warp Gate tech (save around 100 energy)). Once you arrive at 21 used population, make a Stalker, and if feasible get and boost Warp Gate tech, while still making Probes, once you reach 24 population used, stop making Probes, and make 3 Gateways and a Stalker, now you should be at 26 pop, and if you didn't lose your Probe, you should use it to make a Proxy Pylon near your enemy's cliff (close enough where you can bypass his ramp by warping directly into his base, bring your Stalkers and Zealots with to protect it. Once your Pylon is up start by dropping in 3 Stalkers and 1 Zealot inside on his cliff and (this is optional) attack his ramp simultaneously with the 2 Stalkers and 1 Zealot you made to escort your Probe. Make (this is also optional), a second Assimilator for added effect. If this initial push has been beaten somehow (usually do to lack of micro skills), continue applying minor pressure, don't let your Proxy Pylon die, and start expanding and teching up to counter whatever he is making.

Versus Any

Someone said I should focus this guide more on helping people learn to macro, and I thought he was slightly right, so this is my guide to all things in general that are toss, from early game to late. As Protoss, you will usually have trouble with a handful of situations, I will cover all of them in this segment, from early to late game. Near the beginning of the game you will usually have trouble stopping a strong arm as Protoss, unless you followed a rushing strategy that puts the heat on your opponent, so to best combat this, you should focus on getting a Pylon near your ramp, if you started somewhere in which your expansion has only 1 ramp, (this portion does not apply for fast tech strategies) I would highly recommend you do this there, build your first Pylon near your ramp, and build whichever other structures you want there as well, make sure you make them where they'll choke anyone coming up the ramp into a narrow pathway, never block yourself in this will hurt your late game expansion, and stop you from aiding a teammate if you are playing 2v2, always leave a single narrow pathway which you can manipulate to your advantage.

Versus Zerg

This applies to most build orders and strategies. Zerg players tend to over extend themselves early, making Spine Crawlers and a few Zerglings to attack or defend with, followed by a fast expo, usually in the first 5-7 minutes, (about the time it takes to start a Proxy Rush). This means they are severely open to early attacks, and heavy pressure will often crack a Zerg player before he can get full strength (and trust me you don't want Zerg massing Mutalisks, Roaches, and Hydras, because that is the win all combo for Zerg against Protoss, and most people make them against toss (not always in combination). The Proxy Rush will usually be effective against Zerg, unless they are planning on rushing Zerglings, then it becomes a race to destroy one another's base, (most players wont fight an uphill battle, (Zealots vs Zerglings = win for Zealots, depending on how many lings there are of course). So overall I don't recommend the Proxy Rush against Zerg, I prefer playing conservative, but still applying serious pressure, when I do the Basic Start against Zerg I try to get as many Stalkers and Zealots out of my Warp Gates as possible, and counter whatever the enemy is making (based on intelligence gathered by my Observer aka, Obs), if the enemy makes Roaches mass Stalkers, if he makes Zerglings mass Zealots, with minor emphasis on Stalkers. If he is fully focused on expanding with only a few Spine Crawlers and a Queen or two to his disposal, then you are go for a major, back-breaking rush, act quickly once the Zerg eco is deployed, you are in serious trouble. Late game Protoss doesn't have a cureall for Zerg, put a strong emphasis on Colossus and Stalkers if he is making Roaches and/or Zerglings and/or Hydralisks, make Stalkers, Sentries and Phoenixes if he is making Mutalisks, use your Guardian Shield when the Mutas start firing, against Lots of Ultralisks, and sprinkled in weaklings such as Hydras, Roaches, or Zerglings, start pumping out Immortals and Colossus, (this leaves you vulnerable to air keep in mind). Add in High Templar or Dark Templar for an added ass kicking effect, but mind you, Zerg are not easy to beat late game, they will have the advantage sometimes even if your economy is stronger.

Versus Terran

This applies to most build orders and strategies. here, the Proxy Rush is more effective than against Zerg, because Terran players usually don't start pumping out Marines at the start of the game, and both Marines and Marauders get stomped by Zealots, (just don't get kited to death), as long as he isn't making Reapers, which can kite the shit out of Zealots, and kill structures hella fast, you are good to go, (90% of players don't make Reapers, the occasional pro or noob will make them). Most Terran will Bunker themselves in, but ignorantly thinking this protects them from a Proxy Rush, will result in your defeat, one bunker can easily be overcome by a Proxy Rush, I was faced with this situation early today, and my Zealot/Stalker combo shredded the bunker like butter, and the Zealots mopped up the only surviving marines, at which point I rolled into his base, took down his production, and kept tabs on all his builders, (always watch the builders, a sneak expo can keep them alive and possibly (in rare cases) cause you to lose). Late game, you're going to be facing MMM most of the time (Marines Marauders and Medivacs) this combo is pretty tough to deal with, so I recommend a mix of Stalkers, Colossus, and Zealots with Charge (purchased at the Twilight Council) Zealots will tank the Marines and Marauders, while the Colossi focus them down and turn them to butter. Your Stalkers are an addition just to deal with the Medivacs, you can add in Phoenixes (usually not feasible and they get owned by Marines) to deal with the Medivacs. Against mainly Mechs (Siege Tanks, Thors, etc). Colossi and Immortal heavy clusters, Immortals can tank the hell out of Siege Tanks, as they take very low damage from high single shot damage units such as Tanks and Thors, this makes them highly effective at proecting the Colossi, which deal the real DPS, and if you got the range upgrade from the Engineering Bay, they probably out range the Thors and Tanks, making it easier to melt them without sustaining major casualties. Now finally, a rare but not totally uncommon BO, is the air heavy one, this includes massing Vikings aka, Viking Hordes, or massing Battlecruisers aka, BC or BCM for 'Battlecruiser Mass' (don't let the Terran eco take off, because an abusive player will mass BC, and this is extremely hard to counter as Protoss), Stalkers and Phoenixes are your best bet, much like against the Mutalisk mass. Against a Viking Horde, countering is absurdly easy, make tons of Stalkers, and if you like some Zealots (preferably with Charge) to hit them when they are forced to land due to the insane ass kicking the Stalkers are giving them. If your enemy is harassing your builders or structures with Banshees, simply make Cannons near the popular harass spots, (I try to do this before they start harassing just in case they do).

Versus Protoss

This applies to most build orders and strategies. In the only 29 games I've played, I've only encountered a Protoss Proxy Rusher twice, and lost to it once, what I'm trying to say, is the vast majority of Protoss players, which about 60% of my wins have come against, are fast techers, who focus on getting Colossi or Stalkers early enough to completely crush an opponent who is still massing t1 garbage, even the players who play it safe like me with 1 Photon Cannon can be forced into submission by a properly executed Proxy Rush. If you execute properly, the enemy should have 3 Zealots, maybe 1 Stalker and a Photon Cannon when you attack, if you hit them early enough they probably will not even have Warp Gate yet. So this will definitely hurt them, just like all of the other rushes this one will usually result in a crushing victory if the player is not weary enough of rushers, (Protoss vs Protoss is usually a tech fest, so he wouldn't be expecting a rush in most cases). To the late game we go... a mirror (when two players play as the same race and a similar Build Order), is always fun, but can be difficult if your enemy counters better, so make sure you use your Observer properly when gathering intelligence. A lot of Protoss players when in a PvP, will use Void Rays to harass structures, and as support fire, so my only words of wisdom that I can bestow upon a PvP game, is beware the Warp Prism, beware the Proxy Rush, and beware the Void Ray harass. In this situation, late game against Protoss, it really just comes down to skill, and countering your opponents moves before he makes them.
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Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Depends on what section of the ranking. In 1v1 I'm ranked #7 overall in Bronze (I had a rough start). I should be able to place Platinum when next season starts, I believe that's in a week.

In 2v2 I placed Bronze with a noob, 3v3 all pairings we never lost a single game (haven't placed with either of the two players yet). And 2v2 me and a friend have 2 matches left to place, and are 3-0 so far. Right now I'm on a 9 or so winning streak, 4 or 5 of which are 1v1 games.

Note I learned a lot of this from Liquipedia, and lots more from practice. :p

My tag is xRiotZx 468 if you want to review my match history.

Feel free to make a contribution if you think I have missed some things?
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Ugh cheese stopped working even at higher platinum with players getting better and better. Unless you are able to get back to the game and be strong after some DTs, no expand and expecting to be win or loss after 1 attack is suicide. Also zealots without charge vs only 2-3 marauds who just need concussive shells are too easily killed.

Usually no expand cheese fail = gg. Lately what makes protoss strong is keeping up to late game where it becomes almost imba or by all means doing fe. Even terran doesn't miss to fe lately because no fe and fail attack is auto loss in most cases and if your opponet knows what he's doing.

If protoss fe-ed one would say they are vulnerable to all-in - not really - if the toss is good enough and for example the terran fails his all in and the toss stops him with having fast expand - oh wow, poor terran.

Yes it's very hard to expand and protect from all in but that's the game. Now you have the advantage that all maps introduced lately are bigger and even allow 2 fes, some maps like Xel Naga Caverns are long gone.

I remember how I was training vs toss om XNC, every single one in 6-7 games 4gated me, I was trying to stop him, mass marines ofc, sometimes it worked, sometimes not, the map was too small for it to succeed every time, now the larger maps allow it. No wonder tosses stoped 4gating that much, at least higher, 1 scout around the map bb - 3gate and expand is however a strong push.

Hell I'm even seeing if 1/1/1 will work anymore because like I said no expand vs toss expand and stops you = gg. But now I have my normal games vs toss which I see haven't changed since I last played, so I can soon return to the regular gaming.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Ugh cheese stopped working even at higher platinum with players getting better and better. Unless you are able to get back to the game and be strong after some DTs, no expand and expecting to be win or loss after 1 attack is suicide. Also zealots without charge vs only 2-3 marauds who just need concussive shells are too easily killed.

Usually no expand cheese fail = gg. Lately what makes protoss strong is keeping up to late game where it becomes almost imba or by all means doing fe. Even terran doesn't miss to fe lately because no fe and fail attack is auto loss in most cases and if your opponet knows what he's doing.

If protoss fe-ed one would say they are vulnerable to all-in - not really - if the toss is good enough and for example the terran fails his all in and the toss stops him with having fast expand - oh wow, poor terran.

Yes it's very hard to expand and protect from all in but that's the game. Now you have the advantage that all maps introduced lately are bigger and even allow 2 fes, some maps like Xel Naga Caverns are long gone.

I remember how I was training vs toss om XNC, every single one in 6-7 games 4gated me, I was trying to stop him, mass marines ofc, sometimes it worked, sometimes not, the map was too small for it to succeed every time, now the larger maps allow it. No wonder tosses stoped 4gating that much, at least higher, 1 scout around the map bb - 3gate and expand is however a strong push.

Hell I'm even seeing if 1/1/1 will work anymore because like I said no expand vs toss expand and stops you = gg. But now I have my normal games vs toss which I see haven't changed since I last played, so I can soon return to the regular gaming.

I don't believe I stated anything about not expanding, but in my honest opinion fast expanding will be the death of any player, as it cripples your economy for 6-9 minutes, so I usually only do with 2 bases depending on the skill of my opponent. And if you are calling Proxy Rushing cheese, it is a bit of cheese, but it still works extremely well, and has only to do with the skill of each player. A noob will get destroyed by a Proxy, but the same will usually happen to a pro depending on his race and preferred build order.

I recently beat a high gold with 100 or so wins 1v1 as toss by Proxy Rushing, he tried a 4 gate which in my opinion is a terrible strat, as it leaves you totally open to a Proxy rush from any Terran or Protoss. Only make 4 gates when you have a large reserve of minerals and Warp Gate tech is done, or almost done.

I'm not telling people to cheese, I do have a basic start strategy up there, which is the one I usually use. But sometimes Proxy Rushing will win you the game when you would lose other wise.

I will update next with a fast tech build order to get to Obs then Colossi, and Stalkers (Colossi are probably the most effective heavy mech do to their range and ease of micro, they are relatively fast and their ability to climb cliffs can keep them alive).

Edit: I wish I could get some fucking enthusiasm from everyone about the idea of having a strategy guide for all 3 races on THW, if you are going to post, at least post some contribution to the guide, for Protoss or otherwise.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
There are better strategy guides on team liquid.
This is more of a noob's guide.
It will help people in bronze and I dare say silver but it is of no use in the higher leagues.

A better guide would be how to macro properly and fend off cheese instead of encouraging it.
That will help noobs rank up in sc2 while at the same time learn key gameplay concepts.

Try posting this thread on team liquid to see what happens :p
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
There are better strategy guides on team liquid.
This is more of a noob's guide.
It will help people in bronze and I dare say silver but it is of no use in the higher leagues.

A better guide would be how to macro properly and fend off cheese instead of encouraging it.
That will help noobs rank up in sc2 while at the same time learn key gameplay concepts.

Try posting this thread on team liquid to see what happens :p

The point is THW is missing a guide to SC2. And yeah as of now this guide is for noobs, because pros don't need to read any of this, because they really already know about all of these things. And fending off cheese won't win you games.

Pros don't read strategy guides, that's why they are pros, I stopped reading strategies for Dark Crusade about 3 months ago.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Defeating a cheese will most likely result in a win for you since the cheeser has lost a huge investment in cheesing you.

True, but the Proxy Rush isn't really a cheese, because once you decide it isn't working, you have 2 bases, bases, plus and impending expo, which means you can out last your opponent if both of you go for each other's throats.

Proxy Rushing is a really good way to beat really good toss players lol.

Also, me, tesla and a friend, are 1 win from placing Diamond.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
True, but the Proxy Rush isn't really a cheese, because once you decide it isn't working, you have 2 bases, bases, plus and impending expo, which means you can out last your opponent if both of you go for each other's throats.

Proxy Rushing is a really good way to beat really good toss players lol.

Also, me, tesla and a friend, are 1 win from placing Diamond.

Good toss players use force field vs any rush. : D
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
It just has to be done right, all you need is watch some top replays of oGsMC and you will change your perception of how things are done. You will probably see when to DT and when to proxy right. This is how it's done on higher leagues. You have to forget any bronze strats you've used when you get higher. And yes protoss has to fe most of the time with skill you will stop 111 and any other no expand that fails is auto win for you.

If by proxy rush you mean putting gateways or photons near the enemy's cliff or close, whereas your base has nothing but a Nexus and few pylons (lol), well this is a bad move. If it works vs someone unprepared it won't work in the other cases. I know cause i've faced this lots of times, sometimes I was caught unprepared but that was early game after release, no1 really bothers now. If you don't nearly destroy him which you may not higher, it's a huge waste of resources as you lose all. But hey it's protoss, maybe its tactics work even on a little higher level too.

Also team leagues don't mean much. 3v3s will get Master without much prob, Diamond will be almost inevitable, same with 2v2 Diamond - at placement 4:1 and you're diamond.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Liquipedia said:
PvP (Protoss versus Protoss) play is highly dependent on a player's initial build order, scouting, and tech choices in comparison to the other player, because both players are building along the same tech tree. This means that one player's tech choices must either be surmounted or completely subverted through the use of another (or the same) branch of the tech tree than (as) the opposing player. In general, Robo > Twilight Council > Stargate > Robo. However, it is by no means a build order win.

For example, if a player were to attempt to do a 4-Gate rush on another player, the other player would have to either 4-Gate faster than his opponent, or counter it with the proper tech.

A common thought running through most players not opting for an aggressive gateway-oriented build is to place gateway units including Sentries near the ramp in order to Force Field to prevent the opponent from invading the base. Fights on the ramp with good force fields cause the opponent's numbers to count for little, as the defending player force fields small numbers of units up the ramp where they may be picked off. Minimizing sentry count is an important facet of PvP as they lose effectiveness later in the game, but cost 100 gas.

I would say micro, is the most impotent thing in pvp. In the lower leagues it's just about the one with most gates, but higher leagues it's for sure the use of the unit.

In the early game of PvT the Protoss generally is fighting to survive long enough to get to expand and tech up. Early pushes with Marauders and Marines are common, and without the proper tactics, they can be devastating. Until 4:50 into the game (when Concussive Shells can finish.) you can harass with Stalkers unless needed to defend vs Reaper harass. Using a Probe to scout the front of the opponents base for the unit composition is a lot safer. In order to survive early MM pushes you need the right mix of Zealots and Sentries, with a few Stalkers in the back (perhaps a ratio of 3-2-2). Use Force Field to either deny the Terran entry to your base, or if possible to cut his force in half or trap him so that the Zealots can kill him off.

Again this is how it happens in the higher league. If you just study enough strategy you can always surpass bronze league.

Zerg Strategy is just about surviving until mid-late game. Then you should be able to win, if again you use your units right. You can always read about it on liquipedia.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
It just has to be done right, all you need is watch some top replays of oGsMC and you will change your perception of how things are done. You will probably see when to DT and when to proxy right. This is how it's done on higher leagues. You have to forget any bronze strats you've used when you get higher. And yes protoss has to fe most of the time with skill you will stop 111 and any other no expand that fails is auto win for you.

If by proxy rush you mean putting gateways or photons near the enemy's cliff or close, whereas your base has nothing but a Nexus and few pylons (lol), well this is a bad move. If it works vs someone unprepared it won't work in the other cases. I know cause i've faced this lots of times, sometimes I was caught unprepared but that was early game after release, no1 really bothers now. If you don't nearly destroy him which you may not higher, it's a huge waste of resources as you lose all. But hey it's protoss, maybe its tactics work even on a little higher level too.

Also team leagues don't mean much. 3v3s will get Master without much prob, Diamond will be almost inevitable, same with 2v2 Diamond - at placement 4:1 and you're diamond.

About the league placement, that's total bullshit, because we had a 4:1 and placed mid-low gold. There is no inevitability in the placement, it's based on w/l lightly, and more so score and point spread.

Number two, I specifically out line in the Proxy Rush strategy (and yes I do mean setting up a Proxy near your opponent), that you should get a forge near your pylon at your ramp to provide a small wall, and a photon on the other side of it is optional to prevent someone from cutting your throat. Even people who are prepared for this when I do it end up losing, because while they're on the defensive, I'm expanding, and growing more and more powerful into the late game, even if the initial rush fails, it still hinders your opponent immensely, unless of course he kills your proxy, which should never happen if you follow the strat properly, and place 1-2 photons on it and 2 pylons (2 pylons for 2 photons). Generally by the time the enemy starts to fight back, when/if they survive the initial push, I've got a probe making an expo somewhere, and I'm making higher tier units than them. The economic damage is usually higher to your opponent than yourself, as long as you aren't a complete flaming asshole who loses all of his units in the first push because he has no concept of micro. I will post replays for all my strats, and some losses to enlighten you further. It doesn't seem to me like you even read the entirety of the guide, I clearly state this rush is occasionally ineffective against Zerg, because a ling rush will back door you and definitely cause you to lose.

@Reaper: No one uses sentries as their first unit because they are too expensive, I'm sure some people do, but no one is going to make a sentry for 100 gas instead of a robo which will get you obs and immortals early. That's a shit strategy imo, FF is the best ability sentry has, but it is best utilized later in the game, when you have enough money to waste on them.

Bronze (higher tier Bronze(top 20ish)) and Diamond have the best players of any non-master league.

Can I get some constructive criticism in the mean time, instead of this bronze-leaguers can't play bullshit.
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