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Hired 4 War 2.6a

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Select a hero buy some units and off to war you go.

Hired, War, For, mrgnome

Hired 4 War 2.6a (Map)

10:34, 1st Mar 2009, by Rui A slightly more original AoS than the others, but to say the least, the author pretty much screwed up the rest. Check comments #2 and #3 to find out. Rejected with a rating of 1/5 (Unacceptable).




10:34, 1st Mar 2009, by Rui
A slightly more original AoS than the others, but to say the least, the author pretty much screwed up the rest. Check comments [self=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=81966#post1030036]#2 and #3[/self] to find out.
Rejected with a rating of 1/5 (Unacceptable).



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
This is "Hired 4 War", by mr.gnome.

It is an AoS, slightly more original than the others, in the aspect that you don't simply buy a hero, but you also have units available for hiring, who can be upgraded on their damage, armor, attack speed and hitpoints.
You select a hero, and wait for the gates to open (or rather, to destroy themselves).

The first thing you notice are the heroes. There is next to no customization on the heroes, and those that are custom possess only 1 or 2 custom abilities, being the rest of their ability set filled by ordinary Wc3 spells.
Since the game tends to focus more on creeps than heroes, it is understandable, but in that case, I'd have ruled out the custom heroes and abilities, and stick to the standard ones.

After choosing a hero, there is a magical cage that sells potions which can heal up to 10.000 HP with only 200 gold. Considering you get like, 2 gold a second, let alone the gold you get from creeping, isn't this a bit too much?

Next, the terrain. Blizzard cliffs used to form a wall, no elevation, no ground texture variation, volcanoes in the middle of nothing... what else needs to be said?

Last, but not least, the packaging (map presentation). You did not insert a description on the map itself, and your description here on the Hive is very poor too. No in-depth describing of what the map is about, no screenshots, wrong types selected...

I believe it is pretty easy to figure out this map's being Rejected. My rating's 1/5 (Unacceptable).
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

Rating system

Altered Melee:
1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on balance
1 - 10 points go on drops
1 - 10 points go on Object editor work
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on camera work
1 - 10 points go on music and or voice acting
1 - 10 points go on dialog
Percent Grade Status

0 - 34%
1/5 Rejected

35 - 49%
1/5 Reviewed

50 - 64%
2/5 Reviewed

65 - 79%
3/5 Approved

80 - 89%
4/5 Approved

90 - 100%
5/5 Approved

The table may vary if needed.


Originality: 4/10 X
It is basically an AoS, just like any other. It has an interesting lane set up, but other then that nothing much.

Object editor work: 1/10 X
You took all the warcraft heroes as your base heroes, left their stats, voices and spells and just edited their models and names. There are no hotkeys for hero selection, the descriptions are very bad. All in all you could use a lot of improvements here.

Bug Free: X
We didn't play it to the end.

Terrain: 3/10 X
The terrain is plain, without enough dodads, to much blizzard cliffs, suggestions:

- Remove the blizzard cliffs, use the height tool rather
- More dodads, this way it looks rushed and plain

Scripting: 5/10
The scripting was average, but you could add some things:

- Multiboard for kills
- Revival time
- Kill streaks

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 3/10 X
The fun factor lacks:

- No custom heroes and spells (Sure you can call this custom, but you just edited names and models)
- Nothing original whatsoever
- The towers have too much hitpoints
- The potions are imbalanced (100 gold for 1000hp)

Lag: 9/10
Fast loading time, no lag.

Proper submission and crediting: 2/10 X
Not enough info, images. You need to put more text.



In overall: 27 / 70
minimal 50% not met.
For the hive grade: 1/5 I suggest this map for: Rejection
In overall a AoS that is just like any other. It has bad terrain and heroes and no originality. It lacks many things, most of them mentioned above. You need to work more on your map, use our Map Development Forum to get feedback.
Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.