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Heros of Might and Magic – Need ideas! :)

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Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Hello fellas,

Those of you who know 'Heroes of Might and Magic', I would like to make something similar into warcraft 3 but I can't figure out for the moment on how to make the units stack and their damage and hp to be cumulative without increasing the base - as it is in HOMM!

Got what I mean?

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
Instead of saying "who know HOMM", can u try explaining what u want? Since not everybody play that game (though I've heard about it).
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Answer to hayaku1412: It's much to explain that's why I referred to those who know the game already!

Basically it should be a unit stacking system of some sort.

Answer to Kartron: 'HOMM I' as a start if I am pleased with how I proceed then I will include 'HOMM II' elements...
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I dont quite know this HOMM but heard of it like hayaku. But for your questions, In stacking damage you can refer into this: Stacking Damage but if you are refering to the Damage of the unit itself stacking, you can do is use a DDS that if it detects you attack and put as an action is add an item damage bonus and higher its bonus every attack. And for the HP, you can try using tome o health as an alternative. Trigger it, your event and codition then in action, what you do is give that unit the Tome of Health to increase HP.
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
I see guys you don't quite get my point...

In Heroes of Might and Magic you have unit population every week on day 1.

So let's say (this is just an hypothetical example) Footman population increases by 3 each 'Monday', you already have 5 Footmen in your hero (stacked).

Each footman has 15hp and 2-3dmg, 4 attack and 4 defense and 5 speed.

So having them stacked in this way means to have 8 footmen stacked which increases their damage (depending on the stack number) but the speed, attack, defense and hp of every single one of them stays the same.

Meaning that for every 15 damage received one footman dies (is removed from the stack), thus lowering the stack's damage.

Does it make any sense?
Level 5
Oct 10, 2012
i see its something like advance wars isnt it?

i guess you could trigger that

make some integer or real variable that make it the number of stack of your footmans
increase it after sometime or after acquiring a regenerating item
you can use DDS and for every damage taken you could remove one integer or so on

get what i mean?
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Hehe i am still playing that game multiplayer (homm 4)

Back to your question, for stacking unit's damage.Use a skill like endurance aura with 100 levels.I hope you get the idea, i cant explain more bad english, but i can try if you need.

For hit points try doing same thing with a hp bonus increase skill.

Edit:i will try myself.

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
Well. U can find it in the spell section. It's true that's it use add/remove trick but in a different way than what we usually do. Honestly I dont know how it works (since it's in vJASS ==).
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Answer to AngkySaputra: I get what you mean but unfortunately I am not much into integers - I will read about them though and see what I can do!

Answer to hayaku1412: In HOMM creatures have Attack, Defense, Damage, Movement speed and HP - Damage is the default damage of the unit and 'Attack' is an additional damage multiplier! I will try this 'Custom Stat System' that you talk about might do the trick or at least some of it. ;)
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Hmm.. I like it. HOMM in warcraft. but I don't think it's an easy thing to do such a game into one map. Especially if it's gonna be multiplayer. I have thought of doing such thing but many things made me think otherwise.

Before you read the rest of my reply, please note that I have only played HOMM 5 & 6, so I'm not sure if what i'm talking about will also be also the same with your situation

First thing I thought that would be hard to recreate is the movement system, how the pathing would work, how the estimate of the "days needed to go to the destination" (The one that is displayed near the mouse before you make a move) and how you could detect where the mouse is.

What I thought to be the solution:
For the movement system, estimation and the movement limit, you could replace the move command with a spell (targets ground or units) so that when the player targets the ground or another hero, you could detect the distance of the hero unit and the target point and get the days or movement it takes to get to that point. If it doesn't exceed the movement limit of the hero unit, order it to move to that point.​

Next problem would be the town tier and the building tree.

What I thought to be the solution:
Make a spot on the map and use it to make the building tree. Whenever the player "presses" a button on that building tree, you level up the town.​

and another problem would be....err.. wait, I just realized that your only problem is about the stacking and the damage etc.

Well, the only possible way I think this could be done is by triggering the damage, health and everything. But it would not be efficient. You can show the number of units in the stack, the damage, attack, health etc in a multiboard. If the unit stack is selected, hide the multiboard of the last selected unit and show the multiboard for the selected unit. When a unit attacks, you can calculate the number of stacks and damage (NumOfStack x Damage) and deal it to the target stack. I'm afraid that you'll have to trigger everything to make this work smoothly and without any lags in the map. and AFAIK, custom stat system will not work for this purpose.

Sorry for the very long reply. I just love HOMM :3
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Hera_ - no not really what you mentioned also are included as troublesome features to work on but the two that I am concerned at the moment are those that I haven't figured out at all how to recreate.

Above all I myself believe that the hardest thing will be to recreate the stacking of the units and the battles themselves... I am not thinking of having AIs at the moment that would be too much for me, as I never worked with AI scripts before.

Well you played the fancy versions of the game (HOMM 5-6) are fancy but at the same time a bit lame and boring (there's just too much of everything that kills the feeling).

That's why I decide to recreate HOMM I it's a hell lot more simple and more probable for me to accomplish! It has only 4 Towns and 6 units per Town.

So my idea is to recreate it as much as I can but it would be more like Player against the creatures on the adventure map or Players VS Players (4 Max as it is in the original HOMM I)

The simplicity comes also form this that creatures then didn't had upgrades and there were far less buildings to build per town.

Does sharing the above information mean that I can use it if needed? :3

(p.s. I also adore HOMM playing it since the beginning when the first one came out)
Level 5
Jan 30, 2013
I think he says about Heroes III. I know a little about it (because I have played it yet). largely, it like... playing chees. each player will have 1 turn for each hero he has, the more heroes he has, the more turns for him. a turn helps your heroes to move around the map (to find items, attack the others, own a town,...). the turn of each player is depend on units in each hero (we often call it "creep"). I can describe this, you can find it more on google!
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
I think he says about Heroes III. I know a little about it (because I have played it yet). largely, it like... playing chees. each player will have 1 turn for each hero he has, the more heroes he has, the more turns for him. a turn helps your heroes to move around the map (to find items, attack the others, own a town,...). the turn of each player is depend on units in each hero (we often call it "creep"). I can describe this, you can find it more on google!

No and Yes, I was speaking about Heroes 1 not Heroes 3 but everything else is more or less as you described it :)
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