Hero Line Defence 1.23



This is a multiplayer hero defence map where you fight off enemies in two teams.
Your main objective is to protect your teams crystal and generators from creeps that is coming from the portal on the far end of your lane.
To do so you must choose a hero and fight off the mobilizing waves.

New Terrain:

Old Terrain:













-Balance the creep waves
-Commands like "-zoom" "-next" or "-info #"

Considered Features
-Arena battle between teams heroes
-"Hero Line Wars" mode (send units, increase income, grow insanely powerful)
-Also, if adding "Hero Line Wars" mode, Adding limited/unlimited options which toggles infinite skill points or not.

-Filled in empty spot in water
-Removed "Lane crossing" option. Lane crossing is now always enabled
-Added Creep Multiplier options. Up to x3 creeps is now available
-New gameplay screenshots posted by Matix233
-It's Christmas!
-Minor bugfixes
-Fixed a rare "creep stopping" bug
-Added "-move" command if something like stopping creeps would occur again
-Added "Info" dialog (quest), displaying commands and credits. More will be added over time
-Cleaned up the "quest" dialog
-Fixed some game buttons tooltips
-Updated gold reward from creep kills. It now scales better with the current level you are on
-Default game difficulty is now set to normal instead of easy
-Djinns "Sky Strike" now grants mana again
-Fixed harpys "Wingclip" to now be upgradeable at level 6,11 and 16
-Many minor bug fixes and small improvements
-Fixed a few bugs found by "Planer". Thanks a lot! :)
-Reduced attack speed on Tauric Halberd to 15% from 20%
-Reduced damage according to tooltip on Wirt's Leg to be 100 instead of 200
-Reduced prices on tomes
-Changed damage gain on Tome of Destruction from 4 to 5
-Changed health gain on Tome of Health to 75 from 100
-Stat bonus tomes now grant proper bonuses (+2 instead of +5)
-Halved costs and bonuses on tier 3 items. Also added an additional ability on each item
-Increased sell prices on tier 2 items
-Increased the tier 2 items stat bonuses
-Changed name on Mithril Sword to Tauric Halberd. Bonuses remain unchanged.
-Changed name on Gauntlets of the Wind to Magic Wand
-Fixed the Gnolls "Slow poison" ability
-David Copperfields ultimate now bound to R
-Drumlords Reqeuim of War now has level skip
-Gnolls Gnoll Poison now has level skip
-Juggernauts Repair Bots now has level skip
-Removed Teleports
-Summons no longer gets heal from the fountain
-Added a speed boost by the fountain, to more swiftly get back to your outer generator or to interfere with the enemy lane
-Increased the health healed by the fountain by 50% (from 1% 7 Second to 1.5% / Second)
-All heroes now start with full mana
-Increased mana costs for Exorcist
-Fixed a bug with returning units once again
-Added Gabriele Amorth, the Exorcist
-All tooltips should now have been updated
-Reenabled Juggernaut
-All hero reworks done!
-Fixed Drumlords ability to heal buildings
-Updated Drumlords Tooltips
-Added Gnar, the Gnoll Champion
-Returning units should now be prevented. (If they are to return they will be sent back as soon as they reach the portal.)
-Reenabled Djinn, and Frost Soul. Update complete.
-Juggernaut remains unavailable till I find out what to do with it.
-Added Ringo Starr, the Drumlord.
-fixed Scarabs "Munch" to now properly follow the ability tooltip.
-Fixed bug with returning units messing up the game (hopefully!)
-Added a function to prevent units from leaving their lane by using dash or blink abilitys. If you try, you're dead.
-Soul Seeker now revives properly
-Fixed bug with Lady Charm, preventing new levels to execute if her charmed units died.
-Fixed damage on Scarabs "Dig" ability
-Fixed Soul Seekers ultimate ability to now be available at level 6
-Fixed water Disappearing bug
-Added Purchasable Teleportations
-Remade Tempest
-Updated Pirate
-Updated Sandman
-Updated Groot
-Updated Gatekeeper
-Updated Tooltips to increase clarity
-Added Harpy Dent, the Lady Charm
-Added Dauros, the Warlock
-Added Trosh'ka, the Soul Seeker
-Disabled following heroes due to reworks: Djinn, Juggernaut and Frost Soul
-Fixed "Random Hero" so now every hero can be randomed
-Fixed Hellspawns "Fire Shield" (Finally!)
-HUGE terrain update
-Added Pappoth, the Magnataur
-Added David Copperfield, the Wizard
-Added Khepri, the Scarab Monstrosity
-Fixed starting mana. All heroes should be able to cast any starting ability of their choice, without purchasing mana.
-Toy nerfed by making his AMLS a toggle ability, draining mana while activated.
-Updated description size (as requested by Legal Ease
-Changed the "Select Hero" area
-Halved creep damage, resulting in not always have to select easy difficulty to survive
-Added 16 locked heroes that shall be revealed as the map developes
-Disabled Bill Stonefist, the Dude, as he await an update
-Updated a few tooltips
-Added some hints
-Other minor fixes
-Added All Random mode
-Added Randomize Hero
-Fixed all (hopefully) buff issues
-Balanced health gain per strength, resulting in nerf of many stregth based units
-Removed old health and mana potions, replacing them with 4 new regeneration potions
-Reworked a few heroes, achieving more balance
-Changed default mode to turn off armor modifications
-Added a few hero concepts
-Removed diffuculty dialog
-Added setup system
-Added option to play with armor and attack types
-Added option to play with Cross Lane (meaning you can switch to enemy lane to battle them)
-Now executes creeps properly upon setroying a generator
-Minor bugfixes.
-Map Size fix (As suggested by Garylau)
-Fixed Description

Thanks a lot, Matix233 for contributing with bugreports, screenies and general testing!
You have been a great help! :)

The first game on battle.net: -14/12/25
Big thanks to the players: CantSleep, Flavlus and narutofan2k8!
They gave me a lot of of really useful tips and suggestions on improvements.

Hero, Line, Defence, Creeps, Rufus, Waves, Toy, Hero Defence, Battle, Arena, pvp, Enfos

Hero Line Defence 1.23 (Map)

StoPCampinGn00b: Old review: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hero-line-defence-1-22-a-257880/index2.html#post2613942 24 Dec 2014 StoPCampinGn00b: Hero line defense is an Enfo's like map that has a few unique features of it's own. It...




StoPCampinGn00b: Old review: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hero-line-defence-1-22-a-257880/index2.html#post2613942

24 Dec 2014
Hero line defense is an Enfo's like map that has a few unique features of it's own. It can be played as a team survival, or as a team based arena.

The map has enough heroes as well as a variety of difficulty and scenario options to make sure the map does not have to be the same over and over. Unlike previous versions, the map is now a lot easier to pass with less players due to more separation of difficulty levels.

Heroes don't exactly have extreme abilities for users to be in awe, but out of all the heroes I've tried, they all will have at least one customized ability that could be entertaining to use. Most of the items to buy are simple, but some, especially in tier 3 now have a nice twist on them to accommodate different play styles. What could be improved for the heroes is for the abilities to have slightly better descriptions. Sometimes, some tool-tips have more information than others. For example, in the Groot (I AM GROOT!) hero, mass entangle has the cool down time which isn't very necessary but it doesn't show the range/radius of how far the effects take place. Anyway, that's just a minor annoyance.

The visuals of the map have improved significantly. There aren't too many ways to make the Dalaran tileset look extravagant, but the map clearly shows the work the author has put in decorating the map with doodads or other things such as the customized water.

Verdict: Map rating improved to 4/5
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
My Review
-Nice Terrain.
-Attribute of item balance.
My Suggestion
-Add Quest
-Fix your time played(Your Time played stuck at 24 minute 00 second however you already play half hour or more )(picture at attachment file)
-What is the use of this Tavern ? If that decoration , delete the unit sold .(picture at attachment file)
-Add Remake(rmk) dialogue for player while they lose below rmk is Quit.
-Detect how many player and give how many attacker .
1 player detected - spawn 4 attacker for player X.
2 player detected - spawn 6 attacker for player X.
X player get X attacker . (X= unknown)


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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks for your rewiew!
-Do you mean like adding info in-game? That is a good idea, will probably add that! Thanks!
-Time played fix is coming up!
-Tavern is actually kind of an easter egg, a random unit with 10% chance of spawning. There is also a 10% chance of a bandit spawning next to it. The chance for both to spawn at the same time is only 1%! Perhaps I should change them into custom units so that is clear that it is intended. :)
-I'll try to fix this!
-Number of creeps in relation to number of players was how i first developed the map, but i found it to be better (Since AOE units would increase their influence in the battle only because player count was higher) if I change the handicap instead, so if you are two players in a team, playing on normal difficulty, the first wave (spiders) will have 100 health instead of 50, and so on.

Thanks again for your rewew and for those useful suggestions! see you around! (+rep) :)
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
Give you some suggestion.
-Add "Repair crystal" in game.
Sure that must expensive . Buy "repair crystal" will heal one life to the crystal .The gold maybe 5000.
-That "The real MVP"should be add some "Require".
Require some "ulti item" , if not these item will occupy place.
"Ulti ITEM" seen like
-Santa boots
-Spirtual Gem
-Root of the World Tree
-Guardian Armor and so on.
Thanks add me in "log" category.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Not really a good map for multiple reasons which are the following:-

- When I attack a generator, my hero disappears. I shouldn't even be able to attack the generator to avoid this
- Three heroes are unbalanced. Hellspawn, Shaman and Toy. Hellspawn has Fire Shield which deals a lot of damage but has no mana cost and very low cooldown. It's also buggy because when I try to use it after the cooldown finishes, it doesn't work. Spikes then counter the extra damage taken from Insanity, which increases attack speed and makes that 50% lifesteal a lot healing. Then his ultimate is extremely powerful. It adds a lot of HP, damage and armor and that makes me unbeatable, Roy the Toy now. He can plant deadly mines which deal critical damage and stun for 2 seconds. His automatic missiles then allow me to run around and damage creeps in the same time so if I am about to die, I just keep running around until the creeps die. His second skill makes me untouchable and the ultimate deals 1000 damage in a very large area at level 1. It's too powerful when Roy is at level 6 only. Add all of this to a passive which decreases armor and the hero becomes invincible. Shaman is unbalanced only for one thing, his Brainstorm. I can just keep spamming the 3rd skill and stop before it is casted to gain that +1 Intelligence. I got about 55 Intelligence at level 1 for this. So, to sum up everything, you must weaken some of these skills and remove that Brainstorm +1 Intelligence. (tested those heroes in Normal)
- Abilities' description are too short and lacking of info. They don't tell me how they improve per level. Hellspawns' descriptions are unfinished. His ultimate has Avatar's exact description and Insanity+Spikes say the same thing at all 5 levels
- You are not familiar with buffs I see. For Burning Oil, there is Disease Cloud. For Insanity, Bloodlust. For Mine, Statis Trap and so on. Every ability must have an appropriate buff.
- As the game finishes only when a crystal is destroyed, there must be a unit which can cast offensive spells on the enemy team like silencing skills, damage/armor/attack speed/movement speed reducing abilities etc... to let the creeps be able to advance and destroy the generators and then the crystal
- Why only two consumables? A 100 HP heal and 100 mana restore in late game is pretty useless. Add more consumables whihc heal more HP and restore more mana. Maybe you could add a consumable which restores both. I see you created two regenerating potions but you didn't put them in the shop.
- The terrain could be improved still. Some Black Marble would be a good addition in the battlefields

Some issues have been fixed so you now get 3/5 and my vote for APPROVAL!
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Reduce the size of the images in your description. Currently they run off the left edge of the screen, at least at some resolutions. It's a really nice description, people should be able to view it all in one screen.
Do you have any recommended pixels? As it is now it is perfectly adjusted to my screen. Does the top square saying "Hero Line Defence by Rufus" fit good?

- When I attack a generator, my hero disappears. I shouldn't even be able to attack the generator to avoid this
That is already solved. When did you download the map? I updated it a lot the first couple of days.

- Three heroes are unbalanced.
I wanted to see if this was a concept to further develop before putting too much effort into balancing.

- Abilities' description are too short and lacking of info.
I kept them short intentionally to easily acess information about them. Didn't think about it, but I will add tooltip so that you can see what each level adds. Thanks!

- As the game finishes only when a crystal is destroyed, there must be a unit which can cast offensive spells on the enemy team like silencing skills, damage/armor/attack speed/movement speed reducing abilities etc... to let the creeps be able to advance and destroy the generators and then the crystal
Again, I belive you have an old version as I fixed so that you can go between lanes via the dark portal, thus, be able to mess with your enemy team as you want.

- You are not familiar with buffs I see. For Burning Oil, there is Disease Cloud. For Insanity, Bloodlust. For Mine, Statis Trap and so on. Every ability must have an appropriate buff.
I am, but I had simply forgotten about them. Thanks for pointing it ou. Anyway that is easily solved.

- Why only two consumables? A 100 HP heal and 100 mana restore in late game is pretty useless. Add more consumables whihc heal more HP and restore more mana. Maybe you could add a consumable which restores both. I see you created two regenerating potions but you didn't put them in the shop.
True. I had a thought with that with my original concept. But as you now will be able to switch lanes, I'll add more consumables options.

- The terrain could be improved still. Some Black Marble would be a good addition in the battlefields
I do not agree. I like to keep it clean and not too messy with a lot of doodads. What is your thought with the black marble?

Anything you DID like though? :D
Did you like the overall concept?

Thanks for a good rewiew!
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I guess I downloaded an earlier version but of course I liked the overall concept. With the terrain I don't mean drastic changes, just adding some more tiles maybe but I didn't speak about doodads so I don't know from where you got them.

Okey, where would you add black marbles? :)
(BTW I'm fixing a lot of the things you pointed out thanks!)
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
Well updated.At the "hero select" area , the hero in all black is that coming soon hero ?
This game is some difficult for one player only .Maybe should be balance the creep with heroes.
While during playing , when my hero level up why the "hero select" area's hero level up with me together ?
Your screenshot should be update and some of the description is outdated.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
The image sizes for the gameplay section are good but the others are still too large.
The game concept is great and the terrain is excellent, but you could add more heroes, though I don't think that is a problem. The heroes you do have are good and the game is fun. Great work! 4/5. Vote for approval!

You rated 3 not 4 :wink:
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I'm so sorry Garylau for not responding on this feedback! I didn't see it until now!
At the "hero select" area , the hero in all black is that coming soon hero ?
Correct! Updated that now though. Three new heroes and replaced darkened heroes with questionmarks.

This game is some difficult for one player only .Maybe should be balance the creep with heroes.
It is done! I realized that it was all to hard. Now the selectable difficulties match their actual difficulty better (Easy is easy).

While during playing , when my hero level up why the "hero select" area's hero level up with me together ?
This is rally easy to fix, but it doesn't bather me, you think I should remove it?

Your screenshot should be update and some of the description is outdated.
True. I will fix this soon!

The image sizes for the gameplay section are good but the others are still too large.
The game concept is great and the terrain is excellent, but you could add more heroes, though I don't think that is a problem. The heroes you do have are good and the game is fun. Great work! 4/5. Vote for approval!
Thank you very much! :)
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Review finished! Map approved! :cgrin:

Hero Line Defence
by Rufus



Gameplay: 15/30
Terrain & Scenery: 13/20
Total Score: 29/50

5 Stars: 47+
4 Stars: 40-47
3 Stars: 25-39
2 Stars: 10-24
1 Stars: 1-9

The gameplay comes off a little slow in this enfo's like arena, but features such as being able to go to the enemy side and adding host chosen options were nice ideas implemented well in this map. As for the balanced, I don't see any hero that is extremely OP. The amount of heroes to choose from are definitely enough. The abilities on the heros were decent, but I would like to see more custom spells that aren't based off of standard default spells. The movement acceleration one is pretty cool and fun to use. The items were a little underwhelming but organized. I suggest you add more items that aren't just stat boosters.

Maps like these usually will have AI these days. That is a missed opportunity as many play singleplayer, luckily I'm one who plays this on multiplayer. I do feel it's a little challenging on easy for three players. What I suggest you don't just alter the HP when differentiating EASY MEDIUM & HARD, but you should alter the damage outputs aswell.

Though the gameplay has clear instructions and it's easy to learn, simplicity isn't exactly the best. It can be relaxing, but it isn't necessarily the map that gets you pumped and exited. All in all, I give an average gameplay score!

Terrain & Aesthetics:
The tile usage in this map isn't bad. The doodad placement was good, I like how you actually decorated in a map like this because many city-scape themed arenas do not put any doodads. As Shadow Fury has posted, the look of the map CAN be improved. Improving it does not mean you'll make it distracting, it simply means you can improve. If that means filling in the blank spots in the water, adding weather effects or adding in custom icons, skins, and models, yes, it can be improved.

The only way a map can be approved is if it follows the map submission rules that apply to the map type.
- All rules are followed, map approved!
Overall, this is map can play out as a survival or an arena game. I appreciate you for responding criticism from other users and updating your map. Feel free to contact me about this review on this map page OR message me about anything. (+2) reputation points for taking your time to upload this map to Hive.
[/TD] [/TD][/tr]
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I think that I finally managed to fix all the issues that you pointed out!
If you like, I would love you to take another look at it.
Perhaps I now deserve something more than 3/5 and "Not really a good map"? :)
Not really a good map for multiple reasons which are the following:-

- When I attack a generator, my hero disappears. I shouldn't even be able to attack the generator to avoid this SOLVED!
- Three heroes are unbalanced. Hellspawn, Shaman and Toy. Hellspawn has Fire Shield which deals a lot of damage but has no mana cost and very low cooldown. It's also buggy because when I try to use it after the cooldown finishes, it doesn't work. Spikes then counter the extra damage taken from Insanity, which increases attack speed and makes that 50% lifesteal a lot healing. Then his ultimate is extremely powerful. It adds a lot of HP, damage and armor and that makes me unbeatable, Roy the Toy now. He can plant deadly mines which deal critical damage and stun for 2 seconds. His automatic missiles then allow me to run around and damage creeps in the same time so if I am about to die, I just keep running around until the creeps die. His second skill makes me untouchable and the ultimate deals 1000 damage in a very large area at level 1. It's too powerful when Roy is at level 6 only. Add all of this to a passive which decreases armor and the hero becomes invincible. Shaman is unbalanced only for one thing, his Brainstorm. I can just keep spamming the 3rd skill and stop before it is casted to gain that +1 Intelligence. I got about 55 Intelligence at level 1 for this. So, to sum up everything, you must weaken some of these skills and remove that Brainstorm +1 Intelligence. (tested those heroes in Normal) SOLVED!
- Abilities' description are too short and lacking of info. They don't tell me how they improve per level. Hellspawns' descriptions are unfinished. His ultimate has Avatar's exact description and Insanity+Spikes say the same thing at all 5 levels SOLVED!
- You are not familiar with buffs I see. For Burning Oil, there is Disease Cloud. For Insanity, Bloodlust. For Mine, Statis Trap and so on. Every ability must have an appropriate buff. SOLVED!
- As the game finishes only when a crystal is destroyed, there must be a unit which can cast offensive spells on the enemy team like silencing skills, damage/armor/attack speed/movement speed reducing abilities etc... to let the creeps be able to advance and destroy the generators and then the crystal SOLVED!
- Why only two consumables? A 100 HP heal and 100 mana restore in late game is pretty useless. Add more consumables whihc heal more HP and restore more mana. Maybe you could add a consumable which restores both. I see you created two regenerating potions but you didn't put them in the shop. SOLVED!
- The terrain could be improved still. Some Black Marble would be a good addition in the battlefields SOLVED!

Some issues have been fixed so you now get 3/5 and my vote for APPROVAL!
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I tried the map again and it was sad to find it disappointing. The terrain has improved though new bugs have emerged with the new heroes.

- Lady Charm can possess enemy units. Just at level 1, I possessed one spider and I managed to kill the rest however the next wave did not come. It was stuck at wave 1
- When my Soul Seeker died, he did not respawn. I checked the Object Editor and I was surprised to see that the Death Time for all heroes is 3600. It could be the problem but I am not sure as all other heroes respawn normally
- Scarab Monstrosity's Dig doesn't deal any damage

Those were the bugs I found by playing the map. I'm afraid there could be more as I didn't test all heroes. For now, fix those bugs Rufus.
Level 2
Jul 2, 2011
are u planning to make AI on it?
AI take control to leaver player would be nice
Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
Thanks! I will look into it!
Btw, Congratz to your first post! I am honoured that you posted it here! :)

The only reason why i made an account here was to report this bug to You :p . Any way i found another gamebreaking bug. When all heroes die sometimes monsters just go back to the portal and sit there. I think it may be caused by heroes that can blink but I'm not sure. Also if Trosh'ka leaves the map it causes the same thing. Any way keep up the good work :thumbs_up:.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
The only reason why i made an account here was to report this bug to You :p .
Wow, thanks man! :) I guess you enjoyed the game then?
I will try to fix the returning units aswell!

EDIT: I fixed so that you no longer can go out of your lane via a blink or dash ability. You'll simply end up dead.
As for Charon, I tried many times to make the bug occur, but wasn't able to. Perhaps you can tell me what happened when it occured to you, Matix233? :)
I didn't see the returning unit bug either, but implemented a trigger to prevent that if it should happen. Something like this:
"If unit enters (Spawn East) then Order (triggering unit) to Attack-move to (Crystal of Darkness)"
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Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
As for Charon, I tried many times to make the bug occur, but wasn't able to. Perhaps you can tell me what happened when it occured to you, Matix233? :)

My friend was just spamming hand of midas on razormane wave that's all I know. It might be just a rare occurrence.
Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
Nope returning monsters are not fixed


Also Pappoth's passive works really weird.

The more I dig into this map the more glitches i find :con:.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Haha Wow. That is indeed broken. :D
Thanks a lot for tsting this out man! I will fix the Drumlord healing as soon as possible!
Apart from all the bugs, how do you think the game is balanced in general? And how do you like it?
I Assume you like it in some way since you have the patience to test it over and over again. (GREAT BIG THANKS!) :)
(Btw, no returning units yet?)

EDIT: 1.15: Fixed Drumlord. He no longer heals buildings and has proper tooltips.
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Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
Apart from all the bugs, how do you think the game is balanced in general? And how do you like it?

Game is balanced pretty good but it's sometimes hard to find the right team of heroes.
Also ranged waves are huge difficulty curves for ranged heroes since they get targeted.

Also sorting heroes for their role would be great.

Getting tier 3 items feels like eternity.

First crystal is kinda far for start of the game and sometimes heroes just can't make it in time (it might be just Us though :xxd:)

Fountain should get a slight boost to regen.

I think thats all the complaints I have for the balance.

As You can guess by my constant bug reports I really enjoy this map.
And since You are trying to fix them there is a reason to send them :thumbs_up:.

(Btw, no returning units yet?)

Havent found any but if it repeats I will let you know.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Game is balanced pretty good but it's sometimes hard to find the right team of heroes.
I don't think this is a bad thing. This will make the difference between the more experienced players (such as yourself) and the beginners, which I think is good. :)

Also ranged waves are huge difficulty curves for ranged heroes since they get targeted.
I could fix this, but I'm not sure I will. If I keep it this way it makes the squishy ranged heroes buy some health or armor, not just put all their money in damage. Considering his, would you still like to see a change there? :)

Also sorting heroes for their role would be great.
I already have! Divided in Stength / Agility / Intelligence upon the platforms.

Getting tier 3 items feels like eternity.
I have thought about this aswell. I think I'll nerf them and make it so that you'll be able to purchase them about level 13-15. Also I will rework some and add a few more items.

First crystal is kinda far for start of the game and sometimes heroes just can't make it in time (it might be just Us though )
This is a hard one. I have considered moving the portal closer to the crystal and remove a generator, not only to reduce the time spent on getting out to the first crystal, but also to add mobility between the lanes, to interfere with your enemies.

I consider adding a cheap speed boost item that is removed upon being attacked. The added teleports in the "Consumables" shop section was a try to fix this as well.

Fountain should get a slight boost to regen.
Now that you mention it, I think so as well. About 50% Increase, I would say. Maybe Double.

Thanks a lot, Matix! :)
I added you in the credits now, since your feedback has been of great value to me! Thanks again! :)
Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
I already have! Divided in Stength / Agility / Intelligence upon the platforms.

I... somehow didn't notice that lol.

I could fix this, but I'm not sure I will. If I keep it this way it makes the squishy ranged heroes buy some health or armor, not just put all their money in damage. Considering his, would you still like to see a change there? :)

You have a good point. But later ranged waves like assassins kill You before You can even notice that they're shooting at you. So... I'm not really sure if You should change it or not.

I added you in the credits now, since your feedback has been of great value to me! Thanks again! :)
Thanks for that :D

:ogre_rage: Also played a round today and again monsters went back to the portal.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Also played a round today and again monsters went back to the portal.
Well... I'll try a couple of more things.
EDIT: Mehe. I ordered Dark Greens units to target a point. Not Light Blues... Fixed! (Hopefully)

However, I solved the "To far away Generator" problem by adding a speed boost while standing by your teams fountain. This helps you get into position more swiftly as well as swapping lanes will be easier. The speed buff is lost upon attacking or being attacked.

I'll be fixing the Tier 3 items aswell, I'll just have to find a suitable solution.

BTW Matix: If you'd like, please send some screenies of you and your friends gameplay to me!
That way I can add proper ones in the screenshots section of the description. :)
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Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
BTW Matix: If you'd like, please send some screenies of you and your friends gameplay to me!
That way I can add proper ones in the screenshots section of the description. :)

No problem but You will have to wait some time since we only play on weekends and getting some good screenshots can be a pain.

Also is it just Me or David Coperfield's ultimate is not bound?
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
No problem but You will have to wait some time since we only play on weekends and getting some good screenshots can be a pain.
Take your time! I'm sure it will be good! :)

Also is it just Me or David Coperfield's ultimate is not bound?
It wasn't bound. Fixed now, available in 1.18.

EDIT: Fixed the unbound ability + level skip on ceratin abilities. Also Updated all items a lot after you suggestion. :)
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Level 1
Aug 21, 2014
Well, i guess it's only me ( because my computer is shitty as f*** ), but when more than 3 heroes or/and minions ( like skeletons from Necromaster ) stand by fountain and gain the speed boost , map lags a lot for me.
Idk exactly why, but when there was no speed boost map worked perfectly, and the fps loss is only when more than 2/3 heroes stand by fountain.
Well, if there's nothing to do with map, i will just play the other relased versions :v
And ofc map is great.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks a lot for the feedback man!
I'm afraid I did not find that error myself. I stood by the fountain myself with many units and no lag occured. I don't have a gaming computer myself either so... I guess your computer may be pretty bad. :D

I'll look around for a solution anyway, to see if my triggers casued a memory leak or something, then, you may be able to enjoy the game too. :)

And ofc map is great.
Thanks a lot! :)
If you'd like, take a second to rate it! And, if you have any suggestions, I love getting ideas and feedback!

Also, welcome to the hive! :)
Level 1
Aug 21, 2014
Around 10-15 minutes ago i ended playing 1.18 ver. of your map and i found some bugs, mostly about items from shop.
The upgraded Tauric Halberd to Wirt's other leg still gives 200 +DMG instead of 100 that is said to give, also the books give twice as much as they say they do.
And the last thing, the Tauric Halberd gives 20% atack speed and the Wirt's other leg give's 15%, is this a bug or do u wanted to do this?
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Around 10-15 minutes ago i ended playing 1.18 ver. of your map and i found some bugs, mostly about items from shop.
The upgraded Tauric Halberd to Wirt's other leg still gives 200 +DMG instead of 100 that is said to give, also the books give twice as much as they say they do.
And the last thing, the Tauric Halberd gives 20% atack speed and the Wirt's other leg give's 15%, is this a bug or do u wanted to do this?

Thanks for reporting this! I actually knew about the tomes but kept forgetting about to fix them. The 20% attack speed bonus was unintended. It was only an error in the tooltip though since I changed the bonus to 15%. Wirt's Leg now properly grants +100 damage.
All your reported bugs is fixed in 1.19!

It's people like you, giving me feedback and criticism that make me keep the project going.
Thank you very much! :)