Hero Line Defence 1.23



This is a multiplayer hero defence map where you fight off enemies in two teams.
Your main objective is to protect your teams crystal and generators from creeps that is coming from the portal on the far end of your lane.
To do so you must choose a hero and fight off the mobilizing waves.

New Terrain:

Old Terrain:













-Balance the creep waves
-Commands like "-zoom" "-next" or "-info #"

Considered Features
-Arena battle between teams heroes
-"Hero Line Wars" mode (send units, increase income, grow insanely powerful)
-Also, if adding "Hero Line Wars" mode, Adding limited/unlimited options which toggles infinite skill points or not.

-Filled in empty spot in water
-Removed "Lane crossing" option. Lane crossing is now always enabled
-Added Creep Multiplier options. Up to x3 creeps is now available
-New gameplay screenshots posted by Matix233
-It's Christmas!
-Minor bugfixes
-Fixed a rare "creep stopping" bug
-Added "-move" command if something like stopping creeps would occur again
-Added "Info" dialog (quest), displaying commands and credits. More will be added over time
-Cleaned up the "quest" dialog
-Fixed some game buttons tooltips
-Updated gold reward from creep kills. It now scales better with the current level you are on
-Default game difficulty is now set to normal instead of easy
-Djinns "Sky Strike" now grants mana again
-Fixed harpys "Wingclip" to now be upgradeable at level 6,11 and 16
-Many minor bug fixes and small improvements
-Fixed a few bugs found by "Planer". Thanks a lot! :)
-Reduced attack speed on Tauric Halberd to 15% from 20%
-Reduced damage according to tooltip on Wirt's Leg to be 100 instead of 200
-Reduced prices on tomes
-Changed damage gain on Tome of Destruction from 4 to 5
-Changed health gain on Tome of Health to 75 from 100
-Stat bonus tomes now grant proper bonuses (+2 instead of +5)
-Halved costs and bonuses on tier 3 items. Also added an additional ability on each item
-Increased sell prices on tier 2 items
-Increased the tier 2 items stat bonuses
-Changed name on Mithril Sword to Tauric Halberd. Bonuses remain unchanged.
-Changed name on Gauntlets of the Wind to Magic Wand
-Fixed the Gnolls "Slow poison" ability
-David Copperfields ultimate now bound to R
-Drumlords Reqeuim of War now has level skip
-Gnolls Gnoll Poison now has level skip
-Juggernauts Repair Bots now has level skip
-Removed Teleports
-Summons no longer gets heal from the fountain
-Added a speed boost by the fountain, to more swiftly get back to your outer generator or to interfere with the enemy lane
-Increased the health healed by the fountain by 50% (from 1% 7 Second to 1.5% / Second)
-All heroes now start with full mana
-Increased mana costs for Exorcist
-Fixed a bug with returning units once again
-Added Gabriele Amorth, the Exorcist
-All tooltips should now have been updated
-Reenabled Juggernaut
-All hero reworks done!
-Fixed Drumlords ability to heal buildings
-Updated Drumlords Tooltips
-Added Gnar, the Gnoll Champion
-Returning units should now be prevented. (If they are to return they will be sent back as soon as they reach the portal.)
-Reenabled Djinn, and Frost Soul. Update complete.
-Juggernaut remains unavailable till I find out what to do with it.
-Added Ringo Starr, the Drumlord.
-fixed Scarabs "Munch" to now properly follow the ability tooltip.
-Fixed bug with returning units messing up the game (hopefully!)
-Added a function to prevent units from leaving their lane by using dash or blink abilitys. If you try, you're dead.
-Soul Seeker now revives properly
-Fixed bug with Lady Charm, preventing new levels to execute if her charmed units died.
-Fixed damage on Scarabs "Dig" ability
-Fixed Soul Seekers ultimate ability to now be available at level 6
-Fixed water Disappearing bug
-Added Purchasable Teleportations
-Remade Tempest
-Updated Pirate
-Updated Sandman
-Updated Groot
-Updated Gatekeeper
-Updated Tooltips to increase clarity
-Added Harpy Dent, the Lady Charm
-Added Dauros, the Warlock
-Added Trosh'ka, the Soul Seeker
-Disabled following heroes due to reworks: Djinn, Juggernaut and Frost Soul
-Fixed "Random Hero" so now every hero can be randomed
-Fixed Hellspawns "Fire Shield" (Finally!)
-HUGE terrain update
-Added Pappoth, the Magnataur
-Added David Copperfield, the Wizard
-Added Khepri, the Scarab Monstrosity
-Fixed starting mana. All heroes should be able to cast any starting ability of their choice, without purchasing mana.
-Toy nerfed by making his AMLS a toggle ability, draining mana while activated.
-Updated description size (as requested by Legal Ease
-Changed the "Select Hero" area
-Halved creep damage, resulting in not always have to select easy difficulty to survive
-Added 16 locked heroes that shall be revealed as the map developes
-Disabled Bill Stonefist, the Dude, as he await an update
-Updated a few tooltips
-Added some hints
-Other minor fixes
-Added All Random mode
-Added Randomize Hero
-Fixed all (hopefully) buff issues
-Balanced health gain per strength, resulting in nerf of many stregth based units
-Removed old health and mana potions, replacing them with 4 new regeneration potions
-Reworked a few heroes, achieving more balance
-Changed default mode to turn off armor modifications
-Added a few hero concepts
-Removed diffuculty dialog
-Added setup system
-Added option to play with armor and attack types
-Added option to play with Cross Lane (meaning you can switch to enemy lane to battle them)
-Now executes creeps properly upon setroying a generator
-Minor bugfixes.
-Map Size fix (As suggested by Garylau)
-Fixed Description

Thanks a lot, Matix233 for contributing with bugreports, screenies and general testing!
You have been a great help! :)

The first game on battle.net: -14/12/25
Big thanks to the players: CantSleep, Flavlus and narutofan2k8!
They gave me a lot of of really useful tips and suggestions on improvements.

Hero, Line, Defence, Creeps, Rufus, Waves, Toy, Hero Defence, Battle, Arena, pvp, Enfos

Hero Line Defence 1.23 (Map)

StoPCampinGn00b: Old review: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hero-line-defence-1-22-a-257880/index2.html#post2613942 24 Dec 2014 StoPCampinGn00b: Hero line defense is an Enfo's like map that has a few unique features of it's own. It...
Level 2
Nov 30, 2014
Hey. I finally managed to get some screens but I feel like I could do better because some of Us didnt have too much time to play and I took much less then I wanted. I hope some screens will be usable.

Now to bugs.

Again monsters went back to portal and other stopped on track (but I see You already made a fix)

Also if Gnar dies midair (I think) when he respawns he is flying. It doesn't do anything but it looks hilarious. Screen included but you can't really see it (he just looks gigantic at the right angle)


  • war3scr.rar
    40.8 MB · Views: 113
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thanks a lot, Matix!
That is more than enough! :D

This damn problem of them returning is making me grow grey hair... I'll try it again!
Gnar problem shall be resolved! Also, I think this is possible to happen to Harpy aswell as the shamans targets. Easily fixed (I think).

EDIT: I think (according to the screenies) that you may have an older version of HLD.
In the latest release, the "quest" dialog has been enabled and changed into "Info", where a "-move" command is described and your name is in the credits. :)
Level 1
Jan 9, 2021
Hey man!
Huge fan of the map! One of my favorites from back in the days <3
I am trying to get my friends hooked on to it aswell, but it keeps freezing around the 11 minute mark everytime I host a game :(
Do you by any chance have an older/newer version available to try to fix the issue?