-Filled in empty spot in water
-Removed "Lane crossing" option. Lane crossing is now always enabled
-Added Creep Multiplier options. Up to x3 creeps is now available
-New gameplay screenshots posted by Matix233
-It's Christmas!
-Minor bugfixes
-Fixed a rare "creep stopping" bug
-Added "-move" command if something like stopping creeps would occur again
-Added "Info" dialog (quest), displaying commands and credits. More will be added over time
-Cleaned up the "quest" dialog
-Fixed some game buttons tooltips
-Updated gold reward from creep kills. It now scales better with the current level you are on
-Default game difficulty is now set to normal instead of easy
-Djinns "Sky Strike" now grants mana again
-Fixed harpys "Wingclip" to now be upgradeable at level 6,11 and 16
-Many minor bug fixes and small improvements
-Fixed a few bugs found by "Planer". Thanks a lot!
-Reduced attack speed on Tauric Halberd to 15% from 20%
-Reduced damage according to tooltip on Wirt's Leg to be 100 instead of 200
-Reduced prices on tomes
-Changed damage gain on Tome of Destruction from 4 to 5
-Changed health gain on Tome of Health to 75 from 100
-Stat bonus tomes now grant proper bonuses (+2 instead of +5)
-Halved costs and bonuses on tier 3 items. Also added an additional ability on each item
-Increased sell prices on tier 2 items
-Increased the tier 2 items stat bonuses
-Changed name on Mithril Sword to Tauric Halberd. Bonuses remain unchanged.
-Changed name on Gauntlets of the Wind to Magic Wand
-Fixed the Gnolls "Slow poison" ability
-David Copperfields ultimate now bound to R
-Drumlords Reqeuim of War now has level skip
-Gnolls Gnoll Poison now has level skip
-Juggernauts Repair Bots now has level skip
-Removed Teleports
-Summons no longer gets heal from the fountain
-Added a speed boost by the fountain, to more swiftly get back to your outer generator or to interfere with the enemy lane
-Increased the health healed by the fountain by 50% (from 1% 7 Second to 1.5% / Second)
-All heroes now start with full mana
-Increased mana costs for Exorcist
-Fixed a bug with returning units once again
-Added Gabriele Amorth, the Exorcist
-All tooltips should now have been updated
-Reenabled Juggernaut
-All hero reworks done!
-Fixed Drumlords ability to heal buildings
-Updated Drumlords Tooltips
-Added Gnar, the Gnoll Champion
-Returning units should now be prevented. (If they are to return they will be sent back as soon as they reach the portal.)
-Reenabled Djinn, and Frost Soul. Update complete.
-Juggernaut remains unavailable till I find out what to do with it.
-Added Ringo Starr, the Drumlord.
-fixed Scarabs "Munch" to now properly follow the ability tooltip.
-Fixed bug with returning units messing up the game (hopefully!)
-Added a function to prevent units from leaving their lane by using dash or blink abilitys. If you try, you're dead.
-Soul Seeker now revives properly
-Fixed bug with Lady Charm, preventing new levels to execute if her charmed units died.
-Fixed damage on Scarabs "Dig" ability
-Fixed Soul Seekers ultimate ability to now be available at level 6
-Fixed water Disappearing bug
-Added Purchasable Teleportations
-Remade Tempest
-Updated Pirate
-Updated Sandman
-Updated Groot
-Updated Gatekeeper
-Updated Tooltips to increase clarity
-Added Harpy Dent, the Lady Charm
-Added Dauros, the Warlock
-Added Trosh'ka, the Soul Seeker
-Disabled following heroes due to reworks: Djinn, Juggernaut and Frost Soul
-Fixed "Random Hero" so now every hero can be randomed
-Fixed Hellspawns "Fire Shield" (Finally!)
-HUGE terrain update
-Added Pappoth, the Magnataur
-Added David Copperfield, the Wizard
-Added Khepri, the Scarab Monstrosity
-Fixed starting mana. All heroes should be able to cast any starting ability of their choice, without purchasing mana.
-Toy nerfed by making his AMLS a toggle ability, draining mana while activated.
-Updated description size (as requested by Legal Ease
-Changed the "Select Hero" area
-Halved creep damage, resulting in not always have to select easy difficulty to survive
-Added 16 locked heroes that shall be revealed as the map developes
-Disabled Bill Stonefist, the Dude, as he await an update
-Updated a few tooltips
-Added some hints
-Other minor fixes
-Added All Random mode
-Added Randomize Hero
-Fixed all (hopefully) buff issues
-Balanced health gain per strength, resulting in nerf of many stregth based units
-Removed old health and mana potions, replacing them with 4 new regeneration potions
-Reworked a few heroes, achieving more balance
-Changed default mode to turn off armor modifications
-Added a few hero concepts
-Removed diffuculty dialog
-Added setup system
-Added option to play with armor and attack types
-Added option to play with Cross Lane (meaning you can switch to enemy lane to battle them)
-Now executes creeps properly upon setroying a generator
-Minor bugfixes.
-Map Size fix (As suggested by Garylau)
-Fixed Description