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[Hero Help] Goblin Sponsor

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Level 8
Dec 16, 2007
Okey I basically need help of this hero idea. Grammar of the descriptions, spell idea etc. GRAMMAR CORRECT THE TEXT IN THE QUOTE ONLY

The spell ideas should be able to fit in an AoS game. Also the hero must have at least 1 point/aoe targeted spells. Since the map is much about aiming. Also, since he is a goblin, I don't really want spells that are too "magical".

Goblin the Sponsor

This project needed a lot of money, money the team didn't have. But thanks to some kind souls they managed to keep the project alive. There aren't many words to describe theese sponsors and donators than kind and of course, rich. When the undead escaped the team suggested theese rich men to get away from this dangerous place with their private helicopters. But they rejected and decided to aid the team, which they are a part of now. But what can theese spoilt rich goblins do? They haven't been through training and cannot handle the supplies. Then one of the engineers came up with a solution. "There will be a moment where we will all run out of supplies. But what's supply for them, they'll never run out of".

The current spells are pending, I need your suggestion and ideas to improve/change them. Also, all spells uses gold, not mana. I have 2 spell ideas so far, but I need 4.

Throw 1 Gold
When you learn this, you will recieve 3 spells.
Throw 1 Z Gold
Throw 1 X Gold
and Throw 1 C Gold

It's basically cluster rockets, but the spells have different amount of rockets/gold coins. So f you want to throw 1 C amount of Gold, it takes 150 gold but it has a higher area and damage. Throwing Z Gold results a 50 gold loss with less area and damage.

Goblin Insurance [Ulti]
The Sponsor is rich and can easiily afford a lot of insurances. Means that every time the Sponsor is attacked he has a chance to not take damage and recieve extra gold.
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Didn't you try looking into the spellpacks already uploaded on Hive?
For example, this one:

Greed is bad v1.0 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

However, what about turning the target enemy (or maybe even user's) unit into a gold statue (with changing it's coloring, making it look like really gold statue, pausing an animation and disabling control of it), if which is killed will give money to it's killer?
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