Help with Spells

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Level 2
Dec 17, 2010
I have been trying (for a very long time) to build a couple of spells with no luck.

1. Exorcism: Targeted AOE spell that does damage only to undead. More difficult than it sounds

2. Turn Undead: almost identical, but based on a slam effect (so centered on the caster)

3. Unholy Armor: basically the spell from wc2. damages allied unit 50 pts, and turns it invulnerable for 15 seconds.

ive searched the forums, and all i could find so far was this

and this

and neither of them worked. Im not sure if its the spell type im using as my base or what, but nothing seems to happen, even when i copy the above posts exactly. and i havent found anything on Unholy Armor.

any help would be greatly appreciated!
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
For the Unholy Armor spell,i'm not sure i understood it. Does it damage only allied units? Is it targetable AOE/instant AOE or single unit? And who turns invulnerable?

Oh nevermind...i see.
I'll make it in few minutes..

EDIT: Enjoy :3


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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1. Exorcism: Targeted AOE spell that does damage only to undead. More difficult than it sounds
Create a group of all units within AoE of target point.
For each unit, if that unit is undead then deal damage from the caster.

2. Turn Undead: almost identical, but based on a slam effect (so centered on the caster)
Same as above, but use position of casting unit rather than target position of ability.

3. Unholy Armor: basically the spell from wc2. damages allied unit 50 pts, and turns it invulnerable for 15 seconds.
Deal 50 damage to target unit from casting unit. Make target invundrable (there is a native to do this as well as abilites). Finally after some time you remove the invundrable ability. I advise timers for best accuracy but you could do some form of count down system and round to nearest second.
Level 2
Dec 17, 2010
Wow! thank you so much--you have no idea how long ive been trying to figure those out on my own. Thanks a ton
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