I need a way to store the position of every player's hero right before the duel and then a way to pan the camera back to that point after the duel.
I don't think it should be too hard, but I'm kind of new at this so I couldn't figure it out. Also I would like to know how to clear unit variables with custom script. My duel triggers so far are:
I don't think it should be too hard, but I'm kind of new at this so I couldn't figure it out. Also I would like to know how to clear unit variables with custom script. My duel triggers so far are:
Duel Timer
Map initialization
Wait 60.00 seconds
Countdown Timer - Start Duel_Timer as a Repeating timer that will expire in 180.00 seconds
Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title Time Until Duel
Set Duel_TW = (Last created timer window)
Countdown Timer - Show Duel_TW
Time - Duel_Timer expires
Countdown Timer - Pause Duel_Timer
Unit - Pause all units
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Death_Units and do (Wait until (((Picked unit) is alive) Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Life_Units and do (Wait until (((Picked unit) is alive) Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds)
Unit - Pause all units
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Camera - Pan camera for (Picked player) to (Center of Duel Center <gen>) over 1.00 seconds)
Set Life_Duelist = (Random unit from Life_Units)
Set Death_Duelist = (Random unit from Death_Units)
Unit - Unpause Life_Duelist
Unit - Unpause Death_Duelist
Unit - Move Life_Duelist instantly to (Center of Life Duel <gen>), facing 0.00 degrees
Unit - Move Death_Duelist instantly to (Center of Death Duel <gen>), facing 180.00 degrees
Unit - Set life of Death_Duelist to 100.00%
Unit - Set life of Life_Duelist to 100.00%
Unit - Set mana of Death_Duelist to 100.00%
Unit - Set mana of Life_Duelist to 100.00%
Unit - Pause Life_Duelist
Unit - Pause Death_Duelist
Game - Display to (All players) the text: 3...
Wait 1.00 seconds
Game - Display to (All players) the text: 2...
Wait 1.00 seconds
Game - Display to (All players) the text: 1...
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Unpause Death_Duelist
Unit - Unpause Life_Duelist
Countdown Timer - Start Duel_Timer as a One-shot timer that will expire in 100.00 seconds
Life Win
Unit - A unit Dies
(Triggering unit) Equal to Death_Duelist
Unit - Unpause all units
Countdown Timer - Resume Duel_Timer
Countdown Timer - Pause Duel_Time
Death Win
Unit - A unit Dies
(Triggering unit) Equal to Life_Duelist
Unit - Unpause all units
Countdown Timer - Resume Duel_Timer
Countdown Timer - Pause Duel_Time
Timer Expires
Time - Duel_Time expires
Trigger - Turn off Life Win <gen>
Trigger - Turn off Death Win <gen>
Game - Display to (All players) the text: For wasting time th...
Unit - Create 1 zach807 for Neutral Hostile at (Center of Death Duel <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit Group - Add (Last created unit) to Original_BADASS
Unit Group - Order Original_BADASS to Attack-Move To (Center of Life Duel <gen>)
Player - Set (Owner of Life_Duelist) Current gold to 0
Player - Set (Owner of Death_Duelist) Current gold to 0