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[Trigger] Help What went wrong in my equipment system?

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Level 5
Oct 8, 2010
Hello everyone,
I need help with the GUI equipment system I use, there are some mistakes that I am trying to solve for over 3 days now, so I could use your help.

There are 2 system's which need to be fixed:
- the "Weapon animations" : when you equip a ranged weapon your attack will become ranged, when you drop the Item it switches back to melee.
- the "equipment system" the "pick up weapon condition" : there is this problem with equiping weapons, now you can hold 1 shield and 1 one-handed weapon,
If you try to equip a shield when holding a two-handed weapon, then it will automaticly drop the shield. (this also works the other way around)
But now you can equip more than 1 weapon (wich is not good since dual weapons are just 1 item)

So please look into this for me, and help me to fix this.
(my editor does not support jass or Vjass)
PM me if you think that you are up for the job:thumbs_up:

then I will send you the map

Kind regards
Level 5
Oct 8, 2010
these are my 2 reasons:
1. yeah I forgot to attach my file (my bad)
2. but this will prevent my map from falling into wrong hands (to prevent people stealing my map)

And I don't think my editor is upgraded since every time my editor crashes it is because the map was made with a newer version of the editor

If you know where and how I can upgrade my editor than tell me (won't go into that to deeply, since this is about my maps problems not about my editor)
Level 5
Oct 8, 2010
well that is what I call "a splendid one to behold"
But enough bout that... (sry got to kinda stick to the subject of my post)
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Re your rep comment, if you select a trigger and go to the Edit menu and select the "Convert to Custom Text" option, it will transform it into a text field for jass script and leave the converted code of whatever was already there. The editor is really horrible without JNGP though (mostly because the compiler has a habit of crashing your WE if there are any errors).
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