Help Terrain

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Level 4
May 9, 2008
I wanna make a map which is set to be underwater,so it shall look like it,but i saw many good ones here and wanna know how i can make them myself,and how i can edit the terrain palette so that i can have for example sand,dirt,snow,desert in one because in the world editor you cant chang main terrain like snow to sand
Level 9
Oct 17, 2007
download WEU from the tools section to add more types of pallete into your map. However, DO NOT use the advance triggers, use it ONLY for terrains to prevent problems to your map. Theres an underwater system in the spells section, try searching.
Level 8
May 27, 2007
Use quite a blue fog and moonlight rays to get the general underwater feel. Goto Scenario ---> Map Options to edit these things. Fiddle around with fog settings until you get an even coverage of the whole map, giving it all a blue tint, you should find you generally need a very low Z Start value and a very high Z End value. For moonlight rays just make some random regions across the map and add the Rays Of Moonlight weather effect in the Region Properties to create the illusion of light refracting through the surface of the water. Hope that helps a bit :thumbs_up:
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