Okay so i've heard about these leaks and how i should get rid of them so ive looked thru many tutorials and still don't get how/when to patch leaks so if you can help me with these few triggers :
First a trigger that I patched the point (I think i did it right) do i need to patch "tempunit" to?
First a trigger that I patched the point (I think i did it right) do i need to patch "tempunit" to?
Unit - A unit Is attacked
((Owner of (Attacked unit)) Equal to Player 11 (Dark Green)) or ((Owner of (Attacked unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Sleet Tower
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Random integer number between 1 and 100) Equal to 10
Then - Actions
Set tempunit = (Attacked unit)
Set freezepoint = (Position of tempunit)
Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of tempunit)) + ( has been frozen by + (Name of (Owner of (Attacking unit)))))
Unit - Move Raider 0044 <gen> instantly to freezepoint
Unit - Order Raider 0044 <gen> to Orc Raider - Ensnare tempunit
Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for Raider 0044 <gen>
Unit - Set mana of Raider 0044 <gen> to 100.00%
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Wait 5.00 seconds
Unit - Remove Negative buffs from tempunit
Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_freezepoint)
Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Frost Tower
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Random integer number between 1 and 20) Equal to 10
Then - Actions
Set tempunit = (Attacked unit)
Set freezepoint = (Position of tempunit)
Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of tempunit)) + ( has been frozen by + (Name of (Owner of (Attacking unit)))))
Unit - Move Raider 0044 <gen> instantly to freezepoint
Unit - Order Raider 0044 <gen> to Orc Raider - Ensnare tempunit
Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for Raider 0044 <gen>
Unit - Set mana of Raider 0044 <gen> to 100.00%
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Wait 5.00 seconds
Unit - Remove Negative buffs from tempunit
Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_freezepoint)
Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Base 1
Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 2 (Blue) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 3 (Teal) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 4 (Purple) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 5 (Yellow) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 6 (Orange) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 7 (Green) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Player - Player 8 (Pink) types a chat message containing -claim as An exact match
Base1bool Equal to False
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pesred) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pesred) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pesred) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 1 (Red)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 2 (Blue)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes2) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes2) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes2) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 2 (Blue)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 3 (Teal)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes3) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes3) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes3) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 3 (Teal)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 4 (Purple)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes4) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes4) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes4) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 4 (Purple)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 5 (Yellow)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes5) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes5) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes5) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 5 (Yellow)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 6 (Orange)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes6) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes6) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes6) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 6 (Orange)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 7 (Green)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes7) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes7) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes7) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 7 (Green)
Set Base1bool = True
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 8 (Pink)
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(base11 <gen> contains pes8) Equal to True
(base12 <gen> contains pes8) Equal to True
(base13 <gen> contains pes8) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set claimbase_1 = Player 8 (Pink)
Set Base1bool = True
Game - Display to (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) + has claimed base one.)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base11 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base12 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) at (Random point in base13 <gen>) for 2.00 seconds, using a Flashy ping of color (100.00%, 0.00%, 75.00%)
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Base1bool Equal to True
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pesred))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pesred))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pesred))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 2 (Blue)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes2))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes2))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes2))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 3 (Teal)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes3))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes3))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes3))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 4 (Purple)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes4))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes4))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes4))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 5 (Yellow)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes5))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes5))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes5))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 6 (Orange)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes6))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes6))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes6))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 7 (Green)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 8 (Pink)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes7))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes7))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes7))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
claimbase_1 Equal to Player 8 (Pink)
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 1 (Red)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 3 (Teal)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 2 (Blue)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 5 (Yellow)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 6 (Orange)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 7 (Green)) to oust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> owned by Player 4 (Purple)) to oust1
Unit Group - Remove all units of (Units of type Peasant) from oust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in oust1 and do (Unit - Kill (Picked unit))
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base11 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes8))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base12 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes8))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Add all units of (Units in base13 <gen> matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Peasant) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to pes8))) to pesoust1
Unit Group - Pick every unit in pesoust1 and do (Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to (Center of (Playable map area)))
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
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