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Help! My triggers don't do anything anymore!

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Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
Hi all,
I have been triggering (mostly GUI a bit of JASS) for a while and have been working on making a squad system. Well, I did. Then I added a trigger to autoreinforce a squad (similar to DoW)... and now none of the triggers do anything. Even the trigger which simply creates a town hall for each player at the beginning of the game.
I've unpacked the map and checked the war3map.j file and all the triggers seem fine in there, they just don't run in Wc3.
Any ideas as to how to fix it?
Thanks a lot,
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
I'm pretty sure the only other change I made in the entire map was changing the Order String for a channel based spell from channel to chemicalrage.
Level 3
Jul 15, 2009
I had a problem before where all the triggers on the map stopped working. However, I found that it was actually caused by my global variables. I had several integer arrays of size 8190, and for some reason, when I reduced the size of one of them, all the triggers worked again.
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
Okay, I made a new map, didn't change anything, and ran the test. World Editor popped a trigger error (I mean 4975 errors) and will not run the test.
Anyone know what's happening?
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
I had a problem before where all the triggers on the map stopped working. However, I found that it was actually caused by my global variables. I had several integer arrays of size 8190, and for some reason, when I reduced the size of one of them, all the triggers worked again.

Ty, I have a group of large arrays (that size) I'll try making them smaller.
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
I tried making the variable arrays (1 boolean, 1 unit group, 1 unit) to size 25, and world editor crashes whenever I try to save or test it... o_O
Level 10
May 19, 2008
Dude, when you change the size of any variables in the Variable Editor that doesn't change the array size... This value says how much of the array places should be initialized.
INTEGER I size 10 start value 0
all variables from 0 - 10 are initialized with the number 0, BUT you can use this: set I[11] = 2. That doesn't cause an error. But if you use the variabel to something else then a set action the trigger will crash. Because I[11] isn't 0 its nothing...
The size of any array is evertime 8191. Or +1 but you shouldn't use it.
But I know the bug, do you add somewhere an event to a trigger in the map initialisation? One time I had a wrong Event, and that killed all triggers...

MfG cedi
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
Ok I'll try to remember that and use [8191] in the future, but atm I can't do anything because of the WE...
(I actually meant 8192... but I'll still try to use 8191)
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
No I've been using the normal wc3 editor (unless i counts a special since its the mac version). I've never actually used the very last place in the array if that means anything.
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
I got the patch after the triggers stopped working (but before my WE stopped working).
I just reinstalled Wc3 (and repatched it, hoping that wasn't a mistake) and I'll see about getting the patch from blizzard.com. ugh
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
I've tried dling the patch from blizzard.com and the patcher refuses to run.
I'm going to try on my other computer.
Maybe it's 'cause the mac WE is always an older version than the current one XP
Level 3
Apr 8, 2006
Okay, on my windows comp the WE works.
It seems that lowering the size of my arrays made all the difference (ty -Insert Comment-). The triggers work with the one running on initialization (tg).
The arrays don't work at 8192 nor down to 8150, then I haven't tested between 8150 and 8000, but 8000 works fine.

Thanks for all the help. Now I'm a bit worried to update my wc3... eh... just won't do it for a while.
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