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Help me with AI?!?!

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Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
For my medieval map I want to add in some AI that can be normal, attackive or defensive.

I've been trying loads of different things to try to create some kind of AI (Triggers and AI Editor). They have both failed. I think the main problem for me is that I need them to create structures and an army BUT they don't harvest gold from a mine nor do they harvest lumber so the AI from AI Editor probably thinks they don't have a base or something.... Any help????
Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
I know I'm terrible in AI Editor as numerous errors have come up.... And I also know that I'm not all that great at triggers..... I'd just like some kind of AI (even if it's just 1 instead of the 3 types) to add into my map... It'd make it more enjoyable. But I have no idea what I'm doing (although I've made basic AI before) but yer. It's not really going well for me... XD
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