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Help me please Mapmakers

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Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
i Want ask is exactly how to make spell box and why in the spell box( i saw it in http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...7d1182655097-mysteries-spellbook-step1sd7.jpg)
this menu : Data - Base order ID
: Data - maximum spells
: Data - Minimum spells
: Data - share spells cooldown
: Data - spell list

and 1 more question : how to make an item to able be upgraded like Dagon and also the ability in that item will be upgrade too in Dota, if you can - can you send me the example map and if it need trigger please dont make that trigger to jass trigger because i dont understand ???

help me as soon as possible THX !!!!

{EDIT 1}
how to upgrade the item when the item has combined like Dagon ?? and how to increase the ability of the item each time the item combined ??? i want it be able to upgraded 5 times!!!

please help for Map maker

{EDIT 2}
how to upgrade the item when it has combined like Dagon ?? and how to upgrade the ability of the item (like dagon ) each time the item ( dagon) upgrade ??? but which i want is every ability is increasing when the item is being upgraded and upgraded. Please Help me. and if it has a trigger pls dont tranform that trigger to jass trigger because i cant understand so make it normally and simply Dagon

Note : Dagon is the item on Dota allstars map you can look the item on Dota allstars map
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  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
  • Trigger
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit acquires an item
  • Conditions
    • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to X //Item-type comparison
    • ((Triggering unit) has an item of type Staff of Wizardry) Equal to True //Boolean comparison
  • Actions
    • Item - Remove (Item being manipulated)
    • Item - Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Staff of Wizardy)
    • Hero - Create Dagon and give it to (Triggering unit)
You will need to make 5 different items and give them the way I described. In order to check what level it should be, you need to use hashtables, but I guess you are not really familiar with basic triggering even.

[•] http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/hashtables-mui-133407/
[•] http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/basics-triggers-32113/
[•] http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/how-make-item-recipes-33931/
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
You will need to make 5 different items
if you want to skip that you can add ability to unit when he acquires an item and increase it when you want

to make the ability invisible you can put it in spellbook and disable spellbook for player

any yea...read the tutorials....

if you have problems with search in this forum you can go to Advanced,put search titles only and sort by titles
if you want to skip that you can add ability to unit when he acquires an item and increase it when you want

to make the ability invisible you can put it in spellbook and disable spellbook for player

any yea...read the tutorials....

if you have problems with search in this forum you can go to Advanced,put search titles only and sort by titles

Abilities are placed within the items. How exactly are you going to increase an ability an item has? You will need 5 different abilities, I'm afraid. Dagon is an active item, (which damages the target, like Lightning Strike,) so the Spell Book trick won't work in this case.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
Abilities are placed within the items. How exactly are you going to increase an ability an item has? You will need 5 different abilities, I'm afraid. Dagon is an active item, (which damages the target, like Lightning Strike,) so the Spell Book trick won't work in this case.
didn't know...well there is a way to do that too xD but no time to post it now
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
First of all, you cant ask us to help you with creating an item named "dagon". Half of this community doesnt even know what a "dagon" is. You have to explain to us. Luckily for you, i know what a "dagon" is though, so i'll help you ;).

First, create one regular item in the object editor. In this case "claws of attack +15 LEVEL 1"
Then create the item in the object editor you need to aquire to upgrade it, in this case "claws of attack +15 UPGRADE"
Then create the item in the object editor it should be after the upgrade, with greater stats and a better ability, in this case "Claws of attack +15 LEVEL 2"
Then make a trigger like this:
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Acquires an item
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Claws of Attack +15 UPGRADE
      • ((Triggering unit) has an item of type Claws of Attack +15 LEVEL 1) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Item - Remove (Item being manipulated)
      • Item - Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Claws of Attack +15 LEVEL 1)
      • Hero - Create Claws of Attack +15 LEVEL 2 and give it to (Triggering unit)
Now this is a very simple solution, and to be honest probably not the best, but its an easy solution to do what you want to do.
Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
and sorry i didnt mean to post 3 posts in same title because when i posting the connection error and i think it hasnt been posted so i post again but when i have succesed posting it appear 2 thread and i cant delete it

can you give an example map ??? actually i have known how to combine item with recipe and i have made it but what i dont know is how to upgrade the item with recipe after it has combined. I have followed your trigger but i dont too understand on the conditions part, i have tried it but is error because after combined the item it appear a lvl 2 item not a level 1 item ( it should appear lvl 1 item not lvl 2 and lvl 2 should appear after i buy the recipe to upgrade it)
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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
All you're doing is replacing items. You replace the Dagon Level 1 item and the Dagon Recipe with the Dagon Level 2 item. Then, when the Dagon Recipe is purchased into the unit's inventory again, you would replace Dagon 2 and Dagon Recipe with Dagon 3, etc.
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Exactly, just change the: ((triggering unit) has an item of type Claws of Attack 15 LEVEL 1) to LEVEL 2/3/4 in the next trigger for the next upgrade, do the same in: Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Claws of Attack +15 LEVEL 1) to LEVEL 2/3/4 And change the: Create Claws of Attack +15 LEVEL 2 and give it to (Triggering unit) to LEVEL 3/4/5.
Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
can you just give me the example map so i can learn and i can understand more quickly. Please.....!!!

This is the map which i use to make item recipe and upgrade the item.... i have try to make it but it failed. buy The item with new icon which is sold in merchant like Hero warlock. near the Guard tower which protect the Castle

i only can make the item to combine but i can't make the item to able be upgraded.


  • X Hero Siege F-Day 4.6.w3x
    1.5 MB · Views: 115
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Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
There you go, Now if your unit has Your Item level 1, and obtains the level 2 item, it destroys the level 1 item and creates the level 2 item for you; If you arent pleased with this result, just tell and i'll help you once more, but i wont do your map for you, don't try to make things on your map that you can't do at the moment, and check tutorials and play around with the map editor for a while before starting a big project. Anyways, good look with your project! This is the trigger, and the updated maps is in attachments.

  • upgrading
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Acquires an item
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Universal's Cosmic Power level 2
      • ((Triggering unit) has an item of type Universal's Cosmic Power) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Item - Remove (Item being manipulated)
      • Item - Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Universal's Cosmic Power)
      • Hero - Create Universal's Cosmic Power level 2 and give it to (Triggering unit)


  • X Hero Siege F-Day 4.6.w3x
    1.5 MB · Views: 98
Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
i think your trigger have a little problem. I have test the map. I have bought the item and it has combined but when i want it to be upgrade to lvl 2 by buying the recipe the item cant be upgraded please try the map when you done the trigger to test the trigger is right or not bro. Please try again 1 more time ^^ this is the map i got from you

Oh ya if you can!! can you show me how to attach a weapon like dragon sword to the units but what i want is the standart weapon which weared by the hero (example blade master) dispear and changed by the dragon sword so the blade master will use the dragon sword ( i want make blademaster use 2 dragon swords) so the style of blade master attack will change too ( maybe ) i have seen the tutorial about how to do attachments but what i see is the Magina or illidan doesnt has sword so it will perfect when the hero attached by a dragon sword. i have test it when the blade master pick up the item ( i attach the dragon sword at item ability so when the unit pick up the item it will get attached) but the blade master become using 3 swords and the attack style didnt change

THis is the site to Download the dragon sword :http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/dragon-blade-52390/?prev=s=dragon%20sword&d=list&r=20


  • X Hero Siege F-Day 4.6(2).w3x
    1.5 MB · Views: 86
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Level 25
Mar 23, 2008


  • X Hero Siege F-Day 4.6.w3x
    1.5 MB · Views: 64
Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
How to: Attach weapons to units that allready have weapons (without modelling)
How to: Attach a Model or an Effect to a Unit << i have seen it
and i have follow the instructions but when it done the hero which has the weapon become wearing 2 or 3 weapon "How to: Attach weapons to units that allready have weapons (without modelling)" <<< as you can see in this tutorial illidan doesnt has a weapon so when you attach the weapon it become perfect but how about you attach the weapon to the here which already has a weapon ?? the hero will look weird and the style attack of hero will look weird too
Level 2
Apr 10, 2010
as you can see in this site http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...llready-have-weapons-without-modelling-59356/ that illidan weapon has been erased so it will perfect to pun new weapon but what yg want is the hero still have the weapon so when the hero get attachment from item ability the hero original weapon will dispear can changed by the new weapon which i attach in item ability and the attack style changed too . Do you know how to do that ?
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