[HELP] How computer and internet help you in your studies?

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Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
I have a report in our subject Teaching Instructions and my report is about the use of Computer and Internet as a Instructional Materials...

Can you help me out?

Just answer the question...
How computer and internet help you in your studies?

You can also suggest how the internet and computer will make every lesson more fun...

My report will be on July 13, 2015... i will use your comments as an example on my report..

Thank you in advance!



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
I'll answer this one before it's shifted...

Computers and the internet are double edged swords. They are very helpful, but also very consuming: take for example, I should be prepping a manuscript for publication but I'm currently replying to your comment on THW. There is a near-complete compilation of the entirety of human knowledge at your fingertips, yet we prefer to look at pictures of cats. Take from this what you will.


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
Internet provides extra knowledges and informations that sometimes you don't find in books and Internet is very much easier to use to look for them compared to books, for example we have the awesome mr. google that helps us to look up things easily.

As for computer, it is a medium for us to connect to internet.

At least that's what I can think of at the moment.




I could not imagine studying without the Internet. It contains unbelievable amount of knowledge.

The disadvantage, in my country universities tend to not allow Internet sources as sources for homework. Don't ask my why, none understands the rule ( tho one could imagine of some reasons).

Well, Computer, it helps me, as medium for my studies on the Internet, but I also noticed I spend much more time for computer stuff since I have one and forget about other things/ drop other projects.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
How computer and internet help you in your studies?
Why by being the very subject of my studies of course! One cannot study Computer Science without using computers or the Internet.

As for actual learning. It is far easier to navigate files of notes on your computer than to navigate stacks of paper looking for printed versions. Additionally anything one is unsure of is only a few clicks away thanks to Google (or other search engines). Wikipedia, although not always correct, is a good place to start for anything you have forgotten or is not explained clearly in your notes. You will be surprised how much correct University level information can be found on Wikipeda.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
As already been said, it's a double edged sword.

When you don't know much about the internet or computers, you are progressing slowly but it's easier to stay on target.
The more you know about it the easier you get derailed because there are a thousand awesome things that are very interesting and even more things that give you chance to procrastinate.

At least it's like that for me..

As for the research/work itself, every person probably has ~10 invaluable websites depending on their needs/profession (google, facebook, stackoverflow, ebay, youtube, wikipadia, etc..).
As it's easy to publish and distribute information on the web, that's the place to be nowadays.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
As for me, computer usage for my studies only has positive effects because my course technically IS about digital media.
Half my classes are about webUI, media manipulation (audio/video/images), concept media such as website wireframes and responsive webdesign.
I've acquired my English language knowledge through the internet, programming skills, server management and visual aesthetics on the web; also via internet.
And then, the double-edged sword of entertainment/learning which I don't need to express a third time, do I?
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