Help at Hiveworkshop modeldownloads and import

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Level 1
Jul 29, 2009

i have a problem. It is that ive downloaded some models from hiveworkshop.
So then i want to import these models but in the files are only 2 readmes and 1 .blp data and always the same for example:

Set the location to this:

The skin will replace the following unit/doodad/texture/interface:

but i dont know what to do with that.

Please help me ;):eekani:
If it says "The skin will replace the following unit/doodad/texture/interface", then you downloaded a skin, not a model.
So, go to your Import Manager in the World Editor and import this *.blp file. Double click it, once it is shown in the Import Manager and tick "Use custom path". Now, remove the "war3mapImported\" and type the path the txt file tells you to: units\Demon\Mannoroth as a prefix of "Mannoroth.blp". Save the map, close the World Editor and open it again.
Then, go to the Object Editor, go to Edit -> Find... and type "Mannoroth". The first unit the search will bring up, right click it and select "Select in Tool Palette". There you go, your new skin is applied.
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