22:18, 19th Nov 2013
Orcnet: Map reviewed by SeedingAethyr:
Orcnet: Map reviewed by SeedingAethyr:
SeedinAethyr;2417884 said:Hello Hebert09, at your request, I am rechecking your map, and am also going to make a full review this time. First of all, your Hive description is much better than before, and you have credited all of the makers of resources you have used. You've used attractive BBCodes, and you also have a nice map preview. Screenshots would be nice, but they're not required and your description is acceptable as it is. (Side: Again, thank you a ton for being agreeable about improving your description and adding full credits.) Now, my feedback of your actual map. Your loading screen description is good and I liked how you implemented a beginning cinematic to show off the map to the players. However, the timer in the top right and the multiboard kinda... eh, dampened the quality of the cinematic. It would be much better if you could create those right after the cinematic. It's also a bit off-putting to the Uruk-hai players to see the timer ticking down as they watch a cinematic. Also, it says in your quests that the Uruk-hai only have thirty minutes to breach Helm's Deep, but the timer starts at forty-five minutes (but they lose a minute because of the cinematic). Now, I know that the field the Uruk-Hai marched over was a lot like yours (empty with a few rocks and stuff) so I'm not going to criticize the terrain too harshly, but you could have used a bit of tile variation, like maybe a few patches of rough dirt. I like how you have global rain, but I don't think the map is dark enough. I think you could add in a bit of global black fog, enough so that the players can see enough to play well, but so that they feel as if it's actually nighttime and there is a terrible rainstorm. I'll say that your mountains on the sides look really nice (a few rocks on the cliffs won't hurt though) and that Helm's Deep looks epic. However, a few more "random stuff on the ground" doodads within Helm's Deep might not hurt, such as a sword lying on the ground, or small pieces of rubble. Also, I rewatched the Helm's Deep battle scene, and I don't believe that you've included Uglúk, or the raise area that he stood on. Uglúk is the Captain of the Uruk-Hai. Another thing I'm going to point out now is that you said "Uruk-Hia" in many tooltips. I googled it just to be sure, and it is Uruk-Hai. The Pikeman's tooltip and the Raider's tooltip contains this error. The Crossbowman also has a faulty buy tooltip. All of rossbowman is highlighted in yellow (the C is not highlighted). Now, gameplay. I liked the massive range of the ranged units, and I liked how the Uruk-Hai could endlessly produce units and the defenders could not. I have not tested the balance yet, but from reading damages and abilities I believe that the game is relatively balanced. I really liked how the defenders could open and close the gates, and I liked how you had a multiboard with killcount. Makes me think of that contest between Legolas and Gimli: Who could kill the most orcs? Although your abilities are only modified blizzard spells, the custom icons make them much nicer. I liked how the orc players could blow open sections of the walls and also attach ladders to them. There is also a random spearthrower within the Player 6 units guarding the gate; I think he should belong to Player 6 and you forgot to switch him? I also have a question. Where is Theoden? Have you forgotten him, or left him out due to filesize reasons? The music and all the models and icons really show how much effort you put into making this map look good.
I think this map looks pretty good, and it's fun. The idea wasn't that original, but it was made from scratch and it was pulled off well.
Hebert, I give your map a