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Hello There!

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Level 7
May 23, 2007
Well, not really the newest one to the forums, but I didn't introduced myself before... So here I go...

My name is Christaina and I'm from Serbia. It's a calm and quiet place and I really love to live here. By nationality I am Hungarian but I speak Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Russian, German almost perfect and as you can see I know English very well to. I love to learn new languages - it gives me the opportunity to meet new friends all over the world and I love to do this. I was born in Switzerland and moved to here when I was 6. My current age? Well .. I have turned 21 2 weeks ago. :grin: Yes, I've been born on Christmas...

I'm still over-studying in Belgrade(Capital of Serbia) Computer Game LYC&Graphic Programing and Design. It's like, my job would be to work out the game story and to work design it's world.

I am part of a New Generation MMORPG project, doing the things I've mentioned above.

Beside my studies I am poet/writer. I wrote like 600+ poems, quotes and 64 longer novels and a lot of short ones. Currently I'm writing a book titled "The Perfectly Crafted Sword". I developed my own RPG game, my own world with own races, stuff... including 4 unique languages with grammar and lore included (so, as you can see, I am a language freak :) ... some say so). I am a great fan of Ancient Egypt, Medieval, Ninja & Samurai history. Particularly the Culture, Arms and Armor Crafting and the Battle/Fighting styles and techniques.

I am playing D&D(dice and paper - we call it Pen and Paper here) for quite some years now. I played and playing still some of these games : aD&D, D&D, M.A.G.U.S., Iron Heroes, Vamprie, Forgotten Realms, Fallout, D Sun, Raveloft, Iron Kingdom, Palladrium, Shadowrun, Star Wars, Paranoia and my own one : The Talisman ... and some more maybe, I can't remember.

I have 48 books in material and 244 digital ones not counting those Feat notebooks, equipment indexes, etc. I am part of the country RPG club and I have a rank of a 3rd Master so I am a highly respected gamer. I have prizes from lots of contests from : d&d maps, adventures, DMing/PCing, Team Gaming and I have the 1st place by "The funniest Character"(no wonder, I love to play funny ones for sure), and I scored a 2nd place on an European DnD Contest last year. I play D&D at least 1 or 2 times a week (in dice and paper) with friends or in the club.

Humm... well as this is a War3 Moding site, lemme' tell ya more about my experiences about this part. I started doing moding a looooong time ago. I mostly did it because I really liked to work on terrain. It was sorta, my passion. Later on I started doing new units, making only melee maps. After a few years I evolved to the triggers area, and to the more deeper parts to the WE. It surprised me how much things I can do, and I really liked it. I did tons of maps. Not very big stuff, like simple TD's. Survivals, small RPG's. AOS'es and some others... They are not quality maps, I just made them to play around with friends and such. Then I started to work on maps more seriously, and here I am, in a middle of Warcraft III map. My idea and design of the maps world was been accepted by a game developer team :razz: , thanks to my brother. <3 him soooooo much :cool:. So, as my map will progress, there is an actual game "behind" the curtain.

Sorry if I made it long, bug gah... I always get carried away. :hohum:
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Hey wassup , Syleona , Welcome to the Hive!! And to me thats alot to say about yourself. Don't get to carried away with your post before you say stuff you shouldn't say lol. Anyways we hope you have a good time , and follow the rules of the Hive and do what you can.

(Don't take this as an offense but WE GOT ANOTHER FEMALEZ ON THE HIVE YAY!!!! :grin: lol. (at least thats what I think ... jk jk)). Although it seems really late you post this all of a sudden.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I would say you are new enough, only 17 posts. I never did introduce myself. I may yet. : )

Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Welcome to The Hive Workshop!

Greetings Syleona. Thanks for participating in our community, best luck with your projects! The Hive includes many talented Warcraft III modders of all skill levels among its users. New members (especially friendly ones) are always welcome. Take a look around and enjoy your stay, may it be long and productive!

Some good places to start include:Searching the site using the above link always helps, you can learn a lot that way: just reading and learning is usually the best place to start, especially if one feels overwhelmed.

Likewise, the tutorials can really teach ALL of us a thing or two.

The chat room is cool: lots of people can answer questions there.
  • A few other tips that might help too:
    • Always search first! Did I already mention THAT? :grin:
    • When creating a new thread, make the title VERY specific: so the site's search engine (and we users) can easily understand just what the thread contains.
    • Post your new threads in the proper forum: read the descriptions of each one so that you know what to post there.
    • If all else fails, just send me a private message! I'll try to do whatever I can to help.
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