Hello men and women of The Hive Workshop!
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste...
I'm Levi, I'm a programmer and designer and have had interest in map editors since my wee lil days on StarCraft 1, I have dabbled in texturing and enjoy drawing and writing.
For many a year I have known of The Hive Workshop and perused its delectable gallery of beauties and beasts and have been thrown to the mercy of inspiration.
And there was much rejoicing.
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste...
I'm Levi, I'm a programmer and designer and have had interest in map editors since my wee lil days on StarCraft 1, I have dabbled in texturing and enjoy drawing and writing.
For many a year I have known of The Hive Workshop and perused its delectable gallery of beauties and beasts and have been thrown to the mercy of inspiration.
And there was much rejoicing.