1. Should I destroy triggers that aren't going to be used again? Does this clear up ram, or anything? If I destroy a trigger that is currently being executed, will the rest of the functions inside the trigger not execute after being destroyed? How do I destroy a trigger?
2. Deathismyfriend told me to create a Player Group variable and use it in place of any instance that uses '(All Players)'. The only reason I can think for doing this is because any time '(All Players)' is used, it creates a new player group per use, but creating and using a variable stops this from happening.
3. How do I use 'Pan Camera' and Unit Groups without them leaking?
2. Deathismyfriend told me to create a Player Group variable and use it in place of any instance that uses '(All Players)'. The only reason I can think for doing this is because any time '(All Players)' is used, it creates a new player group per use, but creating and using a variable stops this from happening.
3. How do I use 'Pan Camera' and Unit Groups without them leaking?