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HangOut Defence VIIIc

:goblin_yeah: -->>HDV<<-- :goblin_yeah:
:ctwist: HangOut Defence VIIIB :ctwist:


"I'm improving this map STEP BY STEP" "First of all I want you to be reminded that bugs are always there for each and every update so if you find a bug on this map just let me now and I'll try to fix it, And for those grammar errors will I'l try to find were it is.:goblin_good_job: Will for abilities there are some standard which I use and so that for each and every updates I will change it or replace or make it stronger if it is weak. So I need your comment for that. Or try this :fp:
Its easy!
Just create your own ability of your own hero from your WoW Editor (.w3x)
and give send it to me on :fp:CLICK HERE or send it to my email [email protected].

:fp:Hero must have:
4 deff. abilities, must be equal to level 25 and please just take advantages for the attributes, the attributes has 9 level make sure that if your hero reaches level 25 all abilities are acquired. See you soon.!!! Goodluck.
Will lets start:
Each player can only control 1 hero or short for 1 Hero/Player.

Will its very simple.
For all the Players of Villagers your mission is to destroy the Porters Altar of chaos.
And for the Players of Porters you must destroy the Center Hall of the Villagers to win the game. So your moves are Attack and Defend. else your :thumbs_down: :grin:

This is the town of Villager's the tall tower from the left side is their Center Hall. The Porter's must destroy that Center Hall to destroy the race of the human kind.

And now this is the town of the Porter's, the structure which is guarded with the two tower's is called as the Altar of Chaos. Villager's must destroy that Altar of Chaos in order to stop the Porters.

What is important?
"You must have an "Intelligence" for escaping and using abilities, "Agility" for fast turns in and turns out on any hostile situations and "Strength" to face your enemies without fear and crash them with your powerful hands. So try to use your "Intelligent combine it with you Agility and Strength"

-Now the Vampirism increases by 2 its charge every time the carrier kills a hero.

-I have change the ability some of the heroes. (See it on the gameplay.)
-"Will every update I'm repairing or changing heroes abilities."

-Mana Gain is now 10 levels + 2% regain.
-Also I Increase the effect of the other upgrade.
Speed - +20% Attackspeed, +20 Movement Speed.
Damage Base - Range: 1 - 5, Melee 1- 5.

-I have change the ability of Archerer. (See it on the gameplay.)
-I also repair the last skill of Captain Maru, because on the last version early at level 1 you can acquire its last skill so now I made it: Level Required to Level 6.
-I replace the 2 skill of T'Warrior. (See it on the gameplay.)
-"Will every update I'm repairing or changing heroes abilities."

-I have change the ability of Captain Maru because it causes some leaks. (See it on the gameplay.)
-I change the damage of Heavy Workers last skill or so called as "Great Tower's" damage from 120/tower to 40/tower because its so strong.
-"Will every update I'm repairing or changing heroes abilities."

-I change the position of the Super's Shop. (Can't describe if were so just see it on the game play.)
-I also change the placement of the "Green Fire Legend" near at the center of the map.

-I have change the ability of Blink. (See it on the gameplay.)
-I have also change some of the others.
-Make the Dragon Fire extra damage from 30 to 100 because its her fourth ability so it must be a little stronger.
-"Will every update I'm repairing or changing heroes abilities."

-I added new item on the river its called as "Ïnvisibility".(Check it on the game play.)

-I have change the ability of Captain Maru. (See it on the gameplay.)

-"Will every update I'm repairing or changing heroes abilities."

-No changes.

*No new Command*

Enter-play command from the start of the game. and it will set to normal game mode.
(Just from now -play is the only gameplay commands. Hope soon on the other update, i will put another command like ramdom, reverse or something new)
Enter -cm command to set the fighter's spawn only at the center of short for Center Mode/Mid only.
Enter -box command to set the fighter's spwn only at the Top&Above but not on the mid.

-sc to set the fighter's already to super creeps or mega creeps.
-sh10 to set your heroes starting level to 10.
-br25 to set your heroes starting level to maximum level or 25.

-s to know the movement speed of a hero.
-lvl to know the level of a hero.
-item to know the item carried by a hero.
-ma to see who controls the hero.
-cls to clear screen.

-help to see the gameplay commands.

Here are some pictures. Hopefully next tym I'll try to record a gameplay of this map.

Here I'm Playing for the Villager's













:ctwist: Hope you like it!!!:ctwist:
:ctwist:Please Give Any comment or bug report on this map.:ctwist:

hangout, jabaware, hang, war, ware, aos, rpg, good, map, battle, defence, AOS,darkangel, dark angel,warcraft, battle

HangOut Defence VIIIc (Map)

09:22, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Comment

Is the map good?

  • Ahhm! Will its fine but terrain needs some improvements!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ahhm! Will its fine but units still need some improvements!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
What I've done:

  • Removed all ratings.
  • Removed all comments.
  • Set the map to "Needs Fix" (meaning it will reset from pending the moment you update it!).
  • Left a first post for you to edit (you can either remove it or place misc info there which doesn't belong in the description).

You can now update this map to the latest version (if itsn't already).
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Probably ScreenShots, as everything people say nowadays is "Add screenshots".
Why can't anyone give an actual comment on a map nowadays?

I know, I am very keen on the description, but for god's sake, I don't say "add screenshot" in every thread! It's not nearly constructive enough to be acceptable for a comment.
(not meant to you, but to everyone in general ^^).
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Well , i don't know what to say . . . . after trying your map out.

First , skills seem basic. Very basic

U need to improve your skills

likes the firelord that i choose.

Skill 1 . just deal damage xxx to target location [If compare to a normal maps , fireburn is better than this spells.]
Skill 2 . + 5 point in agility in every level. [This skills i don't know why u added it]
skill 3 . same as firelord's passive , just increase a damage.
skill 4 . Volcano [same]

and other heroes 's skills so similar to normal maps. You need to hardwork on it.

For item it seem fine , some items gets a good ideal , some seem similar to other aos map.

For creep , i think u don't need to put a red or blue cover on your creep's skin. It seem likes hard to looking.

For exp , it too fast to level up.

For tooltips, some parts of tooltips give a wrong vocabulary likes : Melee unit = Melle units

From my view, i still haven't found what is specials in your maps
Level 4
Sep 1, 2009

Well , i don't know what to say . . . . after trying your map out.

First , skills seem basic. Very basic

U need to improve your skills

likes the firelord that i choose.

Skill 1 . just deal damage xxx to target location [If compare to a normal maps , fireburn is better than this spells.]
Skill 2 . + 5 point in agility in every level. [This skills i don't know why u added it]
skill 3 . same as firelord's passive , just increase a damage.
skill 4 . Volcano [same]

and other heroes 's skills so similar to normal maps. You need to hardwork on it.

For item it seem fine , some items gets a good ideal , some seem similar to other aos map.

For creep , i think u don't need to put a red or blue cover on your creep's skin. It seem likes hard to looking.

For exp , it too fast to level up.

For tooltips, some parts of tooltips give a wrong vocabulary likes : Melee unit = Melle units

From my view, i still haven't found what is specials in your maps

Will about on your comment of "skills seem basic. Very basic" a just want you to know that I only put that similar or simple, what ever it is only to get idea after playing on it on how to improve it more. Example on that Fire Lord its skills is very basic or its standard. It put that some standard skills on him so that in every fixing I'l slowly change or replaces some of those standard abilities until it is completely done.

Its not easy working on some special skill or jass & triggered skills alone.


Please give any comment for my map....tnx

Its easy!
Just create your own ability of your own hero from your WoW Editor (.w3x)
and give send it to me on :fp:CLICK HERE or send it to my email [email protected].

:fp:Hero must have:
4 deff. abilities, must be equal to level 25 and please just take advantages for the attributes, the attributes has 9 level make sure that if your hero reaches level 25 all abilities are acquired. See you soon.!!! Goodluck.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Yes i know doing about trigger and jass alone it may hard.

That why i said try hard on it , keep working on it with a feedback until it completed.
Level 4
Sep 1, 2009

Yes i know doing about trigger and jass alone it may hard.

That why i said try hard on it , keep working on it with a feedback until it completed.
Yhupp I'l try to make this map better and better and someday all of what you see which is very constant will be change. :thumbs_up: will I hope you like this map even if there are some similarities from others.


Its easy!
Just create your own ability of your own hero from your WoW Editor (.w3x)
and give send it to me on :fp:


send it to my email [email protected].

:fp:Hero must have:
4 deff. abilities, must be equal to level 25 and please just take advantages for the

attributes, the attributes has 9 level make sure that if your hero reaches level 25 all

abilities are acquired. See you soon.!!! Goodluck.
Level 4
Sep 1, 2009
I tested it. I don't like it for several reasons:

1. Spells are too simple and most of them - useless.
2. Creeps are way too strong, or perhaps heroes are too weak.
3. Towers are DAMN strong.

:vw_wtf:Like I said every update there are some changes on the heroes abilities. So keep posting any comment any suggestions. ^_^ Thanks:vw_wtf:
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Level 4
Sep 1, 2009
its not a dota copy, maybe the gameplay looks similar but it isn't that at much..

yeS of cuRs i cReateD thiS gAme... john2_gadi is just my username but on my authors map i put JABAWARE bcus its the name of my official site... lol
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Well written descriptions
- Unique and lots of items
- Has a multiboard
- Has a quest menu
- Good terrain

Negative features:

- I played with Skeleton dragon, his lifesteal doesn't affect him, looks like a bad idea
- The spells are very simple
- Should have more modes and commands

Additional Information / Conclusion:

The map is good, but you should add more features to it. Good Luck.

Rating: 3/5
Vote for:

Level 4
Sep 1, 2009
Thanks you Ironside for the comment and approval. ^_^

Thank you for your comment. Now I am currently updating this map to its new version. It may take a prolong time to moderate cause I am completely over hauling this map so that it could be played better soon.

Sorry for the late information but the map title isn't HangOut but its HanggOut I always forgot putting double "gg" ^_^. Hope for consideration. I will fix this once I update my map. Thanks
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