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Gurubashi Arena

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Level 6
Dec 6, 2005
Last week, a friend and i had a memorable fight in Gurubashi Arena. We were the original people there and as i went to loot the chest, a rogue threw a cheap shot on me. My warrior friend charged him and nearly got him down but she vanished. We thought she was gone and proceeded to loot the chest when a druid moonfire's me. We leap back into action and engage the druid.

The druid was down to half when the rogue comes back with some friends, and a very annoying paladin. I fought the paladin myself as my friend was trying to protect the chest, the battle against the paladin lasted about 5 minutes.

Over time more and more alliance and horde joined the fight, a human shadow priest was one. My friend and I weren't even able to take here down together.

Eventually we teamed up with some fellow horde mates and took down the priest. In the end the rogue looted the chest, with her vanish trick, which kind of ruined the fun of it.

It was a great moment in WoW and one im sure i will not forget for a while.

59 Shaman
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Heh, not as two things I've done in Gurubashi. On Daggerspine with my 38 UD lock 'main' I got two of my 60 warrior mates as bodyguards and went into the arena (One of them is practically a rogue in plate - he has a 50% melee crit chance!). It was hell funyy, in the end they held off ALOT of enemies but left a 60 rogue on half hp, who then went after a 45 'lock who brought him down to ~10% hp, I then feared and DOT'd his ass to hell, ninja'd the chest and got killed by an angry 60 resto druid ROFL!

Also, on Frostmourne with my 60 Rogue I got together ~30 Rogues, mostly guildies but a few others and we all went into the arena early and stood at regulared intervals around the edges in stealth, when everyone had jumped in for the chest we all unstealthed and pwned them all, so damn funny XD.
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