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GUI(only :|) Spell Requests by [Spoontoobig]

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Level 10
Nov 3, 2009

I have some WoW'ish(World of Warcraft) spell requests:

Druid spell: Starfall

Description: You summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets within 30 yards of the caster, each dealing X Arcane damage. Also causes Y Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards of the enemy target. Maximum 20 stars. Lasts 10 sec. Shapeshifting into an animal form or mounting cancels the effect. Any effect which causes you to lose control of your character will suppress the starfall effect.

New request everyday!!!! CREDITS WILL BE GIVEN AND +REP of course!
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Level 10
Apr 3, 2006
for your lava burst ability, you would do a check/condition to see if the target has the debuff on them and then apply the bonus damage. I have a move exaclty like this in my map :D

  • ((Target unit of ability being cast) has buff Flame Shock) Equal to True
Level 10
Nov 3, 2009
Okey... I done with flame shock and lava burst...

But! How to make trap... I tryed to do it with dummy unit... But I stuck with thing how to make when unit with dummy unit for 10 range it casts smoke screen and disappear... ? :>
Here is a Map with Frost Nova and Howl of Terror. Both are made with very simple triggers. Howl of Terror shows no buff, it just orders the units to go away.

Both Spells are really just templates. You have to set the tooltips etcc by your own. Oh and probably you want to change the dummy model to nothing.mdl


  • Frost Nove and Howl of Terror.w3x
    19.1 KB · Views: 49
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Sap: hard question, I'm wondering if it can be made in GUI... You need some timers for it->hard to make MUI... But if there is only 1 chars/player then I think I can make it.
EDIT: Ok, I think I could solve it :D I'll upload it in an hour.
EDIT2: Okay. I give up... You need JASS or a LONG-LONG segment of GUI triggers to do that... And a custom stealth system with stealth as a dummy spell :p Coz' I can't make it work with the original hiding spells, so...
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
hmm... maybe an alternative hide spell... but you have to use a lot of triggers for it... If you can send me the map (if you have) I think I can make it
EDIT: there is some hiding opportunity, but only works if there is no/only 1(limited) invisible-seeing units... It's hard to do...
EDIT2: there is some dummy-way for it... but don't know... It's really hard, I have to pre-check the action, which is nearly impossible (GOT THE IDEA! XD) Okay, so I disable the spell as long as long the unit don't have stealth. ;) And make the unit restealth after the spell... :D
Level 10
Nov 3, 2009
hmm... maybe an alternative hide spell... but you have to use a lot of triggers for it... If you can send me the map (if you have) I think I can make it
EDIT: there is some hiding opportunity, but only works if there is no/only 1(limited) invisible-seeing units... It's hard to do...
EDIT2: there is some dummy-way for it... but don't know... It's really hard, I have to pre-check the action, which is nearly impossible (GOT THE IDEA! XD) Okay, so I disable the spell as long as long the unit don't have stealth. ;) And make the unit restealth after the spell... :D

You better make blazing speed spell :> that would be fantastic! :D
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