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GUI Base Capture System - I need help

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Level 2
Sep 10, 2008
Ahh this is my first post on a forum 0_o, so I don't know what to expect. =D
In the current map I'm working on, Shawty Brawl 2.0 (Name subject to change)
A main feature is 4 bases in each corner of the map.
You stand on them for 5 second and ownership is transferred to you.
I'm having several problems, like when someone walks off the base in a certain direction it carries on capturing, even though there are triggers in place to stop this.
As well as The owner of the base can re-capture a base that he owns, and again there are triggers in place to stop this.
And the third problem is occasionally the ownership changes to Neutral Passive instead of the capturer.
Any help would be great,
PS. If this is in the wrong section, can a mod transfer it to the right one, if possible. =S
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
It's actually quite easy to add the codes... you don't need to "get into that", it's as simple as copy/pasting ^^

I've seen some people who type the entire code themselves and I've seen some who just take screenies.
Both methods are a half-assed way to do it, since the hive has a beautiful trigger-tag ^^

First, do this:


Then you type

You L-click in the middle (between the trigger-tags) and type "CTRL + V".
Then you get this:

  • Melee Initialization
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Melee Game - Use melee time of day (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Limit Heroes to 1 per Hero-type (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Give trained Heroes a Scroll of Town Portal (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Set starting resources (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Remove creeps and critters from used start locations (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Create starting units (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Run melee AI scripts (for computer players)
      • Melee Game - Enforce victory/defeat conditions (for all players)
Note: hidden-tags are to prevent the screen from 'stretching' and making it easier to read the other posts, instead of scrolling down.
In this case it isn't necessary, because the codes are small, but when you use longer and bigger codes (setting up unit/player groups, using a long math-formula, ...) it's best to do it.
Level 8
Aug 4, 2008
I think I know.

A unit enter Region

Triggering unit equal to blahblah

Set Counter[player number of owner of triggering unit] = 0
Set Unit[player number of owner of triggering unit] = triggering unit
trigger - turn on trigger above

Every 1 seconds of game time

Condition ---

Set Counter[player number of owner of triggering unit] = Counter[player number of owner of triggering unit] + 1
If Counter equal to 5
then change owner ship

Other trigger
A unit leaves Region

Condition - Unit equal to Unit[player number o triggering unit]

Set Counter[player number of owner of triggering unit] = 0
Trigger - Turn off Timer trigger.
Level 2
Sep 10, 2008
It's actually quite easy to add the codes... you don't need to "get into that", it's as simple as copy/pasting ^^

I've seen some people who type the entire code themselves and I've seen some who just take screenies.
Both methods are a half-assed way to do it, since the hive has a beautiful trigger-tag ^^.

Ohhh Lol =_= didnt know you could do that 0_o.
Um Ive decided to just add my map and let people look at it.. if you use ideas that are unique to it i guess please give credits, but yeah.. I have a good 40 triggers that have things to do with the bases.
+rep and credits for anyone can fix these problems that have been plaguing me since i started making this map. =D.

Edit: dimitri231 ehh take a look at my map lol.. its a lot more complicated then that I think..
Edit2: If someone can fix any leaks they find that I've missed that'd be appreciated.. I'm not very familiar with custom scripts.


  • Shawty Brawl 2.02editable.w3x
    2.4 MB · Views: 83
Last edited:
Level 2
Sep 10, 2008
You need to wait 48 hours between posts (bumps), and I don't know what your asking.

Most people will not download and open and correct your map; you should just post the trigger here.

Hmm alright.
Well the problem is there are 50 triggers involved in different parts of this system, and I'd probably need to post a good 10-20 of them.. I think I will just rework it and pray I get it right..
Thanks all.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
The leaks are unbelievable... Please read this and get them fixed before the actual release :)
Anyway, I have no idea what the system is supposed to do. I have a basic idea but I found your way of making it somewhat inefficient.
I believe it is possible to achieve the system with about 2-3 triggers.

Please do give a brief description of what it does and I'll get it done in an hour or something.
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