Grunt Pack

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Based on:Grunt and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo

Thanks for optimalizations to RexusMax52

I know that is the simple changes, but I think that it can be useful. If ya like it, give follow.

More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric

If you yourself want use these models for own work or projects, you are absolutly free to do it.



Black Tooth Grin


Bleeding Hollow


Burning Blade







Chaos Green


Laughing Skull

















Blackrock Grunt Classic (Model)

Blackrock Veteran Grunt (Model)

BlackrockV2 Grunt (Model)

BlacktoothGrin Grunt Classic (Model)

BlacktoothGrin Veteran Grunt (Model)

BleedingHollow Grunt (Model)

BleedingHollow Veteran Grunt (Model)

Bonechewer Grunt (Model)

Bonechewer Grunt Classic (Model)

Bonechewer Veteran Grunt (Model)

Burning Blade Veteran Grunt (Model)

BurningBlade Grunt Classic (Model)

Chaos Green Grunt (Model)

Drakthul Grunt Classic (Model)

Drakthul Veteran Grunt (Model)

Frostwolf Grunt Classic (Model)

Frostwolf Veteran Grunt (Model)

Guldan Grunt Classic (Model)

Guldan Veteran Grunt (Model)

Shadowmoon Grunt Classic (Model)

Shadowmoon Veteran Grunt (Model)

Shaman Grunt Classic (Model)

Shaman Veteran Grunt (Model)

Stormreaver Grunt Classic (Model)

Stormreaver Veteran Grunt (Model)

Warsong Grunt Classic (Model)

Warsong Veteran Grunt (Model)

Burning Blade Grunt (Model)

BlacktoothGrin Grunt (Model)

Drakthul Grunt (Model)

Frostwolf Grunt (Model)

Guldan Grunt (Model)

Laughingskull Grunt (Model)

Shadowmoon Grunt (Model)

Shaman Grunt (Model)

Stormreaver Grunt (Model)

Warsong Grunt (Model)

Whiteclaw Grunt (Model)

General Frank
Useful for some people, but definitely on the simpler side.
I have a handful of suggestions, if you're into modeling:

1.) Give the Bleeding Hollow Grunt a crude, primitive weapon, like a club or axe whose head is an animal or demon's jawbone. Also, tattoo his skin, so he resembles the Bleeding Hollow orcs from Warlords of Draenor.
2.) Make really crude scrimshaw armor, skull mask, and weapons (which should include TC) for the Laughing Skull Grunt. Do the same with a Bonechewer Grunt, except "decorate" him with organs of his slain enemies (you may use the Abomination's guts for this). Speaking of skull masks, style something similar but different for Thunderlord Grunts, like this guy.
3.) As for grunts that are warlock-themed, cover them with protruding spikes and horns, so they resemble orcs from the WarCraft Movie.

If you need help, johnwar might have a few suggestions.

That's all!
Level 43
Oct 11, 2019
I have a handful of suggestions, if you're into modeling:

1.) Give the Bleeding Hollow Grunt a crude, primitive weapon, like a club or axe whose head is an animal or demon's jawbone. Also, tattoo his skin, so he resembles the Bleeding Hollow orcs from Warlords of Draenor.
2.) Make really crude scrimshaw armor, skull mask, and weapons (which should include TC) for the Laughing Skull Grunt. Do the same with a Bonechewer Grunt, except "decorate" him with organs of his slain enemies (you may use the Abomination's guts for this). Speaking of skull masks, style something similar but different for Thunderlord Grunts, like this guy.
3.) As for grunts that are warlock-themed, cover them with protruding spikes and horns, so they resemble orcs from the WarCraft Movie.

If you need help, johnwar might have a few suggestions.

That's all!
Thanks for suggestion. But I do not wanna copie wow in all thing. Of course, I your suggestions sound really cool. Buuuuut, I don't know if I wanna go this far.
Add other weapon or add cape or ponytail like johnwar did, okay, I can try. I tried to add other weapon to model two hours and unsuccessfully, but I can try.
But made that guts and thunder lord helmet is too far for me.
About that tattoo and scrimshaw - I do not know if is it is some alternative of it between textures of MPQ and want use a custom skins as little as possible. From my. Point of view, Bleeding hollow looks with troll clothes and armor too jungle enough. Also, that axe looks according to me enough "primitive" for a jungle people. But you have right, I can try add something different.
About that tattoo, I don't know. But I don't want remade bleeding hollow too much. But I thought about making a Killrog model(some people gave request), when I would use gryphon rider chest with Green color set in geoset animation manager.
And about Bonechewer - I did already made some version, look at thread. Yea, I know, it do not look like style that bonechewery are, buuuuuuuut... Let’s say I am relatively okay with result.
You are not first who said me that Laughing Skulls should have more bones on them. But in the end this was my idea about their final looking - Laughing Skull is from Gorgrond, right? Blackrock is too from Gorgrond, right? And Blackrock is known for best smithing among orcs and there's a lot mountains here, isn't it? So enough metal for other clans too, isn't it? So yea, my final decision that all Gorgrond clans, even Laughing Skull, will be heavy armored. Again, it is not their original style, I know, but I don't care.
Thanks for suggestion. But I do not wanna copie wow in all thing. Of course, I your suggestions sound really cool. Buuuuut, I don't know if I wanna go this far.
Add other weapon or add cape or ponytail like johnwar did, okay, I can try. I tried to add other weapon to model two hours and unsuccessfully, but I can try.
But made that guts and thunder lord helmet is too far for me.
About that tattoo and scrimshaw - I do not know if is it is some alternative of it between textures of MPQ and want use a custom skins as little as possible. From my. Point of view, Bleeding hollow looks with troll clothes and armor too jungle enough. Also, that axe looks according to me enough "primitive" for a jungle people. But you have right, I can try add something different.
About that tattoo, I don't know. But I don't want remade bleeding hollow too much. But I thought about making a Killrog model(some people gave request), when I would use gryphon rider chest with Green color set in geoset animation manager.
And about Bonechewer - I did already made some version, look at thread. Yea, I know, it do not look like style that bonechewery are, buuuuuuuut... Let’s say I am relatively okay with result.
You are not first who said me that Laughing Skulls should have more bones on them. But in the end this was my idea about their final looking - Laughing Skull is from Gorgrond, right? Blackrock is too from Gorgrond, right? And Blackrock is known for best smithing among orcs and there's a lot mountains here, isn't it? So enough metal for other clans too, isn't it? So yea, my final decision that all Gorgrond clans, even Laughing Skull, will be heavy armored. Again, it is not their original style, I know, but I don't care.
You won't copy WoW. All you do is make references from WoW: WoD.
As stated before, johnwar is someone you could talk to because he's into detail.
Speaking of...
Bleeding Hollow Clan: The tattoos don't need to look all white, like they were depicted in WoD. They may have bright TC, in contrast to the orcs' skin pigment. Also, stylize them so they have partial armor, be it primitive or scavenged off the battlefield.
Bonechewer Clan: The orcs here could use a little more decorating. I would probably get my hopes a little too high if I ask for a flail made from a skull and spinal column, but a battle axe whose head is a scapula (shoulder blade) scrimshawed so it has a nice sharp edge fastened onto a hard piece of wood is ideal. Pierce a small bone through a grunt's nose to signify cannibalism, and fashion him a gauntlet or two made from claws. If I want to go even further, I'd shape every Proximal Phalange/Metacarpal bone so one end is sharpened and the other can be used as a "tooth." Pierce those "false teeth" into the lips of your Bonechewer Grunt, and pierce a large bone through the cheeks, so the "grin" resembles that of a toothed mouth clamping down on the bone on their banner, but that's just me.
Blackrock Clan: (Below picture)
These orcs here have iron weapons and armor, so theme their ware (it doesn't have to look perfect or smooth, due to orcish crudeness). Arm your grunt so his weapons and armor are dark and spiky and dangerous. Also, make him look grim, like this character.
Level 6
Jun 29, 2021
As always, good job! Are you by any chance planning to create Illidari and Highborn models? I found an Illidari archer model on the forum and I wondered if there would be more similar models?
Level 43
Oct 11, 2019
Level 4
Feb 13, 2022
A nice and very useful pack for those who want to create a map about the orc clans . Would it be nice if you could make models for grunts from Dragonmaw, Thunderlord and Shattered Hand clans.