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Grove of the Ancients V 1.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Current Verson: 1.1 Item drops fixed for dragons. Cages and conopy trees added.
Phyisical description: An Ashenvale forest thats plentifull with gold mines. Killing your oppenents is required if you want more space and lumber.
History:Long ago Cenarius used this place to create Ancients to do battle with the Burning Legion. Now you will be able to be on these forsaken lands...beware of the monstrosities that lurk....


Grove of the Ancients V 1.1 (Map)

14:35, 4th Jul 2009, by Rui: Unequal building room and starting locations. Creeps attack you early game while you're building. 1/5 (Unacceptable) rating and Rejected status. Here's my review.




14:35, 4th Jul 2009, by Rui:
Unequal building room and starting locations. Creeps attack you early game while you're building. 1/5 (Unacceptable) rating and Rejected status. Here's my [self=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/grove-of-the-ancients-v-1-1-a-132789/#post1200803]review[/self].
Level 31
May 3, 2008
The description is unorganize and still at the same phase, the item drop was too inbalance as creep level 2 could have chances to drop level 8 item, green dragon roost could drop item? (What's the point of setting it to drop item?) and the destructible/doodad type usage could be far better.

Fix the item drop and description. Once you did this, the map should be 3/5 (Useful).

2/5 (Lacking) at this moment.
Last edited:
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Vote for Aproval!

Barathrum's Review (Mini Moderator)

+ The map has a name, author, has a description, is in the right category
+ Terrain is ok
+ The map also has enough gold mines (all players can build a second base)
+ Includes neutral buildings.
+ The drops are ok.
- There is VERY low space to build bases

The map is good, the only problem is as i said already that there is low space to build a base. That would make a reason that you can't even play the map normaly (i tested it and when i was building my base i ran out of space, and a thunder lizard attacked me, so this is a big -

Vote for aproval
Rating: 3/5




Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rui's review for ipwnnn00bs4life's melee map, "Grove of the Ancients"

Very bad melee map.

First, the creeps attack the players when they're building, and I'll mention right away that the drops are bad, as well as the camps themselves (creep choice). Building room is not equal for everyone.
Neutral buildings. A hired Thunder Lizard will be trapped at the Mercenary Camp. You placed a Goblin Merchant on top and a Mercenary Camp on the bottom and this is not always fair because the teams will not always occupy just the left spots or just the right ones.

1/5 (Unacceptable) and a vote for [highlight]Rejection[/code].