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Grim Batol

Grim Batol

Map Info:

An ancient dwarven city, hidden inside a mountain. It have long been abandoned, and evil creatures have taken up residence inside it's halls. It could be a powerful stronghold for any faction that could clean it out.

  • Inside a Dwarf Mountain, limited air mobility. With that a backcavern into enemy base.
  • Destructable Gate to allow a shorter path through middle.
  • 4 Gold Mines - 13000 Main, 8000 Expansions
  • 6 Green Creep Camps
  • 10 Orange Creep Camps
  • 1 Red Creep Camps
  • 2 Goblin Merchants
  • 2 Mercenary Camps
  • 1 Fountain of Health
  • 1 Fountain of Mana
  • 1 Tavern




Author Notes:
I love to do crazy themes, and here is another! This time it's inside an abandoned dwarf mountain. I intially tried to create an ironforge like city, but it proved abit difficult to get the perfect tiles, so i settled for Grim Batol instead. While not an excact replica, it is heavily inspired by the map you can see in screenshots above. The map itself may not be competetive worthy, but i've tried my best to make it as balanced as possible. The limited paths to manuver along with limited air space makes it a bit difficult though. Never the less i managed to get a good layout, that should still be balanced enough and have tons of fun!

Dwarf, mountain, city, dungeon, underground, tileset, filmting, crazeh, bonestorm, melee, 1v1, competetive, super fun time, more bonestorm

Grim Batol (Map)

20:42, 11th Nov 2014 StoPCampinGn00b: Map approved, I've opened the map and I've checked off all the map submission rules that apply to melee maps. NOTE: I have given no rating nor review to melee maps with user ratings and/or feedback today so I...




20:42, 11th Nov 2014
StoPCampinGn00b: Map approved, I've opened the map and I've checked off all the map submission rules that apply to melee maps.

NOTE: I have given no rating nor review to melee maps with user ratings and/or feedback today so I have time to get the other maps that require more inspection. If you desire a review, feel free to ask; you may catch me unbusy.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Oh, not bad. It needs more tile variation in a few locations, but overall, it's good :)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
A good and bad melee map in the same moment. Here is why I think it's bad:-

- What I noticed immediately from the screenshot and by having a quick look at the map is that it lacks of tile variation. The central part is mostly made of Black Marble and there are almost no signs of White Marble (except at the Ogres). Then, there aren't enough doodads to enhance the theme
- Some creeps do not fit this kind of theme. I would never imagine an ogre or a dragonspawn to be inside a dungeon-like mountain (that's why they are not in the Dungeon neutral creeps)
- The two fountains at the bottom are too unbalanced. One fountain is approriate, but two (one of health and one of mana) would create real unbalance. I can go and restore completely health and mana to my units. Not good
- The bridge at the bottom is too restricted! It's a too tiny area to pass or to fight in
- Computers cannot destroy gates and this gives me a super-advantage. They cannot have a quick access outside their base and cannot ambush mine as simply as I would ambush their
- Item drops aren't perfect. I found out that the faceless ones at the fountains drop two power-ups which is wrong. One power-up would be enough but it would be unfitting. Most tend to heal, resurrect or restore mana but those are totally useless beside two fountains which already heal, restore mana and grant my army greater vitality. Not only this, a level 6 creep cannot be dropping a level 1 item. It's too underpowered for such a creep

- More tile variation. Put more White Marble in places like the fountains and the tavern plus some Dungeon Square Tiles (Gray) on all that Dalaran Ruin Square Tiles (Purplish). More dungeon doodads like skull piles, remains scorched, skull on sticks, cage trashed, head on spear etc...
- The closed gates should be open by setting their HP to 0 as you did with the secondary ones
- Replace the ogres with Revenants, they suit more the theme. And for the dragonspawn, you can replace it with a Salamander, it's also level 5
- Only one fountain can remain at the bottom. Either the mana or health one, not both
- Fix the item drops. No power-up items drop right there and no level 1 items. Something like a random level 3 charged/permanent item seems good

Overall the map needs some more improvements. For me, it gets 2.5/5, a rating of 3 and I will AWAIT UPDATE!
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
@Shadow Fury

"I would never imagine an ogre or a dragonspawn to be inside a dungeon-like mountain (that's why they are not in the Dungeon neutral creeps)"

actually the orges of burning blade clan destroyed grim batol in warcraft 2
and there are dragon whelps and raptors near grim batol pre cataclysm

so i think is accurate, you have to consider that this is a dungeon near wetlands, so dungeon creeps wont fit.

i am agree with the other stuff

Oh ok didn't know about that. About Warcraft 2 I have 0 knowledge.
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
I am no fan of 1way entrance to the goldmines
I find the elevated fountains area is too easy to turtle, but considering the difficulty of the creepcamp (mainly because of the limited ramp witdth), feels balanced
Rest looks fine to me
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
So you based a map on the Catacyslm dungeon?
I enjoyed that dungeon when I got to it, and still it would be nice if other people actually made the other dungeons into maps.
Level 2
Oct 9, 2014
Nice little map, appreciate that the gold mine isn't too easy to get, for me two mercenary camps are too much on a small map like this one.

The fountain location isn't too OP (disregarding creeps which I like) as it's not close to your base/expo meaning if either of those get attacked you have to walk/tele there.
Last edited:
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
The 'backdoor' cavern has too narrow chokepoints, its seems very easy to air-blockade your opponent.
'Super-fountain'-duo like the one you just put down are generally considered an very bad idea.
You may want to install a 'no-fly zone' over the huge lavapit in the middle, keep in mind that ( mass of deepwater = possible unretaliated air attack/harass ), inspecially in such a central location. Could be in the form of applying damage over time to any flyer within the area because excessive heat, etc.
Level 5
Jun 13, 2015
The terrain in the central part of map looks quite empty(correct word?) but it definitely looks good. Nice map overall.
Level 6
Feb 7, 2004
Guess where I spent my years after classic WC3? Cough WoW... :)
I do like this map, but considering playability it would need either 2x more gold mines or increased amount of gold. And I wouldn't mind more creeps. Good effort!