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Gridwar project

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Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
Gridwar project

This game is a tactical board game
Each player have to move one of his units on a 9x9 board at his turn in order to kill the opponent's hero; but in this game, more than basic moves, units can also perform some special moves like using abilities to disturb the opponent. Units have to deal with their life points and mana points which regenerate one by one each turn.
(LP = life points, AP = attack points, RP = regen points, MP = mana points)

basic commands replacement:
(smart) : move/attack/regen depending on the target tile
(move) : Move - move to target free tile
(attack) : Attack - attack target enemy unit
(patrol) : Regen - regen target friendly unit
(stop) : forbidden replacement
(holdpos) : Help - display unit's enabled moves

If the target tile is free, then the current unit just move to it.
Else, the current unit attack or regen the target unit, depending on its owner.
Anyway, if the target unit is still alive after the move, the current unit stop one tile before.
Else it move to the target tile.

This is the 8 unit's types you can control in this game:

the Pawn (10LP, 10AP, 5RP)
the pawn is weak, except the hero, it's the only unit which can't move more than one tile; but this unit is able to become a warrior or a sorcerer if it kill an other unit.
movements : the pawn can move one tile in any direction
upgrade : each pawn acquire the ability to be promoted into a warrior or a sorcerer when it kill an unit
(upgrading do not count as a move)

the Warrior (20LP, 20AP, 10RP & 10MP)
this unit is a basic one, its straight move allow it to cover a small area.
movements : the warrior can move two tiles in a straight direction
ability Berserk (5MP) : the warrior can loose 10LP to move any number of tiles in a straight direction (actually for any kind of move)

the Sorcerer (20LP, 20AP, 10RP & 20MP)
this unit is a basic one, its diagonal move allow it to pierce the ennemy defenses.
movements : the sorcerer can move two tiles in a diagonal direction
ability Teleport (10MP) : the sorcerer can move to any free tile in a two tiles range

the Tank (40LP, 40AP, 10RP)
this unit has a light but flexible move, with its explosive feature this unit is usefull to protect the other ones.
movements : the tank can move three tiles in any direction
feature : the tank explode on death, dealing the attacking unit as many AP as its remaining LP

the Knight (40LP, 40AP, 20RP & 30MP)
this powerful unit has an unlimited straight move making it a good conqueror and its diagonal move help him to be little more flexible, ...
movements : the knight can move any number of tiles in a straight direction, the knight can also move one tile in a diagonal direction
ability Long range shoot (10MP) : deal 20 AP to the target without moving
ability Lightning spell (20MP) : the knight can deal 20 AP to every unit on a straight line under a choosen distance, but it deal itself 10 AP for each unit damaged

the Mage (60LP, 60AP, 30RP & 30MP)
this unit is the most powerfull of the game, its diagonal unlimited move allow him to pierce solid defenses and its straight move allow it to alter its attack angle. its special ability is awesome, but you loose your better unit by using it, so use it cleverly.
movements : the mage can move any number of tiles in a diagonal direction, the mage can also move one tile in a straight direction
ability Long range shoot (10MP) : deal 30 AP to the target without moving
ability Flamestrike spell (20MP) : the mage can deal every nearby unit 60AP (including itself)

the Hero (20LP, 20AP, 10RP & 10MP for each level)
the hero begin as a weak unit which need to flee fights, but if you can kill units with it, it become stronger by learning tactical abilities which make it very dangerous.
movements : the hero can move to any nearby tile
special : the hero perform a level up each time it kill an unit
skills : (the hero's maximum level is 5)
- Holy Fire (10MP) = the hero can deal a nearby unit level*10AP
- Holy Water (10MP) = the hero can give a nearby unit a 50% shield until it move (in fact, the shiel regen 10LP/turn for now)
- Holy Wind (10MP) = the hero can switch its position with a nearby unit
- Holy Guard (10MP) = the hero can summon a golem in a nearby free tile
(learning a skill do not count as a move)

Golem (5LP)
this unit can be summoned by the hero for protection, it cannot move but it can dissipate.
the model could be the same for both players, maybe an earth golem
ability : the golem can dissipate itself (count as a move)
(option : the life points of the golem could be based on the level of the Hero)

Each player start with 15 units:
4 pawns, 3 warriors, 2 wizzard, 2 tank, 2 knight, 1 mage and its hero
here are the starting positions:

Map versions :
0.1 : the classical system where each attack kill the target
0.2 : the life points system where an attack can let the target alive
0.3 : the move/attack/heal system where you can also heal your units
0.5 : the move/attack/heal system + pawn, warrior, sorcerer and tank's abilities
0.8 : the move/attack/heal system + all abilities (hero's aren't final)


  • (2)Y-Gridwar0.1x.w3x
    82.8 KB · Views: 121
  • (2)Y-Gridwar0.2x.w3x
    83 KB · Views: 154
  • (2)Y-Gridwar0.3x.w3x
    81.5 KB · Views: 97
  • (2)Y-Gridwar0.5x.w3x
    84.4 KB · Views: 102
  • (2)Y-Gridwar0.8x.w3x
    95.3 KB · Views: 166
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Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
the initial set up is displayed on the last picture
View attachment 14883
2 units can't stand in the same square

LP and MP:
each turn, each of your units gain 1LP and 1MP
MP are simply used to use some unit's abilities
and if each unit can kill any target with a basic move
LP are used by these abilities which can kill an unit more slowly

some samples :
if a warrior chain to berserk move in less than 10 turns, it could die
by taking the tank, each unit die, except a mage or a hero lvl 3 or upper
the mage and knight can kill a warrior in one shoot, but they need two shoots to kill a tank

To replace the patrol command, i'm now thinking about a full life and mana transfert : the target add the caster LP and MP to its owns, and the caster die, count as a move. (but what can i do when the hero "patrol"...?)

now here are some questions:
1) what do you think about the life points feature?
2) what do you think about this patrol replacement?
3) what do you about giving the following ability to the warrior :
"Berserk (5MP) : the warrior loose 10 LP to move any number of tiles in a straight direction"
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Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
An other idea requiring your opinion:
4) what about making units dealing damages in basic moves instead of always killing its target?
So with a pawn dealing 10DP and a knight dealing 50DP, you could maybe kill a mage directly with a knight but not with a pawn... (but in this case, what i should do when the unit doesn't kill its target? making it go back to its previous position?)
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
3 versions of the basic map uploaded (look at the end of the first topic)
try them all and tell me what is right, what is wrong, what is better...
do you prefer direct kills or life points? should i use the heal command or not?
don't hesitate, i love feedbacks
have fun
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
i'll work from the move/attack/heal system (that's easy to comeback from it)

first, i need a good name for the heal command (heal isn't possible)
i want something which have the meaning "give life points", and something which sounds basic (like "move" and "attack") and not magical (even tanks use it)
PS: i'll use the armor value to display the heal value (which will be equal to the half of each unit life, except for the tank which heal the quarter of its life)

for the hero last skill, of course the heal is now useless
i've think about a buff : as long as the target unit don't move, it reduce 50% of the damage it take.

i think the hero's skill's background could be the "holyness"
holy fire, holy shield, holy guardian and holy... switch... erf no, i'll found something better than "switch"
for the summon, i will have to found an "holy" model (no import of course)
the earth golem won't match

all feedbacks and advice are still wellcome ^^
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
All commands button will have its description in its tooltip (like "Attack : go hit the target unit, take it tile if it die, take the second last tile of the move otherwise")
All units will have a passive ability "rules" which will describe the unit moves and abilities (like "Pawn : the pawn is the weakest unit bla bla bla; Moves : the pawn can move one tile bla bla bla; Upgrade : the pawn gain the ability to promote itself bla bla bla")
I actually don't had decided where i will write the common rules (like "to win the game, you've to kill the opponent's hero")

i'll probably add "comment text" option
if a player active it, he will have instruction like "it you turn to play now, select the unit you want to move" and "choose where you want the selected unit to go" etc etc...
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
a little update, there was a mistake in the victory/defeat condition ^^'

i still need advice about the heal command : which name, and which fx?

i've also to find great fx for the unit's attack
pawn : none
warrior : none or not? maybe a little spark could be great, the same for both race or not?
sorcerer : no idea, something witch is not too spectacular
tank : that's ok, the destroyer keep its own, the siege engine take the mortar's
knight : something big, the same one for both race or not?
mage : something big, the same one for both race or not?
hero : actually a big explosion... should maybe be different for each race...?
Level 13
Feb 28, 2007
I've been juggling around the idea of making a Warcraft III version of HoMM...

Anyway, this is an interesting game you have here, YoshiRyu.
For the attack FX, I suggest that you use the far seer missile death for the sorcerer. The warrior and knight could have a custom "slashing" sprite, basically a basic animated texture on a single particle. The knight's one would also ideally have a nice flash and some extra blood. The mage's should just be a big-bad-mean version of whatever you give to the sorcerer. The hero should have something nice, big, and glowing.
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
I have to deal with original FX
WC3 have hundreds of them, it should be enough

for the sorcerer, i could use the priest missile for the human(elf) one and the sorceress missile for the orc(troll) one (respectively a blue and a red energy bird)
for the warrior, i wan't to add something in order to make its attack look "greater" than the pawn's
(i make the unit attacks and abilities unit by unit in the same order than the list in the first post so these one are the first one to find)

conceptual things to do in order :
- find a name for the heal command
- find a missile effect and a target effect for the heal action
- find two icons for the pawn promotion (which must work for both race)
- find 1 or 2 missile FX for the warrior
- find a better ability for the warrior (and so its icon and FX) (?)
- find 1 or 2 missile FX for the sorcerer
- find icon and FX for the sorcerer teleport (maybe blink for the FX)
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
v0.5 is out
i've made the four fist units abilities

any comment about their rules are welcome
any advice about any design point is more than welcome

(and my english is tired :p)

- find a name for the heal command
- find a missile effect and a target effect for the heal action > done
- find two icons for the pawn promotion (which must work for both race) > done
- find 1 or 2 missile FX for the warrior
- find a better ability for the warrior (and so its icon and FX) (?) > to test
- find 1 or 2 missile FX for the sorcerer
- find icon and FX for the sorcerer teleport (maybe blink for the FX)
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
little update of my todo list :

- find a name for the heal command, i really need your help for that
- find a permanent fx to recognize the upgradable pawns
- find a great icon and maybe a FX for the warrior's berserker move
- think about the allowed use : move or not? attack or not? heal or not?
- find icon and FX for the sorcerer teleport
- find a common icon for the knight and mage shoot ability
- find FX for both knight and mage's shoot and attack

I think a will give the knight a kind of chain lightning working approximatively this way :
in a straight line, as long as there is opponent's units, the lightning continue, it deal them 20AP but for each unit damaged, it also deal the knight 10AP
(i still don't know if it go over free tiles or not, if it also damage friendly unit or not, if the player can choose the final tile or only the direction)

I'm also still searching which model i will use for the holy guard summonable by the king (it could be the same model for both player or not, i'm not fixed, but if it's the same model, it have to be "team colorable")

last point : do you think i should still use "it" when i talk about the units, or should i use "he" instead?

*back to work*
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
hello everybody, i'm back !

and i'm comming back with the 0.8 version of my map (2)Y-Gridwar0.8x.w3x

the game is now complete but
- some features need to be tested and maybe redone
- many graphical elements (icon/fx/model) need to be ameliorated
- some texts need to be written

here are the elements i could or should work on again

general :
- Regen's name should be changed
pawn :
- a "promotable" buff could be added
- the promotion's fx could be changed
warrior :
- attack's fx should be changed
- berserk's feature could be changed
- berserk's icon should be changed
- a berserk's buff could be added
sorcerer :
- mystic's icon should be changed
- mystic's fx should be changed
tank :
- explosive's icon could be changed
- an explosion's fx could be added
knight :
- shoot's icon should be changed
- shoot's model could be changed
- lightning's feature could be changed
- lightning's icon should be changed
- lightning's fx could be changed
mage :
- shoot's icon should be changed
- shoot's model could be changed
- flamestrike's feature could be changed
- flamestrike's icon should be changed
- flamestrike's fx could be changed
hero :
- "level up" fx could be changed
- an icon for the passive skill "he's a hero" must be found
- holy fire's fx could be changed
- holy water's feature could be changed
- holy water's icon could be changed
- holy water's fx could be changed
- holy wind's feature could be changed
- holy wind's icon could be changed
- holy wind's fx could be changed
- holy guard's feature could be changed
- holy guard's icon could be changed
- holy guard's model could be changed
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