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graphic artist, will work for rep!!

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Level 13
May 11, 2005
ok, title is a joke, no rep required tough it would be apreciated.

i'm proposing to do some images, to be used as avatars for the forum, map images, project logos, etc. i work mainly with characters, but i can make some scenaries, etc. will acept 3 requests at a time, or less if i think some are more demanding.
i reserve the right to reject a request for the following reasons:
not liking the theme,
not being able to do it,
not being anime or anime based or anime themed,
for personal antipathy for the person requesting.

also, if the image is for a project of yours, i want to see it's process, if your project is still alpha stage you will only get a half assed sketch, to be improved later as your project nears completion, if your project is almost finished you will get a finished image. i'd apreciate being credited as the creator of the image if you use it

ok, you can start requesting now, gonna organize a gallery showing off some of my works, will post later

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Can you show some of your previous work for an example so we know if you're up to our tasks?
Level 13
May 11, 2005
yup, i was waiting for that question, in a few minutes, gonna eat now

EDIT: back, i'm not that experienced with digital art,but i'm a good artist with a pen or a pecil, a couple of months ago i got a mouse tablet, i've been getting the hang of it, these are some of my stuff, only the grunt guy is finished, took me a few hours today, the others are some sketches that are pretty and that guy with an arrow on his arm is one of my serious projects, don't hope that my results will be that good, often, unless your project really catches me

request today, quick, i don't know if i will have internet during the week, but i will have my laptop and will work on your requests


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Level 13
May 11, 2005
ok, this is a bump, so that you know i edited the last post, and cuz i'm in a hurry, got to wake up early tomorrow and i want something to do during the week

gonna check this by 22:00, (in half an hour from now) you'll hear from me then or only next week

hum...maybe i didn't impress anyone..meh, here goes some more stuff, see you next week




hehe! self portrait





most aren't even nearlly finished, but you get the idea
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Level 13
May 11, 2005
ok, i have internet after all

Maybe you could list some of themes you like/dislike to make things clearer for requesters.
well, i don't dislike many things, besides anime...and Harry Potter, well, try me

Meh, I could use a concept artist for my MPQ mod. If you want to, you're hired.
wow! you're really entusiastic about it!!! i'll do requests, i don't want to afilliate myself to any specific projects yet
Level 13
May 11, 2005
I like the elder elf. I may need your service, designing a character or two for my project (high res modeling purposes).

the elder elf? the first? it's an half-orc wizard...

look, just request something, allright? jeez!

be descriptive about what you want, i'll probably ask you to be more descriptive if you do. for characters: pose, apearence(hairstyle, expression, collors), clothing\armor and background.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2006
the elder elf? the first? it's an half-orc wizard...

look, just request something, allright? jeez!

be descriptive about what you want, i'll probably ask you to be more descriptive if you do. for characters: pose, apearence(hairstyle, expression, collors), clothing\armor and background.

Oh so that's why he looks so unique... Anyway, I don't think my project is advanced enough right now.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
Skin dio!
I saw that Orc you made and it was pretty nice
I wanna see some skins from you!

ok, i wont take skin requests, here, though, post your requests on the forum and if i want to i'll answer

Do you take Signature requests?

If so I would wish to request a Napoleonic themed one. Not with Napoleon in it. Like a battle from the era.


Ok, Im requesting a goblin sketch of a mechanical creatures, in either a pose where they are flying with the jetpack thrusters on the back of their foreleg or are about to attack someone with missiles, lasers, etc. I dont care about backgrounds or anything, just make it look crude but mechanical.

hum...not very experienced doing mechanical stuff, never tryed nothing goblinlike. besides what you're asking me is to make a concept, besides asking me for an image you're asking me for an idea...the whole thing about "being descriptive" was to avoid that situation. gonna think about it, but please, try to develop your idea and tell me exactlly what you want
hum...not very experienced doing mechanical stuff, never tryed nothing goblinlike. besides what you're asking me is to make a concept, besides asking me for an image you're asking me for an idea...the whole thing about "being descriptive" was to avoid that situation. gonna think about it, but please, try to develop your idea and tell me exactlly what you want

Ok, details. It should look somehwhat like a rabbit or mouse, with several gears on its leg joints. There are thrusters in the back of their paws, and rockets on their backs. As for the face they have a red eye with a white square crosshair.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
oh...i was gonna post this, but you posted first...ok, i'm going to work on that idea,but...here goes what i was going to post:
for the goblin contraption, i have an idea, "dwarf of Kaz'Troy", this giant mechanical dwarf was constructed by the goblins during the siege of kaz'troy, initially it was intended as an ill intentioned offer for the assumingly naive dwarves, but this genious infiltration plan would never be put to practice, because of the goblins' belicous temper, they couldn't resist arming him with the cutting edge in rocket science and balistics, and all they managed to create was this giant clumsy dwarf shaped good old tank...blows a lot of things up, and that's good enough

i'll show a pic later, can't get any that works

about napoleonic thingie:

i'm going more for a afterbattle scene, it's quite dramatic, is it ok with you or do you want me to work on a battle scene?


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Level 13
May 11, 2005

this rep thingie is addicting,*looks for more people to help or impress*

mine is the lamest in the market, cost me roughly 40 euro, and it's still a thousand times better than a mouse...you wont get used to it right away, but it wont take much time to get the hang of it, and once you do, youre gonna love it. though i first used it on a pc with 512 mb ram and pentium 4 processor, it lagged a bit, now i'm working on a 2 gb ram, 1.8GH core2duo processor and its really smooth (even with vista and tons of windows open)
Level 13
Dec 3, 2005
i'm going to bed now and probably wont touch on the computer tomorrow, if i get anything done...count on it on saturday, IF YOU'RE LUCKY

That's awesome. Thnx.

If you take signature requests,i'm looking for a kind of "Holy War" scene,
Dark, ominous clouds blocking the stars, with small rays of golden light shining down onto a bloodied battle field, impaled corpses scattered around, abandoned weaponry and a single soldier, holding his helmet beside him, just staring up into the skies.

Wow that sounds Epic!
Level 6
Aug 24, 2007
I'd like a 512x512 picture of gladiators running towards each other with dust being kicked up from a dirt ground. The lighting should be noon, and in the background should be the walls of an arena (like the Colosseum) and people on the walls cheering. (as if they were in stands) I would like it to be in color and have the look of an oil painting.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
sorry killlface andrevellion, but i already took the 3 requests i said i would take, so, until i complete one of the ones i'm workin on, i don't think i'll work on yours

your the next on the list, though, and i like the theme, so it shalll be sumthin good, about the oil painting thing, i'll try

(this post has been heavylly edited due to some articulation difficulties i was facing yesterday)
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Level 13
May 11, 2005
when i started this thread i had recently got a job, i would never guess that it would be so time consuming, i work 10 hours a day and spend almost 5 hours in transportation...i will, from now on, work on only one image at a time, inless it's an avatar, that i do in a few minutes

i'm having trouble with the landscape


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