Well here I will post a brief introduction of how to make this attachment use properly the TC ingame. WITH OUT ANY TRIGGERS
The first thing is to create an item ability that can display correctly the armour model. I assumed that you have already imported my TC breastplate model.
- Open object editor and go to abilities tab.
- Go to Neutral Hostile/Units and select ability "Life Regeneration Aura"
- Right click on selected ability and select create new custom ability (new name is not important, just remember it).
- Select the new created ability and go to field (Stat-Item Ability) check it, and now the field will say TRUE.
- Now clear all stats. For example set (Stat-Amount of hit points regenerated)=0
- In field (Stats-Targets Allowed) uncheck everything and check "Self)
- Now in field (Art-Target) select "Add model" now in the new window select "Import" and look for my breastplate model.
- Finally in field (Art-Target Attachment Point 1) click on it and click "Add String", then type "chest" and enter.
The next step is to add this ability to a item. Just do it normally like when you add abilities to any item, don't forget to add the items "normal" abilities like +2 defense or +50 life.
The great thing about using this method is that every time your unit acquire the item the shield will display, and when the unit drops or looses the item the shield model will also disapear without a single Trigger involved. Shield color will also change if the unit controller changes.
This is the way I used to make my shield team color work. You can use any other method of your choice, most likely it will be more efficient than mine.