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Gold by killing Creep

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Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
How can i make gold awarded by killing creep ?I made Creep spaw/respaw for players 5 and 10(they are controlled by Computer) and I made something like "Add 50(example) Gold For Owner of killer",but I want to make it like killing creeps in DotA...Random Gold Awarded and an effect.

And,BTW,I want make it appear that number of the amount of gold awarded,in yellow.(I'm really new with this World Editor)
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
You can enable the standard bounty drop for a player other than neutral hostile with trigger action Player - Turn Player Flag On/Off. Units will then drop according to their object editor data (Values - Granted Bounty - Base/Dices Amount/Sides per Dice, maybe it's named a bit other though, do not possess English language version). The bounty awarded will be base + dices amount * random number between 1 and sides per dice, rolling a new number for each dice. This means, that min value is base + dices amount and max value base + dices amount * sides per dice.
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
If you want to use floating texts:

Create floating text above dying unit
Disable permanence for FT
Set fade age of FT to 1 second
Set life time for FT to 2 seconds
Set velocity of FT to 80 towards 90 degrees

You can randomize the value by (arithmetic) x + (math - random number between y and z.)
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