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Goddess of War

Long time since I uploaded a model.
This model is an total remake of this model. And it has much more. It has two sets of animations, the normals for two one-handed swords (demoness) and the ones for the two-hand sword (blademaster). I worked my ass of to get all the animations and geosets right.

Also, special thanks to Frankster, as his Bloodelf-Swordsmaster model inspired and helped me how I could do the morph animations.

Note: In the screenshots I blended out the teamglow for beautyness ^^. It has teamglow.

Update: Added a helmet to the model so it looks somewhat more special. Too lazy to make a screenshot though.

Update: Added some fancy shoulderplates and some other little tweaks.

Fel, Orc, Demon, Demoness, Without, wings, lord, swordsmaster, swords, two, handed, one, handed, blademaster, blademistress, female, Fan, blade, storm

Goddess of War (Model)

Goddess of War (Model)

Frankster : Improvements to the model has been applied. Works in-game and performs well. Approved. Good job.




Moderation: 9:18, Tuesday 5th June 2012
Frankster :
Improvements to the model has been applied.
Works in-game and performs well.
Approved. Good job.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2009
This is really great but, the texture you used for the team colored parts doesn't seem to match. 5/5 though, maybe a different texture would look better.
Edit: Also I agree with spa evils, I think she should have more armor.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
great job! It would be even better if she had armor but still awesome model!

Well, as she is a "Goddess", she doesn't need armor that much. Also, just because that that she is a Goddess, I didn't add her more armor, because, looking sexy and being mega awsome and strong, strenghes the feeling of a real "Goddess" :p Thank you anyway.


This is really great but, the texture you used for the team colored parts doesn't seem to match. 5/5 though, maybe a different texture would look better.
Edit: Also I agree with spa evils, I think she should have more armor.

Ehm, what do you mean with that? All the parts which are teamcoloured are using the same texture ^^
Thanks anyway too.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2009
Well, as she is a "Goddess", she doesn't need armor that much. Also, just because that that she is a Goddess, I didn't add her more armor, because, looking sexy and being mega awsome and strong, strenghes the feeling of a real "Goddess" :p Thank you anyway.


Ehm, what do you mean with that? All the parts which are teamcoloured are using the same texture ^^
Thanks anyway too.

I mean it, to me, does not match her in general perhaps if there was more of the armor or something it would blend better. I didn't mean the team colored parts don't match each other.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
I think this might look better as the blue succubus. =p (Cuz the armor is teal)

Well, it would look very weird than, as the upper body wouldbe covered in black latex cloth then :p Thanks though.

I mean it, to me, does not match her in general perhaps if there was more of the armor or something it would blend better. I didn't mean the team colored parts don't match each other.

Oh, okay. I'm going to let it as it is though. ;)
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Looking good, specialy the swords. +rep :D

Thank you. :)

EPIC! :D 5/5 I like the Two-Handed-Sword is as best!

Thank you: :)

Is this model inspired by Frankster model Fel Orc Blackhand? I like it though, Fan.

It's base was made when I didn't know about that model, I just realised that it looks similar when I uploaded it. Thank you though :)

Looks great, 5/5!

Thank you.

last time i checked woman dont like carring swords and running into battle beacause they are afried of braking a nail. and they cant pick up there weight thes days.

anywhy cool model 5/5.

That's why she is a goddess :p Thanks.

this is AWESOME

Thankies :3

This is awesome!

Thank you :)

oddly enough out during the techtree contest

nicely done model, will make a very interesting hero i do believe

Thank you :D
Level 7
May 15, 2009
Could you please remove the Categories of Orc, Human, Troll, Murloc/Murgul, and Nerubian from this model? Its a demon clearly.

Undead and Blood Elf is ok since they side with Demons, and ofc Creep, Diablo and Demon are fitting. But I think the others should go:(
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Could you please remove the Categories of Orc, Human, Troll, Murloc/Murgul, and Nerubian from this model? Its a demon clearly.

Undead and Blood Elf is ok since they side with Demons, and ofc Creep, Diablo and Demon are fitting. But I think the others should go:(

She is a goddess, and a goddess of war fits nearly every one of that races. I'll guees i remove murloc and nerubian though, thank you.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2008
- Hm, you waste a lot poly when make her head and cover it with a big helmet, so all you can see ingame is that helmet, beside you got a portrait model so no need for a detail head in normal model.
- That helmet look too big without body armor, like her neck 'll break if she wear that thing on battlefield.
- You can add body armor or make the helmet smaller, or you can make some sexiness for godness by remove that helmet,
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Thank ya :)

- Hm, you waste a lot poly when make her head and cover it with a big helmet, so all you can see ingame is that helmet, beside you got a portrait model so no need for a detail head in normal model.
- That helmet look too big without body armor, like her neck 'll break if she wear that thing on battlefield.
- You can add body armor or make the helmet smaller, or you can make some sexiness for godness by remove that helmet,

- I saved as much polies as i could by removing the whole hair. And there IS a neeed for a detailed ingame model, for an cinematic for example.
-that was the porpuse, to make her somehow freaky. Ans beside, we are in a fantasy world.
-on porpuse too, I wanted to keep her sexy chest at least, so I made a helmet that it fits the need of the moderator.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2008
Thank ya :)
- I saved as much polies as i could by removing the whole hair. And there IS a neeed for a detailed ingame model, for an cinematic for example.
-that was the porpuse, to make her somehow freaky. Ans beside, we are in a fantasy world.
-on porpuse too, I wanted to keep her sexy chest at least, so I made a helmet that it fits the need of the moderator.
- About polies problem even in Cinematic, you can make only her eye and mouth to fill up that helmet, no need for that much polies.
- Keep breats for sexy but put helmet for freaky, there things some how conflict each other. Beside, i understand that you must follow mod's desire, or you'll be throw away.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
- About polies problem even in Cinematic, you can make only her eye and mouth to fill up that helmet, no need for that much polies.
- Keep breats for sexy but put helmet for freaky, there things some how conflict each other. Beside, i understand that you must follow mod's desire, or you'll be throw away.

I don't understand what you're trying to say ^^ I'll keep it like that as I like it and that's it ^^

They don't conflict at all. I think it fits pretty well actually.
Level 19
May 6, 2007
After a while i Come to see this model =p
The model is cool but can have more detail, you see, all women seen to use less armor than its needed, somehow I can picture it as if she was a man she wold be with the chest nude, so meh.

I dont liked the infernal cannon texture as armor, but thats more a personnal taste I think, I only like this on machines.
THe animations are really fiting, specially the one handed.
I will give for now 4/5, Will see if will develop more. Oh lazyness...
Level 4
Aug 23, 2009
Oh... my.... GOD! 5/5!

*Adding to collection* dadadad... just openin' a path for ye'....
K:\Games\---Blizzard---\Warcraft III\Models\hiveworkshop.com\Models\Units\GoddesOfWar
dadadada.... and there you'll be safe =)